Ever Vigilant

020: Ready or Not



In this episode I speak about preparedness, not as a list of things to buy or a check list, but an over arching mind set and way of life. Prepare is one of the three pillars of PDL., I believe that our goal should always be to be as prepared as possible for whatever comes our way that is out of the normal routine. Whether that is a vacation, an interview, a test, or an emergency the approach should be the same. We prepare not because of fear, but in an effort to fight fear and stress both for ourselves and our families. We fight fear though planning, knowledge, and provisions. My approach to preparedness is big but very simple, in this episode I attempt to paint a picture of this concept. I touch on Why, Family, Obstacles, Basics, and Getting Started. This episode went much longer than I had expected so in the next episode I will continue to broaden my vision of preparedness. Please Subscribe, Review, and Share PrepareDefendLead.com Coffee and T-Shirts to Support the Show Use code PDL10 to save 10% off you