Nursing And Cursing



Nursing & Cursing is a parenting podcast that covers more than your 10 month old's full diaper. Five friends break down all the crazy that comes after the baby. Kids, husbands, sex, money. Everything from the early days of sore nipples and sleepless nights to parenting with a hangover and picking a preschool. Was your kid screaming on the other side of the bathroom door while you tried to find 5 seconds to put your last tampon in? Then this is the podcast for you.


  • S5 Ep25: Guilt Trippin.

    27/02/2020 Duration: 36min

    Hey kids, pack your bags! mama is taking you on a GUILT TRIP! This week we are coming clean about one of our most effed up parenting “strategies,” : laying a guilt trip on our kids. Oh no sweeties, that’s ok. You just carry on wasting mamas time and money, no need to lift a finger around here when I brought you into this world to serve you 24/7!!!!!!!! Does it work: yes. Will it come up in our kids’ future therapy sessions : also yes. Whoops. And Sarah rips one in Zumba ...again!?!

  • S5 Ep24: Mirror, Mirror.

    20/02/2020 Duration: 38min
  • S5 Ep23: Valentine's Day.

    13/02/2020 Duration: 35min

    Happy Valentines Day to our true loves!!! This episode we hit the romance hard and walk our listeners through planning the perfect honeymoon. Tropical beaches. 5 star resorts. Margs. Stacks of artisanal pancakes by the pool. And not a husband in sight. You read that right: the sister wives of Nursing and Cursing are heading to Mexico for the ultimate girls trip. So leave the lingerie at home and grab your oversize kaftan, we doing this! Happy Valentine’s Day to our listener sisters ! We love you and we wish we could whisk each of you away on a trip cuz we know you deserve it❤️❤️❤️

  • S5 Ep22: The Birds and the Bees.

    06/02/2020 Duration: 38min

    Hey mamas! This week we are talking The Talk. Who told *you * where babies come from? Was it your parents ? Your friends ? An older sibling ? Or did you just figure it out by watching Jerry McQuire and dry humping your 8th grade boyfriend til your Umbros chafed, like a certain Nursing and Cursing host??? How do you talk to your kids about sex and babies??? Check out how we’re breaking the bad news over here!

  • S5 Ep21: Work Place Blues

    30/01/2020 Duration: 33min

    What up babes. Every mom is a working mom -whether you get a paycheck for your labors or not. But this week we are talking about what it’s like when your coworkers and /or your supervisor don’t have kids. Do you feel lame or guilty or flustered because you’re trying to keep up? Or do you feel jealous and resentful because they have it so easy and they just don’t get it? Or do you feel proud as fuck that you’re busting your ass and doing so much. Or all of these or none of these. Let us know. We got your back no matter where you at. And Molly finds out that Chipotle is just like space : no one can hear you scream.

  • S5 Ep18: Shart Week !

    16/01/2020 Duration: 39min

    You know how having kids makes you feel like you have lost control of everything? Your home. Your time. Your body. Your money. Your bowels and bladder. Wait?! What. Yes this week’s episode is all about we can’t hold it anymore. We’re losing our shit. No, literally. Welcome to Shart Week. Your underwear’s not safe.

  • S5 Ep17: 2020 Vision

    09/01/2020 Duration: 35min

    Hello babes!!! Welcome to a brand new year! A whole nother mother of a decade! This week we bust out our crystal balls and take a look at the next ten years. Where will we be with our kids? Careers? Marriages ? Who will be divorced and who will be in a 3some? Will our teenagers be talking to us or vaping in the basement and giving us the silent treatment ?? And kate plucks a chicken in the first nail fail of 2020.

  • S5 Ep16: Winter Break.

    26/12/2019 Duration: 39min
  • S5 Ep15: The Un-Newsletter.

    19/12/2019 Duration: 31min

    Happy Holidays Listeners! We hope this Holiday Newsletter Episode finds you well! 2019 was a spectacular year for the ladies of Nursing and Cursing! We had tense moments with our in-laws, screaming matches with our toddlers, blow -ups with our husbands! We got new jobs, used cars, and vasectomies for our husbands! Our kids achieved the bare minimum and are still alive to kick our car seats! Join us as we discuss the REAL shit that would go in our holiday newsletters. We love you mamas! Happy holidays !!

  • S5 Ep14: Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

    12/12/2019 Duration: 38min

    This week we try and work out if we are raising sociopaths or regular kids or yes. It’s bad enough when they destroy your house, refuse dinner, fight with their siblings and try to take down your mental health from sunrise to sunset, but even hearing from their teachers/babysitters/friends’ parents that they’re......ANGELS. Seriously WTF. Kids be gaslighting us and making us feel CRAZY. Listen up and let us know if you got a Dexter type kid like us.

  • S5 Ep13: Mom Rage.

    05/12/2019 Duration: 38min

    Welcome mamas! In this era of slow, present parenting, we are discussing an unpleasant (and universal?!) reality: parenting rage. This isn’t raising your voice the third time you tell them to put their shoes on, this is Mother Hulk. When anger boils over and moms flip out. Has it ever happened to you? We discuss our most intense rage experiences with our kids. This is the conversation you won’t find in that Instagram feed of mini me outfits and bento box lunches. We love you and we know it’s hard because ....Despite all this rage, We are still just moms in a cage!

  • S5 Ep12: Sibling Rivalry.

    28/11/2019 Duration: 36min

    Happy Thanksgiving mamas!! This week’s ep is all about family -specifically siblings, and how amazing and insane and loud it can be to raise them. Are you raising siblings? How’s it going ? Are they friends ? Frenimies? How do you deal with the dynamics ? We are totally blowing it. We will take any advice you have. Until next week-may your turkey be moist (ew) and your sweats be forgiving . We are grateful for you.

  • S5 Ep11: Pick Up Line

    21/11/2019 Duration: 45min

    School pick up and drop off. What is it that makes it so hellish? The crazy parents ? The crazy kids? The traffic ? The time crunch? The sleeping sibling you gotta haul around ? The fact that that you’re guaranteed to be wearing old blown out pjs the one day you actually have to get out of the car? And 50% of our fails involve a case of mistaken identity. Hmmmm.

  • S5 Ep10: Candy from a Stranger

    14/11/2019 Duration: 43min

    Helllo mamas!!! This week we talk about one of our parenting pet peeves : when people in our kids’ lives fill ‘em up with candy and junk food. It makes them hyper, rots their teeth, ruins their appetite-and worst of all -makes it harder for us to bribe them in a real moment of necessity. Listen in an let us know: are we right, or are we uptight?


    07/11/2019 Duration: 47min

    Snip snip and we ain’t takin bangs! This week’s episode is all about.... Vasectomies! One of the Nursing & Cursing husbands is gettin fixed-listen in and find out which one. Does your partner have one? Do you wish he did? Or wish he didn’t :/ Know anyone with a vasectomy baby? And do they *really* tell the guys to ice their balls and take two full days of rest?? we are real suspicious.

  • S5 Ep8: Tales from the Crib

    31/10/2019 Duration: 45min

    Happy Halloween Mamas!! Gather round if you dare. This episode features some of our most hair raising moments as mothers. Snakes ! Rats! Pumpkin spice candles! We’ve got it all.... if you’re brave enough to take a listen. Muahahahaha (evil laugh).

  • S5 Ep7: Nail Biters.

    24/10/2019 Duration: 40min

    Do you have an anxious kid? A nail biter, a bed wetter, a kid who can’t sleep, who struggles with a change to her surroundings or schedule ? How do you cope and what do you do? This week we talk about how much we worry about our kids worries and how much their anxiety stresses us out. As usual we have more questions than answers. And chrissy shares the most magical fail we have ever heard.


    17/10/2019 Duration: 39min

    Gasping for Hair. This week’s eps is all about your kid’s hair. Was your baby born with a full head of hair? Bald? Did she grow a toddler mullet?! Does she have the same hair as you? Has she ever cut it herself? Have you?? Does she let you wash or style it? And dude, WHAT .ABOUT. LICE!?! Listen in and help us out. Kate hasn’t brushed mavis’s hair since 2017 and there might be something nesting in it

  • S5 Ep5: What's Your Favorite Age?

    10/10/2019 Duration: 40min

    When it comes to raising kids, what’s your favorite age? A snoozy (or screaming?!) newborn? A sleep-trained and smiley 9-month old? Elementary school? Or for those of us at this shit too long, is it tweens or teens?! Or will you be like us, blaming this mess on a “difficult phase” til 2030 and just waiting on the promise of a favorite stage round the next bend

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