Beyond The Gate Radio

GEOFFERY FAULKNER Visionary/Channeler on Beyond the Gate Rad



   I am a Visionary/Channeler and Public Speaker on Spirituality, my visions up to 2018, the Consciousness Shift and UFOs/ETs, I am also an ET Contactee, it's all connected I am a two time Near Death Survivor one by impalement and one a drowning in the Navy, I was gone for 12 minutes and came back with a clear understanding of life and Home, I remember it all. I have two books coming out this Fall, so please watch my wall for the release dates.  In 1999, I had and Epiphany at home in the middle of the day, I was filled with an Intense Love and vision of Christ and the Future, my predictions based on this Epiphany have all proven out. I was also shown our journey through 2012 and beyond to 2018. Seven years ago I began channeling an Extra Terrestrial Being and his information also bears out, it is greatly reflective of Jesus's informations.  Website: Contact him at: