Wellness Radio With Dr. J

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 733:24:28
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Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life. Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette's book "Trust: Photo Meditations" is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us. Dr. Jeanette is a visionary, spiritual guide and inspirational author/radio host. Her specialty is in helping others remember that life is a great gift, no matter what we are going through. Dr. J is in the 'healing of the heart and spirit' business and loves every moment. Her compassion and empathy can be felt as she shares her stories on air. She has over five decades in studying the mystery of the body, has fully experienced life challenges to create change and helps others transform their lives through connected listening to the story of their lives.Her books, events and blog postings are listed on her website and social media connections.Connect with her at: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.comTwitter: @DrJeanetteNDFacebook: DrJeanetteND


  • Navigating awareness, religion, human evolution and spiritual journey through experience.

    25/03/2022 Duration: 53min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Despo Pishiri from Dubai, to share her new book From Darkness To Light: Discover The Secret Of Who You Really Are, And Heal Your Body, Mind And Spirit. Today, we will be talking about how we are evolving, hitting walls in our human experience, and creating a whole new existence that has never been seen before in our human knowing.What is our secret journey from darkness to light, human to soul, to finding the spirit within, the right to the wrong, the truth and the beliefs all about? How are you navigating the bigger questions of a human existence with a spiritual soul evolution?We have been evolving and many have not even noticed the process, tossed their challenges off as what ever is going round, but many are finding some deep connections to something greater than our vocabulary or physical judgement can explain in terms of our mind knowing.How does religion shift with the current circumstances in global conditions to morph the story being told from God, source, or cosmic essence and

  • Tom Paladino on Scalar Light Energy for Healing

    20/03/2022 Duration: 41min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes researcher and humanitarian Tom Paladino to share his work with Scalar Light. What is scalar light and how can it help you heal in body, mind and spirit?We talk about energy frequencies, electromagnetic energy, cosmic energy and the vital life force of which are all spinning at full force right now in our existence. What energy forms are not great for health and which ones can we harness to help bring balance directly to the cells of our body? What is the zero point and why is it important to engage in its frequency at this time in our lives?What if there is another way to support you in finding healing that has never been presented to you in all the times you have sought answers to your questions?How can we clear the noise, reduce the inference we are bombarded with, decrease the toxins in our body, clear a path to health, and create a new way of living that will encourage us to make better choices and rejuvenate our human organism.Scalar light is the universal life force of our auric

  • Victoria Mavis carries the pain of her disability for decades before finding inner healing from story sharing.

    18/03/2022 Duration: 46min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Victoria Mavis to share her story of rising up from her disability story of pain and suffering through story sharing. Her new book is Every Scar Tells a Story.Victoria has written this book through sharing her story with her co-author and friend Angelo Senese, who is also speaking with us today. He has encouraged her to open her heart and share her life story as he provided a safe place for her anguish to land and be transformed.As a retrospective journey of Victoria's life, she needed to face emotional issues and challenges of her disability. Recently, Victoria noticed her gift of sharing from her heart has allowed others to see the real person inside her spirit and perhaps, help others find the path to compassion and empathy for all people, regardless of their physical, emotional, or mental challenges in this lifetime.What are the judgements we make about people when we explore only the surface of their presentation? How do bullies affect your self esteem and self preservation? Why

  • Dr. Tiffanie Tate Moore on transcending a difficult life story to find healing, inspiration and God.

    16/03/2022 Duration: 43min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Tiffanie Tate Moore to share her life story of hardships and near death experiences to become the woman she is today. She is the author of FloweTry - A Collection of 108 Poetic Flows on Life, Love, and Liturgical Issues. Dr. Moore begins her life story with growing up in Compton, Calif. in a family of abuse, addiction, and danger everyday. She found ways to work through each day and be guided to a better life of helping others through her medical career. Then, when she was feeling this was her life path, it too, was taken from her and she questioned what God had planned for her.How can we transform our lives, when we were born into difficult circumstances, seemed to make the right choices in life, and then continue to experience the ups and downs of learning what is in store for us each day? Is there a divine plan? Are we fumbling around and just walking the path in the darkness? How can we feel love, joy and pain all at the same time?God has shown us all many miracles this lifeti

  • Today's Energies; How do we navigate a world in chaos, an ego in crisis and hearts pulled open.

    13/03/2022 Duration: 49min

    Taking the pulse on today's energies with Dr. Jeanette Gallagher and Patricia Love.How are we navigating our days when we are evolving spiritually, physically, and emotionally within a world of chaos and crisis? What are the tools we need to see that what is happening, is an experience, and not the crushing blow to our identity or our soul?Where are we going, what is happening in the world, and why are we being challenged? We were born into this world decades ago, and life has it own set of rules then. We followed them, took the lessons and bumps, and rose to the top as we climbed many life ladders. Now, the ladders are broken, life stories have no meaning, and the template we were following has been crushed. What is life about now?How can you change your entire being to reflect a more compassionate being, an evolved soul, and a seeker by nature in the present life climate?Dr. J and Patricia share many stories of life, tips on navigation, and hurdles along the path of 2022. Everyone has their unique story

  • The experience of grief, loss and suffering can be alchemized to create a new life path.

    11/03/2022 Duration: 40min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Karen Johnson, to share her story of grief, loss, and transformation after losing her son. She is the author of a new book, Living Grieving: Using Energy Medicine to Alchemize Grief and Loss. Grief, how does it affect our heart, soul and spiritual being? How are we existing in this world when our loved ones transition on? Do we feel alone, distant, hurt, broken hearted, and realizing shattered dreams of lives taken too quickly?There is no template for the process of grief and it is a unique experience. Can we see it is our life process of transformation?What if our loss, brings about changes in our live that turns us on end, takes away all familiarity, and safety, while putting us into a place that is truly a shock to our system?When you have a big awakening in your life, can you let everything go to create a new world for your heart and spirit? What happens when nothing fits?Chronic grief; are you stuck in trying to reprint and reproduce the life that was lost? Can we let their spiri

  • Children's Book about the moon to inspire, educate, and engage both the child and the reader.

    09/03/2022 Duration: 29min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Kristine Keck, to share and inspire children and elders about the moon! Kristine has authored The Moon Thief, which is a New Age Children's Book, which is for all ages to see and explore the world with wonderment.Have you ever looked up and noticed the moon is ever changing in shape, position, and brightness? Why does it change so much and how can we explore the moon in the sky?Can an elder be inspired with the same story they read to a child? What if we shared children's books with elders, read to them, and started a conversation with them; how might that enrich their daily lives? Can a story touch a heart of those who read the words and dream of the pictures shared?Inspire and delight in the darkness of the moonbeams, dance in the shadows of the night, and drink in the energy of the moon; a wonderful experience to share with your loved ones.For more information on Kristine Keck visit: www.KristineKeck.comFor a free gentle healing book, newsletter, and articles by Dr. Jeanette visit: w

  • Elder finds healing from violence, abuse, addiction and trauma in early life.

    06/03/2022 Duration: 54min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Grace Francis to share her life story from childhood to elder, that was spattered with violence, abuse, shame, guilt, pain, and addiction. She has authored her life story in her new book, The Many Faces of a Bully, Abuse, and Addiction: Before and After the Internet We Are Created for Healing and Restoration.Is now the time to open the box of secrets of traumas and experiences that took away a childhood, innocence, dreams, safety, and survival? Is now the time to air them and heal from all the damage that was done decades ago? Why is this process necessary if we are to change our life, heal from the past, and forgive the experience? Can we see patterns repeating in generations and now stand up and say 'no more'? In the past, have the people who were entrusted with caring for you, making excuses about what may have happened to you or protecting their own vested interests in family or business? Perhaps, they too, were experiencing just what you were going through but had no tools to know

  • Alan Davey shares insight into God, religion, dogma, and beliefs through Jesus's words in Matthew's Gospel

    28/02/2022 Duration: 42min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Alan Davey as we begin a new Lenten season and the idea of 'what is God' is being discussed in many households after such loss and destruction of the last several years. Alan will be sharing his new book Walking the Line: Embracing the Imperatives of Jesus which explores contemporary issues of our day.God is inviting us to live in a house of love, not fear, but how do we get there from here? If we have never know God or love, how can we recognize it in the first place when it comes knocking?Have you given up religion and God because of the dogma that others, books, family, traditions, or beliefs does not seem to fit today's world and you just don't know what is real or truth anymore? Who is really in control of our lives, our breath, and our soul? Perhaps we do not want any control in our life and are on a quest to cut all ties to anything that tries to tell us what to do, how to be or what is real. If we allow ourselves to become so hardened to the possibility of a new concept of existe

  • What is an awakening and how do I navigate my soul journey while still being human in this life of trauma and challenges?

    25/02/2022 Duration: 47min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Shelia VanZile to engage in a unique and enlightening conversation about the soul journey and awakening. What is ascension and awakening all about? Are you tired of the old stories as a weight on your back that you are carrying, and how can you see your point on the path as a lightworker, starseed, intuitive, healers or wayshower? Are you perhaps just going through a transition and the name of the game has changed as we dance in the abyss of the unknown?Once we have an awareness, feel into the space and time, release the words, imprints and judgements put on this existence; then we are truly on the moment of this path of awakening. After a loss, can you see the rubble as a transformation into the pearls being gifted from the divine? Shelia shares her stories and guidance in her new book My Waterfall of Awakening; How loss can bring you home to the life you want. When your heart is broken, can you allow yourself to come vulnerable and open again to live a full new life?Navigating our da

  • Juel Maerz shares her New Age Children's Book on Truth and Intuition

    23/02/2022 Duration: 36min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Juel Maerz to share her New Age Children's Book The Little Philosophers and the Tree of Knowledge. How can we nourish the intuitive and awakened child with our words, experiences, and stories?Now is the time to nourish the children, with wisdom, perspective and just plain joy! Maybe now, we too, can be transformed by listening to the children and heal our hearts and soul?What is the joy of life and can we see it with new eyes and a clean slate with every breath we take out in nature and the forest? Do the trees really speak to us? Maybe the grass bends with the gentle touch of our presence? Might the clouds really be dancing with delight as we see them sparkle the sky?Today's children are already open, aware and spiritual beings, and many can already communicate and sense energy of the universe as they have come into this world with this ability as a normal talent. Let us begin to go out into nature and dream with the stars and forest to engage in a cosmic world that is now allowing us

  • William Yang explores the power of Yoga to heal the body, heart and soul

    21/02/2022 Duration: 59min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes William Yang of the Netherlands, to explore the concept of healing with Yoga from his recent book Yoga of Courage and Compassion. William's work brings together Eastern and Western concepts of healing and acknowledges the deeper essence of spirit, soul and energy that are necessary to tap into for navigating the body, mind and spirit of our being.What is this space inside? What is the inner voice? What is the healing space we can communicate with?How can we access the breath and find the flow to unblock meridians, channels, and stuck energy that harms our physical body? What is yoga: an exercise of limber bodies or an exercise of the breath?While the conscious mind is what we use to operate within the outside existence, can we allow the soul to fly free as the core of the subconscious mind and within the aspect of breath connection of the vital essence?As we start to join together in presence, can we find ways to support healing on a deeper level that only we can access at this time in o

  • Love, marriage and partnerships; how can you make them work when the initial romance wears off?

    18/02/2022 Duration: 46min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes John David Mann and Ana Gabriel Mann, authors of The Go Giver Marriage, to share how to create a life long relationship with a partner.The concept of love, what is it all about? The concept of marriage, is it a joy, a puzzle, a game or a challenge with life hardships? How can you communicate with your loved one on an intimate, trusting and compassionate level while also being truthful about your hurts, traumas, and needs?What is a broken heart?What is lasting love and do you need to create a relationship that others are expecting of you or can you explore and engage in a growing life process that supports each other over the decades of life?What do you want in life, what makes you tick, and how do you co habitat with another person in happiness and joy?Is a loving and joyful life possible these days?For more information on John David and his other books visit: www.JohnDavidMann.comFor free newsletter, books, articles, session coupon, and information from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanett

  • Dr. Milton Haber bringing research trials to support quality of life for his underserved community

    11/02/2022 Duration: 45min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Milton Haber, author of A Grand Slam Life, in which he shares his personal and professional life growth over the decades to finding his mission currently.Do doctor's get sick and almost die? Do they fight for their lives just like you do? Might they almost lose their life? What happens when Dr. is a patient in the middle of a pandemic and there are no special treatments to be found?Dr. Haber had lots of time to reflect on his life, what made him the man he is today, and all the keys players along his journey. What he realized about his life, he is strong, he is very smart, and he can push through to find ways to help himself first, then to share that same experience with others.Today, Dr. J and Dr. Milton spoke about how to care for people in a more expansive way, a better way, and the way in which we can no longer deny; a web of supporting the lives of all our patients with as many of their needs to health as possible.We were not meant to just diagnose and treat the symptoms, or d

  • Deanne Burch shares her memoir of surviving the Artic Circle in the 1960's; A Soul Journey

    09/02/2022 Duration: 45min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Deanne Burch, author of Journey Through Fire and Ice: Shattered Dreams Above the Arctic Circle, to share her story of engagement with a soul mate that took her to the ends of the earth.In our elder years, how do we look back at our lives in retrospect and extract the hardships and pearls of joy? What is our life made out of and how different things were decades ago!Deanne asked herself if she needed to be pushed to the extremes to see what her life was about, or perhaps if she can see that was her path and out the door she went, following her husband and soul mate. She was unsure of where she had been, what she had done, or what it was all about, but now feels it is time to share her life story with all the details the mind and heart can give.She went to the Arctic Circle with her new husband and endured conditions that were so foreign to her, that survival was essential on a daily basis, rather than living a grand life of a newlywed. The culture of the people, the environment extremes,

  • Becoming Divine Love and I Am on this Spiritual Journey

    04/02/2022 Duration: 53min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Stephen Shaw, author of over 12 books on the awakened Soul Journey, and he will be talking about the I AM; Journey to Enlightenment and Divine Love books today. How can we navigate as an awakened being in this time frame we are in while being 80% spiritual and 20% human? Can we allow ourselves to evolve to the maximum point this existence will allow each day?Can we be magical, mystical, spiritual, human and all the multidimensional aspects of ourselves and navigate day to day? Might we realize that others too, are experiencing this confusion at any given time or day on the calendar. Since there is no pinnacle to attain and gather all your belongings to stay only at that level, in this year 2022, the dance of life is an ebb and flow process. Perhaps, this is what we are becoming greater at each day that we take a breath.As we let go of ego and eventually find Divine Love, even if only for a glimpse of the moment, we can be more open in awareness and acceptance that we are truly evolving

  • What is the concept of God, if you have left religion, beliefs, stories, and dogma behind?

    02/02/2022 Duration: 51min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Roland Williams, author of God's Me, Myself, and I; The Truth and Ultimate Truth about the Trinity Conspiracy, to explore the separation human's have created by their interpretation of God's word.What is the concept of God, the Holy Spirit, the heavenly Father, and the stories we have been told over the decades from others and the books of so held dogma that is upheld as 'a' truth?Did you leave a religion, a belief and dogma of the past behind as you navigate farther and farther from the God image?What is your spiritual journey all about?What is it that gave us the gift of life, the gift of breath, the gift of knowing, and the gift of being in this existence? What is the story of the human existence, our spiritual essence and our knowing of God?Have we truly kept everything separated in nice little compartments so to please our rational validating and judgmental minds? Do we need to come to one spot about God?Can we tap into the energy of the God spirit; is this not the unifying source o

  • A novel of the soul journey through the multidimensional experiences in life

    28/01/2022 Duration: 58min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Janis Harper, author of Jonas and the Mountain: A Metaphysical Love Story, to explore our life journey through the unknown stories we can create.Our stories, in time, what is our lifetime all about; how can we take our soul journey, reflect it back as a character in a novel to be able to tell a story, so others are able to connect with concepts we are experiencing these days?As our life has been evolving over the last several decades, we are saying, I need some answers, I don't know what is going on, the world is changing, what is this all about, who am I, how are we getting along these days, what is the road and the path all about; these are all questions our mind, heart and soul have been asking of our conscience. Where can we find answers, tips, tools, and templates to make our life easier? Are their solutions to the human evolution process that is not riddled with holes to fall into or walls to hit? Why is life so hard these days?Are you seeking a guru, a healer, a knower, to guide

  • Tether lines can control our energy making us puppets!

    25/01/2022 Duration: 43min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Mary Joye, author of Codependent Discovery and Recovery 2.0: A Holistic Approach to Healing and Freeing Yourself, to help us see what is controlling our lives or how we are controlling others.Where are we today and what is pulling our strings? Do you feel pulled to act or react in a certain way and just wish you had a different choice? Do you feel like others are sucking the life out of you and you truly have no control to stop them?How are we tethered; to the cosmos, our jobs, our relationships, our past lives, our thoughts, our emotions, our feelings, our beliefs and that which we claim as the 'truth'? Many tether these days to have a sense of community, family, loved ones or just a deep need for survival. How can we discover the pull on our energy and be in awareness of why it is there, what purpose? Can we 'uncouple' and let go of the chains that seem to bind us?What is a toxic relationship and how are they imprinting and navigating in the same place, like an overlay of our sense

  • What is our conscience all about?

    21/01/2022 Duration: 40min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Leonard Perlmutter, author of YOUR CONSCIENCE: The Key to Unlock Limitless Wisdom and Creativity and Solve All of Life's Challenges to explore what goes round in your head.What is our mind, our thoughts, and our conscience? Where is the information coming from that shows up as what we are about or what we should do? Who is the driver of the ship, the outside world or the inner knowing of our 'what'? What is going on in this brain of ours; the cosmic energy or the communication of our inner connections to some knowing at this moment in time?Are we tapping into source energy? Can we start looking within self for answers that are not from the outside? Are we now awakening with the collective momentum that is being presented today through all the challenges of the last few years?Can we learn how to parent our mind? How loud is the noise in your existence of that which you see through as the filter of your being?For more information on Leonard visit: https://americanmeditation.org/your-con

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