Nursing And Cursing



Nursing & Cursing is a parenting podcast that covers more than your 10 month old's full diaper. Five friends break down all the crazy that comes after the baby. Kids, husbands, sex, money. Everything from the early days of sore nipples and sleepless nights to parenting with a hangover and picking a preschool. Was your kid screaming on the other side of the bathroom door while you tried to find 5 seconds to put your last tampon in? Then this is the podcast for you.


  • S5 Ep4: Standing Up for Your Kid .

    03/10/2019 Duration: 40min

    Hey mamas. How do you feel watching your kids struggle to overcome challenges? How do you know if they’re just frustrated or if they’re truly scared? Should you intervene and help them, or encourage from the sidelines while they work it out? You can’t learn how to ride a bike without falling off a couple times, right? But then what if you break a leg and never get back on

  • S5 Ep3: Picture Day !

    26/09/2019 Duration: 38min

    Hey momarades! This week we are talking about School Picture Day. Do you plan your kid’s lewk and order 72 wallet sizes for everyone you know? Do you let your kid style herself and cherish the authentic moment she is capturing? Or did you fucking forget it’s picture day again and send your kid to school in the shirt she wore yesterday, hair that was washed a week ago and then mean to order prints but totally forget

  • Trailer for THE MOTHER LOAD Podcast

    26/09/2019 Duration: 04min

    Click here to Download: The Mother Load with Constance Zimmer & Missi Pyle    

  • S5 Ep2: The Witching Hour

    19/09/2019 Duration: 42min

    Moms, it’s finally 5pm. It’s been a long day, you’ve worked hard. Lets unwind and head to the Witching Hour shall we!? Oh, what’s the the witching hour? Well it’s *just like * happy hour except that instead of beer and LOLs with your friends, it’s inconsolable crying with your baby, mind numbing exhaustion, uncooked food and no end in sight! Yes, this week we dig in to the darkest time of day:the witching hour, which affects children ages 0-12yrs from the hours of 4~12am for roughly 10 months a year. NBD!

  • S5 Ep1: Season 5 Premiere ! Have We Become Our Parents ?!?!?!?!?!?!??

    12/09/2019 Duration: 44min

    Welcome back mamas!! We missed you! We hope that you all had wonderful summers. And if you spent 768 hours preparing to take your kids to the beach only to have them bug you for a snack / a shit /a nap /the iPad as soon as you lathered the reef-safe sunscreen on, WE.FEEL.YOU. This week we ask : are we turning into our parents. GULP. Are we making the same mistakes they did, or making our own brand new mistakes? Both?! What will our kids say about our parenting? Yikes. And as ever, some unforgettable fails. And nails. But duh mostly fails. Welcome to season FIVE!!

  • S1 Ep71: Speed Aging !

    27/06/2019 Duration: 49min

    Me gazing at a photo: Can you believe that was only 2 years ago?!? It feels like a life time ago! She was so young!!! And so cute! She’s grown so much, she’s so much bigger now! I miss that phase! My husband: Oh you lookin at pics of the kids ? Me: Nope. Pics OF MYSELF BEFORE I BEGAN TO SPEED AGE!!!! Seriously WTF. This week we celebrate turning 100 episodes, by discussing how we were just going along aging totally normally, and all of a sudden we are sleep -deprived ancient hags with sagging boobs, hollow eyes, and that’s on a good day. Please don’t tag Roldan + Fields. Thanks for the best season ever mamas! we will miss you this summer! See you in the Fall ❤️❤️❤️

  • S1 Ep70: WINE NOT ?!

    20/06/2019 Duration: 40min

    Wine not ?? Pour yourself a refill and listen up. This week we are talking about moms + booze. Do we need it /earn it /deserve it as overwhelmed women looking to take the edge of during our kids’ live-stream, real-time paw patrol plot breakdown, or is something darker going on? And Kate drops some Claritin Jr and gets CRAZY.

  • S1 Ep69: Oh yea, Father's Day !

    14/06/2019 Duration: 05min

    Shout out to the father's out there !

  • S1 Ep68: Do it Yourself, Kid !

    13/06/2019 Duration: 35min

    You know how we lie awake at night and worry that we’re not doing enough for our kids? This week we discuss an alternate truth: we’re doing *way too much* for them. From chores to homework to relationships to activities, are we making this whole childhood gig too easy for them instead of preparing them for the shit show of adulthood?!? As always : it turns out we are doing it wrong.

  • S1 Ep67: iParent

    06/06/2019 Duration: 39min

    This week we are talking about the tech we can’t live without. We use one app to get around, one to shop, another to shop, one to budget, one to sleep, one to get odd jobs done, one to shop, one to make friends, one to stalk friends, one to shop, and then one to sleep cuz wow all that convenience was stressful af. And so many fails!

  • S1 Ep66: Husband Self Care

    30/05/2019 Duration: 41min

    There are just not enough hours in the day for family, career, rest, relaxation, a 5mile run, hobbies, health, a spin on the stationary bike, therapy, surfing, a chiropractic adjustment, the game, a hot shower, a smoothie, and a score at an estate sale. Unless...unless you’re our husbands. This week we are talking about husband self care. How do these wizards conjure the time for all this guiltless self care?? Hint: what we ask and plan for, they take without hesitation. So which one of us is blowing it , really!? Plus join us for Manners Camp! Molly has the mind game you need to play alllll summer!

  • S1 Ep65: Car Talk

    23/05/2019 Duration: 34min

    Join us for a ride in our disgusting, trashed, vomit-stained, goldfish dust, coffee -cup car nightmares. This week we are talking about our cars after kids. Just like our bodies, our brains, our houses, and our sanity: they’re garbage now. We may be the ones behind the wheel, but these kids are driving us f*ckin crazy. And Sarah fills us in on how Wednesday is doing. We know you’re on the edge of your juice-stained seats.

  • S1 Ep64: Just Say No !

    16/05/2019 Duration: 38min

    Work, kids, partners, parties, school plays, sports, PTA, recitals, field trips, how much more can you fit on your plate mama? Do you ever say no when you know you just can’t?? Or just can’t even? This week we talk about the awesome power of the hard pass. Because saying no to something that stresses you out is really just saying yes to your own sanity. And Kate drops a fail that will change your life. No really, we still haven’t processed this one.

  • S1 Ep63: Mother's Day !

    09/05/2019 Duration: 53min

    Happy Mother’s Day to our friends, listeners, and fellow mamas. We love you, we need you, and being in this tribe with you is our sincere joy. We will be back with you next week, but in the meantime, enjoy our most popular Mother’s Day ep.  What does the perfect Mother’s Day look like for you? Are you sleeping in? Eating out? Hopping a private jet for Alabama and watching Dawson’s Creek reruns? Who loves and cherishes you and can plan the perfect day for you??? No, not him. Nope, not them either. YOUR BFFS OF COURSE. This episode we play a lil game of “Secret Mama,” and take turns planning and imagining the perfect Mother’s Day for each other. Happy Mother’s Day to our Momrades in Arms. We love ya.

  • S1 Ep62: Postpartum Husband Hatred

    02/05/2019 Duration: 22min

    Hey guys! This week please enjoy our *very first * episode of Nursing and Cursing!!!  An oldie but a goodie. See ya next week with a brand new episode! How did you feel about your partner immediately after bringing that baby into the world? Did you look at him with fresh love or deep, scary, sleep deprived rage? Listen to our tales of post-partum husband hatred, one of the most important mommy milestones. Don’t worry, all the husbands survived to live another day, and in some cases, even make another baby.

  • S1 Ep61: Nursing & Cursing Trailer

    01/05/2019 Duration: 03min

    The parenting podcast that covers more shit than your baby’s full diaper! We are 5 friends with more than 20 years of friendship, a decade of motherhood, and 4 years of recording between us.  After riding the mom rollercoaster for so long, we have shared some incredible highs and some devastating lows.  Check out what makes us so special and please share with any mama who might need a laugh. Duh that’s every mama. Xo

  • S1 Ep60: TEETH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    25/04/2019 Duration: 35min

    Guys stay with us! This week we are talking about teeth. When it comes to brushing our kids teeth it seems like there are only two options: abuse or neglect. When it comes to our own teeth it seems like there’s only one option: dentures. because we just can’t make it to our regular checkups anymore. Wtf why are teeth so hard.

  • S1 Ep59: Ali's Birth Story

    18/04/2019 Duration: 56min

    Hi mamas!!! We got a treat for you! This week is a very special episode : Ali’s tells the story of her first son’s Hawaiian home birth. It’s a beautiful and fascinating story involving long walks, Vince Vaughn movies, wet cats and you guessed it...coconut oil.

  • S1 Ep58: What Would Nursing & Cursing Do?

    11/04/2019 Duration: 35min

    Hi Mamas!!! We are back from spring break!!! We went to Senor Frogs, won a wet shirt contest and got some sick new tats. Kidding we hosed our kids off in the yard and did all the screen time and we’re so glad it’s over because we missed you!! This week we answer your burning questions with...more questions. And Chriddys fail redefines the phrase, “Stoney silence.”

  • S1 Ep57: Secret Milestones!

    21/03/2019 Duration: 45min

    Yes, yes it’s wonderful when they first sleep through the night, try solids for the first time, babble mama or take those first wobbly steps. But get real: what are the milestones that really rock your world and make motherhood that much easier? We’re talking using the remote , putting on their shoes, and the holy grail of milestones : wiping their own asses. Plus kate’s epic fail as a helicopter mom on steroids.

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