Women With Balls...in The Air With Casey Destefano



Listen. Learn. Love thyself. Never fear your future again.If you are an entrepreneur, solopreneur mompreneur or working woman, you can have a successful career & abundant family life without pulling your hair out. Women with Ballsin the Air, delivers incredibly awesome guidance on how the hell to get back to yourself! Join, entrepreneur, certified instructor and mother, Casey DeStefano as she shares her experiences with Matt Damon, Martin Scorsese, Martin Sheen, John Lee Dumas, Kate Erickson along with her own thought provoking insights & bonus interviews from todays most prominent matriarchs. Without adding one minute to your busy schedule, you will learn how to do what you love and get paid for it.


  • #30 5 Tips to Relieve Your Holiday Stress

    18/10/2016 Duration: 14min

    One of the most stressful times of the year for many women out there are the holidays. We spend lots of time, money and effort trying to please everyone at every turn, that sometimes we forget what the holidays are really all about.    I see so many women freak out around this time of year, just like I used to. And each year we say, “It's going to be different next year...I'm not traveling 10 hours to Aunt Patty's house! We are going out to dinner!" Have you ever sounded like this?    Wouldn't it be great for the holidays to be fun, relaxing, meaningful and guilt-free? In today's episode, I share with you, "5 Quick Tips to Relieve Your Holiday Stress." Please check it out. It could make this years' holidays a blast!   What we talked about:   How to treat your holiday season like a business. Knowing your holiday objectives before they start. Planning ahead and scheduling. Understanding the importance of saying "No." Not Feeling Guilty.   If you haven’t already done so, check out this podcast episode on "5 Tips

  • #29 Practicing Grace with Kerrie Woodhouse

    11/10/2016 Duration: 33min

    Well, Hello Sister. Thank you for visiting the show notes page. Today's podcast is light and enjoyable while having a certain air of poignancy to life in it. Author/artist Kerrie Woodhouse has a new book,"Finding Grace, the Path to Acceptance."  Kerrie used to be an auditor, a group accountant, and then a university lecturer. Until finally, after having children, she threw up her hands and became an artist... and a really talented one at that. But Kerrie says that her most favorite job is being a mum to her 9 year old twins. She get's real with us and shares the story of her inspiration behind the book, which is a truly heart-felt story about a good friend.     If you haven’t already done so, check out this podcast episode on "Practicing Grace", and receive compassionate advice and actionable tips on how to make your Life a better place to be!  

  • #28 5 Quick Tips on How to Boost Your on Camera Confidence

    04/10/2016 Duration: 19min

    On today's episode, I give you 5 tips to boost your on camera confidence.  Whether it's in taking family videos or promoting your business or even seeking out employment, these tips will hands down make you feel uber confident once you hit that record button. And I know this because I have been partaking in this little experiment on myself to boost my on camera confidence and it has really worked!! I've worked behind the scenes in TV for the past 20 years, I never wanted to be in front of the camera, until now because I understand the importance of what video marketing can do for my business. Video is  big  when it comes to personal branding — just look at the success and popularity of apps like Vine and now Instagram video, FB live...it's endless. But beyond just trying to become the next YouTube sensation, people have transformed video into a great platform for job searches too. Video résumés have become a way to grab the attention of potential employers, and video calls via Skype have become the norm for l

  • #27 Your Financial Fitness with Shannon McLay

    27/09/2016 Duration: 39min

    Today we talk with Shannon McLay who is a financial planner who left a “traditional” financial services firm to start her own company, The Financial Gym. Shannon left corporate because she felt traditional financial services firms did not have the tools or resources to help women who are serious about being financially independent. Through her blog, Financially Blonde, her book, Train Your Way To Financial Fitness, her podcast, Martinis and Your Money, Shannon is committed to making financial fitness fun, easy and accessible for everyone. AND she is doing all this with a 10 year old son in tow. Please check out the show with, Shannon McLay. Here's what we talked about: Knowing what your self-worth really is. Women's biggest downfall is that they spend emotionally. Paying your self a salary comes first. The importance of your kids seeing you work. 
 If you haven’t already done so, check out this podcast episode with Shannon McLay, as she gives you compassionate advice and actionable tips on how to make your bu

  • #26 Self Promotion & Client Care with Christy Haussler

    20/09/2016 Duration: 34min

    Meet the talk of the podcasting world...Christy Haussler. After spending 25 years managing customer relations for Fortune 500 companies, Christy decided to do the unthinkable.....walk away from the great paying corporate job with incredible benefits, and move to an island! After relocating from South Carolina to Key West, Christy spent the next year honing her podcasting skills with her own podcast about local business. She accidentally stumbled into full-time entrepreneurship, when she couldn't find the company she wanted to hire for her own podcast. She decided to create the solution for herself, and then her company, Team Podcast was born. Within a year, the company hit six figures in revenue and Christy now has 8 team members working with her to produce over 200 podcast episodes each month. She is crazy good. Please welcome to the show Christy Haussler of Team Podcast. Here's what we talked about: 1. Why you shouldn’t jump on the bandwagon and start your own Facebook group 2. How great customer service c

  • #25 Is Your Business Worth Saving with Author Stacy Tuschl

    30/08/2016 Duration: 34min

    Stacy Tuschl is an entrepreneur and business performance strategist. She started her first business in her parents’ backyard at the age of 18 and turned that company into a seven-figure business. She is the author of the book “Is Your Business Worth Saving?” where she reveals proven strategies for pulling entrepreneurs out of a rut, and launching them toward business success. She also hosts the top rated podcast “Business Rescue Road Map.” Stacy’s driving forces and passions are her husband, Kent, and her two beautiful daughters, Tanner and Teagan. She has been crushing it in her coaching biz for a long time now, and keeping all those balls up in the air... so please welcome Stacy Tuschl to our show. Here's what we talked about: Starting an online business on a budget. How to tame your to-do list and focus on today’s biggest priorities Delegating/Outsourcing - Switching from solopreneur to building a team. 
 If you haven’t already done so, check out this podcast episode with Stacy Tuschl, as she gives you co

  • #24 The Importance of Home Movies

    23/08/2016 Duration: 11min

    #24 Put Yourself in front of the camera for your children's sake. Listen. Learn. Love thyself. Never fear your future again. This show is dedicated, and was created for all the women out there who hide from the video camera when it comes to personal home videos. This show was originally going to be "5 Tips to Boost Your On-camera Confidence" for small business owners. I was going to share these tips with my female entrepreneurs to help them get in front of the camera. We as business owners need to promote our brand in the oh so important video marketing game. You know it's vital. But, as I began writing, my thoughts began to shift to video for personal use. I thought about my grandmothers, and how I wish I could witness them on video just one time....I wish I could hear their voices and see their mannerisms. I would cherish that so much. If I only had them on video... I also thought about others in my family who refuse to be in pictures. Then I thought to myself, they are...robbing others of their memory... S

  • #23 Fight Hunger with Happiness with Samantha Skelly

    16/08/2016 Duration: 27min

    Listen. Learn. Love thyself. Never fear your future again. Samantha Skelly is the founder of Hungry For Happiness, a movement to support women around the world who are suffering from disordered eating and body image issues. She is an award winning, sought out international speaker who delivers inspirational presentations to empower those who struggle with the relationship they have with food and their bodies. Samantha has appeared on Global TV, Shaw, NBC and CBC. Hungry For Happiness creates online accessible and affordable recovery resources to those who are suffering in silence. Samantha's vision is to create the largest and most impactful online resource to support those whose lives are negatively affected by issues with food and their bodies. Gosh our media-driven society needs more women like her... Welcome to the show, Samantha! Here's what we talked about: 1) Start from a place of loving yourself, not hating your body. 2) Make your already wonderful self, better. 3) Be connected in your mind, head, he

  • #22 The Intern Experiment

    09/08/2016 Duration: 11min

    If you could go back in time to the 18 year old you, knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your young self? Listen. Learn. Love thyself. Never fear your future again. I have three Interns Carly, Kelsey, Jessica who are doing a wonderful job for me. When I first started out, I interned everywhere. The internships that served me the best were the ones that I received hands on experience. So, my interns have their hand in everything my company puts out from my YouTube page, to social media, to my blogs, newsletters etc. I always try to give them assignments that can help better themselves in business, or creation and or I try to inspire them in some way to be their best self. Thus, this intern experiment...I had my young women take this podcast to the streets of downtown Red Bank NJ and have them ask women passerbys one question that I hope would be inspiring and helpful to them. That question was: If you could go back in time to when you where 18 what is the best piece of advice that you would g

  • #21 Watch how a meathead moves victims of domestic violence with Aaron Steed

    02/08/2016 Duration: 31min

    Listen. Learn. Love thyself. Never fear your future again. Rules are made to be broken, right? That's what I think...but don't tell my kids. Today I broke my rule of only having women on my show. Today's guest is a man! I've had my eye on Aaron Steed of Meathead Movers and his mission way before I started this podcast five months ago. Aaron started his business with his brother in high school and never looked back. This interview is about perseverance, loyalty, steadfast entrepreneurship and a guy with a big heart that not only cares deeply about his employees, but about people. What really attracted me to him and his company was his dedication to assist victims of domestic violence. I'm honored to bring to you Aaron Steed, the owner of Meathead Movers, a moving company in California. When I got off the call with him, I said to myself, "Not only do I want to use his company, but I want to be his friend, like go to the beach and have a beer with him and his wife." Listen in and you will see what I mean. (https

  • #20 The Casting Call with Stephanie Reibel

    26/07/2016 Duration: 50min

    Listen. Learn. Love thyself. Never fear your future again. Welcome to the show today ladies. Thanks for tuneing in. I have a great interview for you today. And it was quite a pleasant surprise for me. On today's show, I brought on a ...Former actor now turned Hollywood casting director for reality TV shows that are plastered all over the tv set... She grew up in Chicago and always wanted to work in the entertainment industry. She moved out to Los Angeles when she was 19 to pursue acting and then made a career of it. She landed roles on Two and a half men, 90210, and Monk just to name a few. After pursing that for a while she started to take an interest in casting and started helping out friends on low budget jobs and working for free until she got her first paying casting job as an associate for a development job at with a company called Relativity. From there she never stopped working. When asking her to be on the show, I knew I was taking the risk of being too inside and was afraid that this podcast would g

  • #19 Etiquette Rules!... with Rachel Isgar

    19/07/2016 Duration: 30min

    #19 Etiquette Rules!... with Rachel Izgar Interview Listen. Learn. Love thyself. Never fear your future again. Sit up straight. Put your fork on the left and your knife on the right. It's etiquette time. Today's guest is Doctor Rachel Izgar who owns the company, "Please Pass the Manners." Today more than ever it is important for young adults and children to understand how to communicate with confidence to create a great impression. Right? We in this value packed interview we don't only talk about table manners, but we talk about business etiquette and how to make yourself stand out. Rachel is mother of 4 and a professional educator who conducts seminars for: corporate clients, international business students, educational foundations, private groups and of course children's workshops in etiquette programs. busy join me in welcoming Please enjoy a very honest and inspiring interview with Dr. Rachel Izgar. (https://clicktotweet.com/dashboard)Biz Etiquette Rules!... with Dr. Rachel Izgar 
 We talked about: Rachel

  • Meditation Musing with Julie Zuzek

    12/07/2016 Duration: 32min

    Listen. Learn. Love thyself. Never fear your future again. Welcome to the show! Today I have an interview for you that I am very excited about...because today we are going to dive deep into a subject I know absolutely nothing about.... and that is meditation. Every uber successful person I know meditates. And say how wonderful it is and helps them with their daily routine, they life , there relationships etc... And I am a huge believer that if you want to be successful, do what successful people do... So that is why I have brought on the show today a female expert that I am a huge fan of... Julie Zuzek, otherwise known as "The Corporate Yogi." Julie helps entrepreneurs grow conscious businesses that are purpose driven and profitable. She teaches entrepreneurs how to use their spiritual intelligence to build evolved, meaningful businesses. She is all about being your authentic self, being mindful and being aware of how we impact others,... I love her message... Today, Julie has agreed to come on my show and te

  • #17 Own Your Power with Bailey Frumen

    05/07/2016 Duration: 46min

    Listen. Learn. Love thyself. Never fear your future again. I'm very excited to introduce to you a person I personally know and trust and admire very much. Bailey Fruman. Baily was recently named one of “The Top 20 Mindful Life Coaches to Watch by Popexpert.com. It’s her goal to make a difference in the lives of women who are stressed, uncertain, or overwhelmed. As a psychotherapist, lifestyle design coach, and author, she helps guide women to creating a life that they love. And now she has a book coming out in September, called "Owning Your Power" that is an entrepreneurial woman's guide to figuring out whats holding you back. Baily has a toddler named Phoebe and runs her empire while being a mommy wife and successful entrepreneur ...today we are going to find out how she does it all and we are also going to pull back the curtain and dive into what holds us women back from success and how to get over it. What we talked about: 1) Set yourself up by surrounding yourself with a tribe that believes in what you

  • #16 Snowballing Your Way to Success

    28/06/2016 Duration: 23min

    How often have you found yourself with a huge project ahead, and no idea where to start? You might feel as though it is impossible. You might procrastinate, thinking it will never get done, so why start?  Always remember— Start with an easy win, have patience, and gain momentum! This is all a part of The Snowball Effect. I want to tell you how this wonderful process should become a part of any of your biggest projects to make the seemingly impossible possible.  Check out episode #16 of “Women with Balls…in the Air” to hear how this simple, yet effective measure can change the way you accomplish everything, along with a very embarrassing, yet laughable story of my experience with The Snowball Effect.  

  • #15 Wine & Wisdom with Michelle Evans

    21/06/2016 Duration: 35min

    Michelle walked away from strategic marketing at Microsoft in 2012 after a successful 16-year corporate career spanning many industries. Now she is out there on her own using all of her marketing skills to help  experts, entrepreneurs and small businesses folk get massive visibility and become known as the go-to expert in their own space ...  Michelle and her Husband Jason have 3 children... So she juggles three kids, two businesses, her home, gymnastics, swim lessons, soccer practice, dance recitals and everything else that goes into her  CRAZY life.  On this episode we are going to hear some great tips on how to manager a successful career and being a mom .........how Michelle Keeps it all together without pulling her hair out!

  • #14 John Maxwell Gives Good Talk

    14/06/2016 Duration: 17min

    "A woman must be big enough to admit her mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them." - John Maxwell The room was packed with over 500 people. The man got a standing ovation and he didn't even start talking yet... I was like...wow, this guy must be good. And the crowd was not lying. John C. Maxwell is a No. 1 New York Times bestselling author, coach and speaker who has sold more than 24 million books in 50 languages. Often called the country's No. 1 leadership authority, Maxwell was identified as the most popular leadership expert in the world by Inc. magazine in 2014.   Here is what I learned from the great American Author, John Maxwell... 1) What the leadership Lid is and how it's your own worst enemy in growing your biz 2) The 5 Levels of leadership and the importance of getting to Level 5 in order to grow you business and or department and or just to make your life that much easier. 

 If you haven’t already, check out this podcast episode where I dissect John Maxwell

  • #13 Investing in Love & Real Estate with Kathy Fettke

    07/06/2016 Duration: 51min

    Listen. Learn. Love thyself. Never fear your future again. Marriage or Business, which comes first? Can your marriage survive if your business partner and husband are one in the same? This week's guest, Kathy Fettke co-founded her business with her husband, Rich Fettke. Last year they were supposed to take time off, slow down and work on their marriage...But instead, they doubled their company's revenue! We dive deep into how women have to work really hard to create a balance in life while running a business and having a fulfilling family life.   Please subscribe to this week's episode of "Women with Balls in the Air" for an in-depth interview with Kathy Fettke.

  • #12 Learn From Your History, You are Your Own Best Teacher

    31/05/2016 Duration: 15min

    Way back when, I was challenged by a “mentor.” Luckily, I have balls of steel. And, I & have had many outstanding mentors. This enabled me to weather the storm of self-doubt that this particular mentor brought upon me with his words of “wisdom.” If you are not sure of exactly what’s your next step in life is or what kind of business you want to commit to, please try out this exercise. My goal here is for you to learn from YOUR OWN HISTORY without the pain and time-suck of “personal uncertainty.” I hope this week's podcast can guide you to: #1 Analyze your history & discover who you REALLY are #2 Learn from your past #3 Instill confidence to move forward #4 Get in the game of gumption

  • #11: Power Mentoring with Dr. Ensher

    24/05/2016 Duration: 40min

    In this episode, I interview Doctor Ellen Ensher, Professor of Management, College of Business Administration at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, California. Ellen has co-wrote the book Power Mentoring: How Mentors and Proteges Get the Most Out of Their Relationships. She is the expert in her field on mentoring programs and career advice, and is a frequent key note speaker for conferences all over the world. She has written for Forbes , USA today, Wall Street and so much more.... but here is the kicker...She does all this while being an amazing mother AND she just kicked the crap out of breast cancer! I love this women, and so will you. Please enjoy a very honest and inspiring interview with Dr. Ellen Ensher.

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