Wellness Radio With Dr. J

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 756:38:25
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Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life. Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette's book "Trust: Photo Meditations" is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us. Dr. Jeanette is a visionary, spiritual guide and inspirational author/radio host. Her specialty is in helping others remember that life is a great gift, no matter what we are going through. Dr. J is in the 'healing of the heart and spirit' business and loves every moment. Her compassion and empathy can be felt as she shares her stories on air. She has over five decades in studying the mystery of the body, has fully experienced life challenges to create change and helps others transform their lives through connected listening to the story of their lives.Her books, events and blog postings are listed on her website and social media connections.Connect with her at: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.comTwitter: @DrJeanetteNDFacebook: DrJeanetteND


  • Take off your sunglasses and jump into a full life at any age with Rosemary Schmidt

    04/11/2022 Duration: 48min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Rosemary Schmidt, author of The Happy Clam, to share how to delight in life, release the past, and see each day as a blank sheet of paper to explore. Discover the university of possibilities, take off your sunglasses of filters, and know the sun is there to enjoy; that is the key to living a full and exciting life! Can you do it everyday, even in the face of aging, illness, and End of Life? Yes!Are the fears of the next step in life holding you stuck in pain, sadness or guilt? These are just filters that you hold up to see the world and they can be tossed out if you are ready.Dr. Jeanette shares hope in remembering 'this is where I am, this is where I have been and isn't it awesome'! Regardless of the past and present, we still have time to open our eyes and see a new day. Our baggage does not need to collect all the hurts, regrets, and pain but it can be aired out and tossed out to clear space for something new.Can you find a golden moment in time, even in the face of a memory that

  • Finding Hope in the Darkness of Suicide with Amir Siddiqui

    02/11/2022 Duration: 44min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Amir Siddiqui, author of From Suicidal to Serene, to share his story of being suicidal and finding hope in learning how to change his world.Amir shares the food, mind, body, and spirit connection that is essential for healing from the traumas, stress and struggles of life in which we engage on a daily basis. The journey of life can be illness, disease, struggles, depression, end of life, or just plain stuck and cannot go forward in our life. How can we assess where we are, what kind of help we need, and how to find a path that supports our beliefs, self care, and families?We tend to negate the experience we are in, and keep running from the darkness that seems to be sucking the life out of us. When can the running stop? Who will be at the end of the road to pick us up? What if we are forgotten and left out? Will we survive?These are all questions that our mind proposes and our heart is pushing away. Will we be ok tomorrow?Amir found a brief second of awareness of something bigger tha

  • Soulful conversation on death and beyond with Dr. Jeanette and Mylo Schaaf

    28/10/2022 Duration: 47min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Mylo Schaaf, author of Blown Into Now, to share her son's spiritual journey before he passed early in life.Mylo documented her son's pictures of nature and words of wisdom in a new book that turns the transition from life to spirit, into a journey of love and honor. Grief, death, loss, changes in our life, and changes in the way our soul and spirit is existing; in human form, in energy form and what is that change all about is shared today by Dr. Jeanette.What is your experience with grief and loss? Are you carrying around the losses in your life for decades? When a life is ended early, you may feel bucket lists burned unfulfilled, dreams shattered on the floor, and hearts irrevocably broken. What then? Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, but love lives on in our hearts. Can you find that deep sense of connection to love?Unconditional love is available at every turn and if we can get a handle on that for the present moment, life will be a dance of a life well lived regardless of the c

  • How to find medical answers to unexplained diseases of the body and mind with Dr. Susan Trachman

    26/10/2022 Duration: 35min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Susan Trachman, MD, to share how she explores the mind-body connections in face of many unexplained diseases. Many people suffer greatly their whole lives with symptoms of body and mind, but seek treatment and diagnoses that do not get to the root cause of what ails them. Can you find answers with a 15 minute physician appointment and random testing for something that you cannot describe or put your finger on about what is wrong with you? If you can't explain all your symptoms or pains that fit into the medical records intake sheet, then what do you do with the rest of your life story?What happened to you in your life, when did you start to sense something was wrong, and what did you do about your illness since the first time it showed up; these are important questions that can have a litany of answers and story attached to them. Is there anyone to listen to what is deep inside that is making you ill?Dr. Trachman is exploring the body web of health and finding the path that lead you

  • Honoring the cycle of life and transitioning on in spirit with Daryl McCullough

    21/10/2022 Duration: 40min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Daryl McCullough, author of The Story of Tree and Cloud, to show us the connections to our loved ones as spirit after they have passed on.What is our human existence about, how do we experience the end of time in this body, and how do we connect with the spirits that have passed on?End of life, transitioning to the other world, and becoming our soul energy beings again can become frightful and we do everything to stay in the comfort of our knowing human body. Can we find the glory in a cycle of life by watching nature all around us? Nature shows us something every day with its signs if we are alert and see with unfiltered eyes. It is showing us that we are eternal and unconditional love.Nature does not judge, it does not see you with all the stories and experiences you have been through, it does not see what you did wrong or right and it can help you heal with the oceans of tears that you grace the earth with. It can allow you to release all the burdens you have been carrying this lif

  • Improving your quality of life with Dr. Russell Jaffe

    19/10/2022 Duration: 33min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Russell Jaffe, author of Thriving in the 21st Century, to share tips on improving your health.Are you surviving or thriving in caring for your body, mind and spirit? Are you constantly hitting walls and struggling to find answers that will support better health?Are you prone to disease states and fighting each day to enjoy your life? Do you have a choice in how your body reacts to what it is taking in?Your body brings in information and nourishment via food, water, thoughts, environmental exposures, and lifestyle choices. Each decision plays a part in the web of life that you create which is to honor the body you have been given this lifetime. We talk about the quality of life and how can you take responsibility for the way in which you live your life in light of struggles that may come your way. Even in the face of disease, can you make a daily choice that will improve your health?Dr. Jaffe shares pearls of decades in health to begin to thrive and have a better quality of life. Y

  • Creating a Love Mantra for your child with Shanalee Sharboneau

    19/08/2022 Duration: 42min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Shanalee Sharboneau, author of a children's series My Family Loves Me, which connects a mother and father to the heart and soul of a child through reading.How do we create a mantra to connect our heart and soul to the tender hearts and souls of our loved ones in their very early days? How can we let our children know what we are feeling, what we would like to connect with them, and let them know how deeply we feel about them? Who loves me, who keeps me safe, who shelters me and who is deeply vested in holding me close for a lifetime? Create a moment in time to design a memory that your child will remember forever with words and pictures in Shanalee's books. For more information on Shanalee visit: www.TheShanalee.comFor a free newsletter and information on Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Today's Energies with Ryan McCormick

    17/08/2022 Duration: 46min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Ryan McCormick, host of Outer Limits Radio, to discuss what kind of energies are upon us in Summer 2022. Ryan is a metaphysical, spiritual, and philosophical journalist who shares what he sees through his eyes each day to those who are new to the journey of the spirit and soul.Science and spirituality; do we have to be in one camp or another? Do we have to squash one side to have the power and validation that is essential for survival these days? Who will come out the victor? Who will be denigrated and demoralized into oblivion? Is this process really necessary? Can we not co-exist?Death; a transition, a process, an ending of our identity, or a passing through to the next phase of our spiritual soul? Are we eternal or is this just one life to live? What are we doing with our time each day? Is each day a gift or a token that is expected to be received just by being human?What are we willing to share about our lives and the changes we see through our experiences? Maybe we are keeping

  • Covert Childhood Abuse and Healing a Life with Marylee Martin

    27/07/2022 Duration: 45min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Marylee Martin, author of An Unsuspecting Child: Coming to Grips with Covert Childhood Abuse, to share her memoir of healing from a traumatic childhood.How did we grow up and what is the story that we are attached to? How did we come into this world and what is the book of dogma with this ancestral lineage that we seem to have engaged in and intertwined in? We are part of the tapestry of ancestors over eons!What are the stories and experiences of guilt, shame and violence being held inside of you over your lifetime? Are you responsible for carrying the pain of the elders and then continuing it on in your life as if it is the legacy of your family? When is enough, enough? When can we stand up and stop the trauma of the past from playing a part in lives going forward? Can you be a 'bridge worker' in this lifetime in 2022? A bridge worker is someone in a family who does a life review in retrospect, honors the past, heals the present and creates a new story of identity going forward. Is thi

  • Top Summer Read 2022: An exploration of witchy powers and love in a novel by Sephera Giron

    15/07/2022 Duration: 42min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Sephera Giron, author of the Witch Upon A Star Series. Today we will be talking about the adventures of a witch, magic, and love from her latest book Taurus: A Hearse of a Different Color. The novel is a great adventure into the abilities, talents and gifts we all have to move energy and see the world with totally different eyes. How can we move, create, change and transform energy with our thoughts, hands, and perceptions in how we conjure up a story and experience?In the year 2022, we are now realizing we are more connected to the earth, sun, moon and stars, more than we have ever been as humans from all eons past.We are becoming spiritual people, magical people and engaging with the universal cosmic force. Are you willing to dream and jump on the magic carpet, ride your broom, or dance in the ethers, as we traverse dimensions of time and place to find love?Are we starting to be able to life the veil between the dimensions of time? What would we find if we had eyes wide open, heart eag

  • New Age children's book on solving a mystery with new thoughts and solutions with Elisabeth Revel

    07/07/2022 Duration: 27min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Elisabeth Revel, author of Hillary and the Ladybug Butterflies, to explore a New Age children's book on adventure, problem solving and mystery.Elisabeth has written a book on magic and mystery in a child's adventure to find joy and connection with nature. Kids are all about exploring and the story helps them connect the dots of how to figure things out without frustration or giving up.It takes courage to be brave enough to ask for help, to seek out other paths to find what you are looking for and to enjoy the process of seeking in life. Many times kids think they cannot do something or maybe they have even been told they cannot do something, but, it is still in their mind about the what if they could do it. How do you encourage them to actively create a chain of actions to find a solution to a problem? Is everything truly out of the reach of a child, or is it perhaps, the parent or guardian that is feeling their own limits and shining them on the child? Can you allow your child to tea

  • Life is a tapestry of emotions and experiences with Patricia Stanway

    06/07/2022 Duration: 53min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Patricia Stanway, author of A Life's Tapestry, to share her poems of challenges, hurdles, pain and joy in a lifetime.Our life is the tapestry we have woven over decades of our time. When we look back in retrospect, can we say it was a grand experience, a fascinating story, with all the holes, highs, lows, and following down rabbit holes? Are we happy with our story or do we shut down the thoughts, hold shame, guilt and pain or feel gratitude for the journey of a lifetime?Are we willing to look back at the past and say we wish to be free from it, recognize we made it through the hard times, and be aware that it no longer plays a part in our everyday life choices?Going backwards may be pain and perhaps it is time to create something going forward with a sense of peace and forgiveness for anything we may have engaged in. Can we unfurl the tapestry of life we have created as our story, and find a new thread to fly free with adventures for our heart and soul?Time to get to know yourself in a

  • Tools and stories to work with dark energy, goddesses, and magic with C. Ara Campbell

    03/07/2022 Duration: 50min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes C. Ara Campbell, author of Dark Goddess Magick, to explore the stories of goddess's who touch our lives in story and magical work through the eons.How to engage with the energies around you is a new ability many are becoming open to in this decade. What you are feeling, sensing, or bumping into within energy fields can support your life, tickle your emotions, or push you over the edge and that can be a bit challenging if you don't have the tools to know what is going on. Where do you find information on dark energy? How do we navigate the energy world, the natural world, and the human organism that we hold in this lifetime? What are the words you use to define your experiences and how do you see the power of those moments in time that are creating a picture you can see with your eyes?are you running from dark energy and staying in the light? What is the fear you are having and where is it rooted in an experience? This lifetime or the past, a dream or a vision, or a thought and emotion t

  • A new perspective on the Mind/Body connection with Dr. Samuel Mann

    01/07/2022 Duration: 01h05min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Samuel Mann, author of Hidden Within Us: A Radical New Understanding of the Mind Body Connection, to share how our traumas, emotions, and life experiences influence our physical health.Our mind, thoughts, emotions, physical body, disease, and survival tools influence the health of our body and are all looped together. How do we find out what is driving our hypertension, anxiety, irritable bowel, or migraines, if we have a limited set of treatments to try and fix the symptoms or pain that is presenting? Would you be comfortable in opening up to your medical physician about your mental health or past troubles in life? Do you keep things boxed up inside as secrets that you will never let anyone know about? How can you find the courage to connect what happened to you in life and see it as a path to healing what ails you?What is the first step to finding out who you are, where you are going and where you have been in life? Perhaps you have even forgotten parts of your past as a survival

  • A journey traversing timelines, dimensions, and reality to self realization with Bryce Kriegman

    29/06/2022 Duration: 37min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Bryce Kriegman, author of Killing on the River Broad, to discuss how a man seeks to find a greater meaning to life through exploring nature, clearing the mind, and opening up in spiritual awareness. What is our life story all about? Perhaps we have followed the dogma and beliefs of our ancestors and simply 'washed, rinse and repeat' to make amends from past hurts or mistakes that we seem to have carried as our legacy.What happens when the collective or self, hits a wall that changes the world around them? What is showing up in front of you may challenge you to your core which may leave you feeling vulnerable and shaken, but is this a great awakening or a rise in the expansion of all souls still in human form? What is our relationship with 'self'?Bryce will share the journey of traversing timelines, dimensions, and reality while still in conscious awareness through story. Where will your dreams, visions, or creation take you if you just open up to possibility, potential energy sources, an

  • How to navigate the abyss, dark and light energies, and expanding your consciousness with a guide.

    17/06/2022 Duration: 56min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Shawn Murphy from Switzerland, author of Torn Between Two Worlds: Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing, to explore the journey through the abyss of consciousness we are now in.Today, we are expanding our human, spiritual, and soul being. Our consciousness is challenging us to hold on to the past and old ways or open up to a different way of existing with new tools and beliefs. The abyss is the transition period we are taking as humans transforming from dense human forms locked in story and history to light energy beings with unlimited potential to explore.What was, what is, is no longer. What is the next step? Is it a step off, down, or into the unknown? Are you ready? Perhaps you are already far along your way and you haven't even realized it. When you know you are being guided, you are there for a purpose, and the old way of being is no longer you, then the door behind you closes and there is no going back. Along your path, you may encounter different types of energy forms, such as

  • Healing early life traumas that are now arising in later life through soul work

    03/06/2022 Duration: 48min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Karen Schultz, author of Little Karen and The Egyptian Priestess: How My Higher Self Healed My Childhood, to share her journey through devastating events to be the woman she is today.How do we get over the hurdles, traumas, and sinkholes of life? What if we repress the emotions or deny the experience we had in early childhood? Are you an adult in later life and now feeling like you can bust open to release all your pains and hurts that were secrets of the past?Who is your guide or support system to help you heal with compassion, love, and understanding? "It is not about who you are, it is what you have traversed through in time" , says Dr. Jeanette, that is necessary to start your journey of self exploration and healing. To see the experiences for what they were, experiences, is the first step.Can you find the ancestral link that your soul has journeyed from? What ancient times have you traversed? Perhaps you are having an awareness of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, or Greece and a story li

  • Nature's Pathway to guide a Spiritual Awakening

    29/05/2022 Duration: 44min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Sally Gallot-Reeves, author of The Soul Garden Pathway Discovery Guide, to explore the connections we have in nature to our own spiritual growth in awakening.How do we nourish our heart, soul, mind, and body in this lifetime with such grand transitions of energy and spirituality? What are we growing and nourishing within ourselves? This is the time for transitioning from the caterpillars we have been and working hard on the earth, to the butterflies that can now fly free on the cosmic winds. We are on warp speed of knowing, evolving and expanding our consciousness. As we watch what grows in our gardens, we see the seeding to flourishing cycles that are showing us how to evolve. Are you watching the magical movie playing out each day around you?How does fear cloud the path we wish to walk on in learning and growing in this lifetime? Is there a way engage fear, see it for what it holds, and let it fly free without holding us back in our happiness?'Intuition is the angelic conversation wit

  • Creating a love affair with food, nutrition, and energy in the plant kingdom

    20/05/2022 Duration: 52min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Marcela Benson, author of Peace, Love and Vegetables: Recipes for Conscious Living, to share how to develop a connection with the food we partake in everyday."a love affair with food, nature, and the environment in which we live to nourish the body, mind and soul, is the goal of life" says Dr. Jeanette.Marcela's book is a creatives dream on the topic with drawings, photos, descriptions, recipes, and stories to engage you in a beautiful energy wave that envelopes your spirit.We romance with nature for a deep connection with food to nourish our body as we grow and prepare it with loving hands and honor it's presence to enhance our health in this lifetime.What a beautiful existence!For more information on Marcela visit: www.Marcela.loveFor a free newsletter and book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com Dr. Jeanette helps you find ways to connect the body, mind and spirit in health as we are evolving each day on this great spiritual adventure. Illness, disease, death, and h

  • Time to wake up to your Psychic Abilities!

    18/05/2022 Duration: 54min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Karen Frazier, author of The Ultimate Guide to Psychic Abilities, to share how to open up psychic abilities if you are ready become aware.Senses, knowing, abilities, intuition, gifts, psychic abilities; what are we opening up to, are we sensing different things, are we finally recognizing energy healing and our bodies are energy organisms? What is the label you are starting to explore that defines what you are feeling these days?The Clairs, astral travel, multidimensional engagement, past life knowing, and navigating your world today; how do you engage with it, how do you find others that know something about it and how do you have a conversation that is meaningful?Are you willing to be open to a new way of thinking and being in this world?For more information on Karen and her other works visit: www.AuthorKarenFrazier.comFor a free newsletter and book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com Dr. Jeanette offers casual conversation sessions to help you define where you are, h

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