Women With Balls...in The Air With Casey Destefano

#12 Learn From Your History, You are Your Own Best Teacher



Way back when, I was challenged by a “mentor.” Luckily, I have balls of steel. And, I & have had many outstanding mentors. This enabled me to weather the storm of self-doubt that this particular mentor brought upon me with his words of “wisdom.” If you are not sure of exactly what’s your next step in life is or what kind of business you want to commit to, please try out this exercise. My goal here is for you to learn from YOUR OWN HISTORY without the pain and time-suck of “personal uncertainty.” I hope this week's podcast can guide you to: #1 Analyze your history & discover who you REALLY are #2 Learn from your past #3 Instill confidence to move forward #4 Get in the game of gumption