Beyond The Gate Radio

The Psychic Twins 2011 Predictions on Beyond The Gate Radio



  This is the Pod Cast of our show on January 23, 2011 with The Psychic Twins, Linda and Terry Jamison.  Hosts David and Cheryll Baker interviewed Linda and Terry who later gave their predictions for 2011.  Little did we know at the time that 95% of their predictions would not only come true, but were mentioned  as legendary  by The Psychic Twins themselves while on Coast to Coast am Radio while being interviewed by host Ian Punnett.  Here are just a couple of examples of their predictions and the results: Linda and Terry: "pretty dramatic storms, flooding and tornadoes in Southern and Midwestern states - including Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky in 2011.” And later in the news: Tornado that Cut a Six-mile Swathe through Joplin Missouri…Historic flooding slams eight states, Mississippi River hits record levels…National Weather Service calls this "Epic 500 Year Flood"...   These are but a few examples.  Listen for more and see them on their website at: