Beyond The Gate Radio

THE PSYCHIC TWINS on Beyond the Gate Radio 6-10-12



With twenty years as professional psychics, identical twins Terry and Linda Jamison, internationally known as The Psychic Twins, are the world’s most documented psychics, with an unrivaled track record of accurate world and celebrity predictions. The Psychic Twins have shocked audiences across the world with their amazing, accurate predictions, including the events of 9/11, JFK Jr.’s death in a small plane, the Times Square terrorist incident, and Oscar winners! The Jamison sisters cracked the case of Olivia Newton-John’s missing boyfriend on the CBS Insider in 2005. The Psychic Twins accurately predicted the record 500-year flood and the deadly tornadoes of 2011 and 2012, the massive earthquakes of 2010, and Hurricane Irene on ABC’s The View. Terry and Linda are the authors of two bestselling books, Separated at Earth and Psychic Intelligence.  Their books are available on their