Beyond The Gate Radio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 129:30:00
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Host: Author and Medium - David M. Baker and Co-Host: Cheryll Baker invite you to join us each week on "Beyond the Gate Radio © ". On each show we feature experienced, interesting and quality experts as our guests on varied topics such as: Psychics, Mediums, Spirituality, the Metaphysical, the Paranormal, Parapsychology, Astrology, Numerology, The Tarot, Energy Healing, Cryptozoology, Spirit Rescue, Demonology, UFOs and more. On our show we stay open minded as we like to think outside the box. We do not judge anyone for their beliefs or belief system. We are here to educate and entertain you; we, as the presenters are merely the purveyors of information. Feel free to call in, join our chat room, or just listen. Now listen in and let us take you Beyond the Gate © ! Note# All of our shows are copyrighted and may not be reproduced, changed or copied in any form without written permission from Beyond the Gate © or David Baker.


  • SANDY and RUSS WELLS Haunted: Silent Journey of Fear

    27/08/2012 Duration: 02h02min

    We will be discussing with Sandy Wells her journey as a psychic and paranormal investigator as well as her up coming book triology: HAUNTED: Silent Journey of Fear, the story of her and Russ Wells her husband, growing up with many, many interesting experiences.  We are saving this information for the show which I promise you will be amazing. Sandy is a radio show host on PSI-FI Radio of What Defines Who You Are? Ask Rhonda and SJ.  Additonally, Sandy is also the published author of  Beyond Life: The Ghost Chronicles, with author Daniel Norvell.  Sany is also a psychic medium, parapsychologist, and is a vetern in the world of the supernatural.

  • JERRY HOSKEY Psychic on Beyond the Gate Radio 07-15-12

    16/07/2012 Duration: 01h16min

      Jerry Hoskey is a natural born intuitive, mental health specialist, certified personal trainer, and author who has been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC news. You can visit Jerry at or call him at 619-301-6416. Website:   This and other Beyond the Gate © shows are protected by copyright. They may be shared in original format but not copied or altered without written permission. 


    09/07/2012 Duration: 02h02min

    Psychic Cheryl Lynn is a natural born psychic through her father's lineage.  She uses the tarot as a "key" for her to open the door to her abilities.  While others are learning to increase their psychic abilities, Cheryl Lynn needed to control hers and found it through the tarot cards. Her Life's Purpose is "To Bring Laughter And Light To The World".   Psychic Cheryl Lynn has recently been seen on "MTV'S UNSEEN MOMENTS WITH DR. DREW".  Her You Tube 2012 Predictions has over 21,000 hits and her 2013 Predictions is very popular as well.  You can check her out on You Tube by putting in the search: PSYCHIC CHERYL LYNN Psychic Cheryl Lynn is available for private, phone, or email readings.  Those of you in the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, or New York area ask about hosting a Psychic Salon or Tarot Party. To reach Psychic Cheryl Lynn, please call her at 484-221-9620.  Her website is:   This and other Beyond the Gate © shows are protected by copyright. They may be shared in original f

  • Psychic PIERRE OSIAS on Beyond the Gate Radio 6-24-12

    25/06/2012 Duration: 01h35min

    Pierre is a young psychic born with the ability to hear spirit life-forms clairaudiently and telepathically. A life-altering spiritual experience has given him a mission in life to help people heal their realities by helping them to understand their internal worlds. Pierre has a unique energy to him as well as an advanced psychic perspective on all things spiritual and paranormal. Host David Baker: We welcome back Pierre to the show once again as he shares his amazing Psychic abilities and insight with all of us.  You will love him!  He offers psychic readings through his website:  

  • THE PSYCHIC TWINS on Beyond the Gate Radio 6-10-12

    11/06/2012 Duration: 01h13min

    With twenty years as professional psychics, identical twins Terry and Linda Jamison, internationally known as The Psychic Twins, are the world’s most documented psychics, with an unrivaled track record of accurate world and celebrity predictions. The Psychic Twins have shocked audiences across the world with their amazing, accurate predictions, including the events of 9/11, JFK Jr.’s death in a small plane, the Times Square terrorist incident, and Oscar winners! The Jamison sisters cracked the case of Olivia Newton-John’s missing boyfriend on the CBS Insider in 2005. The Psychic Twins accurately predicted the record 500-year flood and the deadly tornadoes of 2011 and 2012, the massive earthquakes of 2010, and Hurricane Irene on ABC’s The View. Terry and Linda are the authors of two bestselling books, Separated at Earth and Psychic Intelligence.  Their books are available on their  

  • TOM FLYNN Medium Replay from April 17, 2012

    23/04/2012 Duration: 01h19min

      Tom Flynn is an internationally known Medium, Psychic & Healer. Coming from Cork in the UK, Tom travels around the world and has been on Radio, TV & has had articles published about him. Tom is currently in San Francisco and giving service at the Golden Gate Spiritualist Church where he gives readings and healing, helping to reach out to others everywhere he goes. He will also be traveling to Hawaii by also be traveling to Hawaii by special invitation to do his fantastic work. Additionally, he will be filmed in an interview about Mediums in David Baker's upcoming Medium Project. Please visit Tom on his Face Book Page:!/profile.php?id=100002516929925

  • Tom Flynn Medium on Beyond The Gate Radio April 17, 2012

    18/04/2012 Duration: 01h19min

      Tom Flynn is an internationally known Medium, Psychic & Healer.  Coming from Cork in the UK, Tom travels around the world and has been on Radio, TV & has had articles published about him. Tom is currently in San Francisco and giving service at the Golden Gate Spiritualist Church where he gives readings and healing, helping to reach out to others everywhere he goes. He will also be traveling to Hawaii by also be traveling to Hawaii by special invitation to do his fantastic work. Additionally, he will be filmed in an interview about Mediums in David Baker's upcoming Medium Project. Please visit Tom on his Face Book Page:!/profile.php?id=100002516929925

  • The Psychic Twins 2011 Predictions on Beyond The Gate Radio

    12/03/2012 Duration: 51min

      This is the Pod Cast of our show on January 23, 2011 with The Psychic Twins, Linda and Terry Jamison.  Hosts David and Cheryll Baker interviewed Linda and Terry who later gave their predictions for 2011.  Little did we know at the time that 95% of their predictions would not only come true, but were mentioned  as legendary  by The Psychic Twins themselves while on Coast to Coast am Radio while being interviewed by host Ian Punnett.  Here are just a couple of examples of their predictions and the results: Linda and Terry: "pretty dramatic storms, flooding and tornadoes in Southern and Midwestern states - including Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky in 2011.” And later in the news: Tornado that Cut a Six-mile Swathe through Joplin Missouri…Historic flooding slams eight states, Mississippi River hits record levels…National Weather Service calls this "Epic 500 Year Flood"...   These are but a few examples.  Listen for more and see them on their website at:

  • Deborah Livingston-Author and Medium on Beyond The Gate

    04/03/2012 Duration: 01h04min

      Deborah Livingston, author of Strand of Pearls, is a practicing AOBTA-certified traditional Chinese medicine therapist, intuitive medium and believes in life's gifts whatever forms they may take. Guided by spirit to share her story, her memoir, STRAND OF PEARLS, Deborah recounts her journey from childhood abuse, frequent tragedy and adult addiction to a spiritual transformation that brought her an inner peace and joy available to us all. Deborah is an intuitive medium and will also tell us what it is like to study at one of the world’s most famous metaphysical schools, the Arthur Findlay College.   Link to: STRAN OF PEARLS

  • DAVID ROSENHAUS Spiritual Counselor on Beyond the Gate Radio

    27/02/2012 Duration: 01h42min

    David Rosenhaus is the Intuitive Spiritual Counselor and Empowerment Specialist who created the Power Through  Perception™ empowerment workshops and the Rock and Roll  Oracle™ empowerment card series. He is also a published author  and produced screenwriter and playwright, and offers website and  graphic design services through his company Dichotomy Design. David is dedicated to contributing to positive changes in perception and spirituality around the world.

  • The Psychic Twins 2012 Predictions on Beyond The Gate Radio

    20/02/2012 Duration: 01h07min

    The Psychic Twins return to Beyond the Gate Radio!   "The Psychic Twins," Terry and Linda Jamison, are internationally acclaimed for their astounding predictions of the 9/11 World Trade Center terrorist attacks, and the 2000 stock market crash (both on national radio). The Psychic Twins have appeared on over sixty TV shows and are profiled in twelve documentary films.   Last year on Beyond the Gate 95% of their predictions came true, many of them major!   Psychic Twins   This and other Beyond the Gate © shows are protected by copyright. They may be shared in original format but not copied or altered without written permission.   

  • Beyond The Gate Radio: MARIA 'D ANDREA International Psychic

    06/02/2012 Duration: 02h04min

      Maria is an internationally known professional psychic from Budapest, Hungary. Since early childhood she has demonstrated high spiritual awareness and psychic ability.  Over her lifetime and as a Spiritual Leader, she has provided excellent psychic guidance and enlightenment to many people, assisting them on their own personal path of spiritual self discovery. Many occultists and psychics specialize in only one area, for example Tarot card reading or Psychometry. When you work with Maria, you can rest assured that she will be able to use the best method to achieve the best results for your particular circumstance.  Maria is known for a unique form of divination called "Rune Casting." This method was used by Vikings and Europeans to unlock information about the past, present and future by tapping into the Universal Mind. The responsibility of a selection of paths is yours after you have been made aware of the underlying factors and forces at work.  Maria's Websites and Contact information:  http://www.mariad

  • PIERRE OSIAS - PSYCHIC on Beyond The Gate Radio

    30/01/2012 Duration: 01h10min

      Pierre is a young psychic born with the ability to hear spirit life-forms clairaudiently and telepathically. A life-altering spiritual experience has given him a mission in life to help people heal their realities by helping them to understand their internal worlds. Being one of the many unique psychic children prophesied to be born during the late 1990s-2000s, he has a unique energy to him as well as an advanced psychic perspective on all things spiritual and paranormal.   Website:

  • KAREN HAGER Fog City Psychic on Beyond The Gate Radio

    14/11/2011 Duration: 01h07min

    Karen Hager, the Fog City Psychic, helps people lift the fog of confusion and regain clarity about their life purpose. She connects with Source to provide compassionate, no-nonsense intuitive advice for people in transition. Reading from the energy of the human voice, Karen quickly gets to the root of your question and helps you see the possibilities for transformation.  Passionate about helping others connect with their natural intuitive abilities, Karen leads intuitive development classes and works with selected healers and teachers to empower people to listen to their own inner guidance. She’s the host of the popular weekly radio show “Out of the Fog” on BlogTalk Radio, Transformation Talk Radio, and WBLQ.  These are times of great transformation, and many people are struggling with fear of change. Karen encourages listeners to shift their perspectives from fear to love so that they may receive the gifts of living through these unusual times.

  • DAVID BAKER Spirit Medium on Beyond The Gate Radio

    07/11/2011 Duration: 02h03min

    The first 12 minutes was guest Tony Castagna.  We lost him so David Baker did the remaining 2 hours of the show with live readings and information. David Baker is a Medium who has the ability to communicate with the spirits of deceased loved ones in the spirit world.  When spirit comes through during a reading and he connects, he starts communication and passes messages of love, guidance, healing, and sometimes forgiveness with the intention of comforting the individual or individuals who come to him for a reading. The readings additionally provide proof of life after death and always offer some degree of closure and reassurance that their loved one still exists, albeit on the other-side, and are just a thought away.  

  • SANDRA WELLS Author: BEYOND LIFE: The Ghost Chronicles

    31/10/2011 Duration: 01h38min

      Sandra Wells has been featured several times in newspapers, books, on radio shows, and TV both on mainstream media (Montel Williams Show CBS TV) and also online TV (Seattle Paranormal SCAN TV) programs as well. Sandra uses her knowledge and experiences of the paranormal and has often held workshops and done several speaking engagements at local clubs and a couple paranormal conferences to educate  novice listeners about those beyond life.Beyond Life: The Ghost ChroniclesWritten By: Daniel Norvell & Sandra Wells Link to her book: BeyondLife Link to her website: BeyondLifetgc Beyond Life Intro Video: BeyondLifeVideo

  • URSULA Kalin Spirit Medium on Beyond the Gate Radio

    12/10/2011 Duration: 01h15min

      URSULA KALIN is a Spirit Medium, Radio Host of her show the Veil Passenger, the Founder of the Chicago Paranormal Research Institute, Paranormal Investigator, and EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) Expert.  She offers workshops to assist in communicating with the spirit world as well as tours of infamous locations filled with the world of the unexplained.  Additionally, she is the one to call after the paranormal groups have left.  She also offers assistance in cleansing your home, connecting with a loved one, or providing spiritual advice.  Websites:   

  • GEOFFERY FAULKNER Visionary/Channeler on Beyond the Gate Rad

    11/10/2011 Duration: 01h53min

       I am a Visionary/Channeler and Public Speaker on Spirituality, my visions up to 2018, the Consciousness Shift and UFOs/ETs, I am also an ET Contactee, it's all connected I am a two time Near Death Survivor one by impalement and one a drowning in the Navy, I was gone for 12 minutes and came back with a clear understanding of life and Home, I remember it all. I have two books coming out this Fall, so please watch my wall for the release dates.  In 1999, I had and Epiphany at home in the middle of the day, I was filled with an Intense Love and vision of Christ and the Future, my predictions based on this Epiphany have all proven out. I was also shown our journey through 2012 and beyond to 2018. Seven years ago I began channeling an Extra Terrestrial Being and his information also bears out, it is greatly reflective of Jesus's informations.  Website: Contact him at:

  • EMMA HOGAN Medium on Beyond the Gate Radio

    10/10/2011 Duration: 01h36min

    Tonights show was with David M. Baker Medium and show host, Cheryll Baker Co-host and Special Guest: Emma Hogan Medium, Healer, Yoga Teacher, Angel Expert from Australia and orginally from Kent, England.  We took some calls and answered some interesting questions.  We talked about mediumship, angels, EVP and other related subjects.  Our original guest Ursula Kalin could not make it so we had Emma on.  It was quite an interesting show. Emma's website:

  • PAMALA OSLIE Pyschic/Aura Expert on Beyond the Gate Radio

    03/10/2011 Duration: 02h01min

      Pam Oslie, author and personality expert has a 27 year successful track record helping people find their best direction and develop happy lives in a very unique way – by knowing the information revealed in their aura - what  science calls the electro-magnetic field. We’ve all felt auras. We’ve been instantly drawn to someone and repelled by another – because we felt their energy. Pam sees auras and has discovered the different aura colors reveal specific personality types. She can help you learn how to identify your own aura colors, and then understand everything about yourself - who will be your most compatible match, your best career direction, how to handle money, raise kids, potential health problems, and much more.

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