Talk, Tales And Trivia

Evil Is At Your Doorstep - Don't Let It In - Listen NOW!



This episode picks up where the last one left off. I am talking about the World Economic Forum and "The Great Reset". What a concept.  What do you get when you put a whole bunch of unelected elites, unelected bureaucrats, and high-end globalists in one place? Mayhem, chaos, destruction, and pure evil.  In this episode, I continue talking about the World Economic Forum and its baby, "The Great Reset". What is that, you ask? Well, it's not good... a matter of fact it's pretty bad and unfortunately, we will have to listen to those that are not in government that is making the rules for us to live by. Inflation, food shortages, skyrocketing gas prices, farmers losing their land, the southern border being out of control with migrants, unbelievably taking away our first amendment rights, economic troubles, high unemployment, critical race theory being taught in schools, transgender mutilation of minors, and more are at stake. The far-left administration, including Biden, is going down a terrible path leading mostly