Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

Trentus Magnus Punches Reality Episode 67- Big Book Report- Death (with Chris Honeywell)



In this latest ball-haunting episode, Magnus is once again joined by Two True Freaks co-host and former crime scene investigator Chris Honeywell for another entry in the Big Book Report series. This time around, His Excellency Magnus and his humble vassal Honeywell plum the depths the Big Book of Death, which itself attempts to plum the depths of every conceivable way to check out, go to that big LCS in the sky, swim the fishes, become worm food, buy the farm, reach one's expiration date and, most of all, shuffle off this mortal coil. Seriously, people, *GOTH CHICKS* probably don't talk as much about death as Magnus and his loyal sidekick Honeywell do in this show. And as ever, there are tangents aplenty. Politics, religion, sexual preference, the Great Pumpkins, Fight Club, virtually *EVERYTHING* you don't talk about with people gets talked about by these insensitive reactionaries. Because of this show's amazing splendidness, there isn't time for any of you lowly nobodies to kiss His Excellency's ring in the