Women With Balls...in The Air With Casey Destefano

#26 Self Promotion & Client Care with Christy Haussler



Meet the talk of the podcasting world...Christy Haussler. After spending 25 years managing customer relations for Fortune 500 companies, Christy decided to do the unthinkable.....walk away from the great paying corporate job with incredible benefits, and move to an island! After relocating from South Carolina to Key West, Christy spent the next year honing her podcasting skills with her own podcast about local business. She accidentally stumbled into full-time entrepreneurship, when she couldn't find the company she wanted to hire for her own podcast. She decided to create the solution for herself, and then her company, Team Podcast was born. Within a year, the company hit six figures in revenue and Christy now has 8 team members working with her to produce over 200 podcast episodes each month. She is crazy good. Please welcome to the show Christy Haussler of Team Podcast. Here's what we talked about: 1. Why you shouldn’t jump on the bandwagon and start your own Facebook group 2. How great customer service c