Talk, Tales And Trivia

We Suspected That's What "They" Were Doing - Vindication



Depopulation, Anyone? IMPORTANT EPISODE! "They" are not nice people. It's true. It's upsetting. It's disgusting. Do you mean to tell me everything I've seen in the past 50+ years has been a lie? Yes.   Through some very dedicated and key people, we all have discovered the true agenda 2030. And I'm sure my Truth Detective listeners won't be surprised. How will it end? Are you sure you want to know? Links in this episode (more to come): Kamala Harris Gaffe!  Malthus Theory of Population | Learn Economics on Ecoholics - Thomas Malthus on Population - BMJ website - Thomas Malthus (1766–1834): population growth and birth control - Kissinger Report 200 - UNITED NATIONS POPULATION INFORMATION NETWORK (POPIN) -