Women With Balls...in The Air With Casey Destefano

#30 5 Tips to Relieve Your Holiday Stress



One of the most stressful times of the year for many women out there are the holidays. We spend lots of time, money and effort trying to please everyone at every turn, that sometimes we forget what the holidays are really all about.    I see so many women freak out around this time of year, just like I used to. And each year we say, “It's going to be different next year...I'm not traveling 10 hours to Aunt Patty's house! We are going out to dinner!" Have you ever sounded like this?    Wouldn't it be great for the holidays to be fun, relaxing, meaningful and guilt-free? In today's episode, I share with you, "5 Quick Tips to Relieve Your Holiday Stress." Please check it out. It could make this years' holidays a blast!   What we talked about:   How to treat your holiday season like a business. Knowing your holiday objectives before they start. Planning ahead and scheduling. Understanding the importance of saying "No." Not Feeling Guilty.   If you haven’t already done so, check out this podcast episode on "5 Tips