Wellness Radio With Dr. J

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 733:24:28
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Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life. Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette's book "Trust: Photo Meditations" is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us. Dr. Jeanette is a visionary, spiritual guide and inspirational author/radio host. Her specialty is in helping others remember that life is a great gift, no matter what we are going through. Dr. J is in the 'healing of the heart and spirit' business and loves every moment. Her compassion and empathy can be felt as she shares her stories on air. She has over five decades in studying the mystery of the body, has fully experienced life challenges to create change and helps others transform their lives through connected listening to the story of their lives.Her books, events and blog postings are listed on her website and social media connections.Connect with her at: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.comTwitter: @DrJeanetteNDFacebook: DrJeanetteND


  • Activating your divine self through wisdom and trust

    19/01/2022 Duration: 39min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Adam Hall, author of Divine Genius: The Unlearning Curve, to share stories and tips to navigate your soul journey.What is the wisdom that shows up as the magical cosmic way of evolution? Are there soul solutions to walking the path we now find ourselves on?Time to move through your own journey consciously, pay attention to the metaphors presenting in life, practice self care and move down the path consciously as our new life path will begin to illuminate and flood us with the love of the Universe.Trust the moment in time and a observe what unfolds, a new path that is healing.For more information on Adam visit: www.AdamHall.solutionsFor a free newsletter, book, articles and session coupon code from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Empath Activation Cards: Time to charge up the new energy available to you

    14/01/2022 Duration: 50min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Stephanie Red Feather to share her new Empath Activation Cards; Discover Your Cosmic Purpose with us. Time to readjust, tune up, and evolve with the energies of this moment in time.What is an Empath all about, what is our world all about, what is the expansion of this human being or this cloak we are carrying as our soul is emanating forward? Our energy is sparking through the cracks and we are starting to become more than that which past several decades have taught us to be. New empaths are emerging every day and we need a few more tools to help guide us along this path.What is your world intimately trying to tell you? We are not seeking answers or templates to tell us what to do but rather feel into the energy to empower and strengthen our field to take us to the next level of existence.The higher the vibration to become the conscious multidimensional being is where we are currently and the need to ground is even great to maintain a presence in this lifetime. How are you fairing ea

  • Have your life experiences and trauma kept you stuck with imprints that are hard to release?

    11/01/2022 Duration: 48min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Patricia Love, author of Seen and [UN]Heard, to explore the choices, path and traumas of our life that impacts our every breath.What is our voice and can we allow it to bellow with all our emotions?How are we looking back at our life; romanticizing the view, finding faults, living with regrets or shame and guilt?How can we heal our soul and human essence? The human essence is what is engaging in this experience and does it feel good to my heart and my senses? Am I part of life's story?We can look at the past and say 'here I am today' and what would I like to change today, knowing that I am ok today. I am able to speak my own truth and love myself in all moments.What is that which cannot be heard, felt or touched; what is the vacant space or little flower that needs to be nourished and brought forth?Do we need to find completion and peace with our life before it is time to transition to the next life?For more information on Patricia visit: www.PatriciaLove.comFor a free newsletter, boo

  • Stories of awakening and progressing to knowing energy in it's purest form is the topic today!

    07/01/2022 Duration: 47min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Karen Maharaj, author of Struck by Reality, shares her life changing story that brought her to the depths of her soul to find a new life only she could create from within.When we hit the wall, our identity vacates, struck by lightning, something in our life gets us to stop dead in our tracks, our world explodes, and yes, death. Is this event the end of a cycle, the beginning of a new cycle, or is it where our old way of existence stops and we say 'I am going to sit here and see what to do next', as this is the first breath of a new soul journey.Are you stuck in the abyss, which is a time where you need to shake off all the cell receptors, of the old and you are in an unknown space in time? This is the time when the cell is cleansing out residue, you are preparing for the new and opening up the space for new energy. Are you ready and aware?'The time when you hit the wall is when material density, the old tether lines, the old beliefs and truths that were constructed over eons of what we

  • National Conscience Month with Leonard Perlmutter

    05/01/2022 Duration: 33min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Leonard Perlmutter, founder of The American Meditation Institute, to discuss the January 2022 National Conscience Month.Who is running your mind, commanding emotional attention, and making life choices for you? Are you using old tapes, past habits and beliefs, history and ancestral imprints, or tuning into the inner voice of your own true self conscience?As long as we base action on inner wisdom, the intelligence is offering the thoughts we think, the words we speak and the actions we take, which in turn become the seeds we are sowing. We are the instrument for the process and sprouting of all seeds will occur when the time is right.How do I step into the new being, open up the New Year, and become more aware of the voice within that is guiding this moment in time?Dr. Jeanette and Leonard share stories, tips and experiences to open your awareness, inspire you to seek the next step, and engage you in thought provoking questions throughout this show.If you wish to know more about Leonard,

  • Comet, Asteroid, and the Second Coming of Jesus; is it upon us now?

    11/12/2021 Duration: 53min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes David Heeren, author of The High Sign, to explore the earth changes over eons from creation to potential destruction.There is a change of the earth coming, are you seeing the signs and feeling the symptoms of such a cosmic shift? Something is coming and we can see all the destruction, chaos, and mayhem that precedes change. It is not about being scared, running to protect self and property, or screaming in fear from the rafters. It is about being in observance of how we are living as compassionate humans, helping others, and navigating the world to be a better place to spend our days. This show is sharing the historical significance of the Second Coming of Jesus and navigating the path to getting there through the book of Isaiah. There are over 200 points of evidence that state a potential for a comet to initiate this monumental shift in the cosmos.What if it is an asteroid? What if it is a comet? What if we never see anything in our human lifetime? What if, what if, what if?For m

  • Creating a holiday season of light and hope while celebrating with traditions of past ancestral traditions.

    05/12/2021 Duration: 44min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Tom Jerman, author of Santa Claus Worldwide: A History of St. Nicholas and Other Midwinter Gift-Bringers, to explore how we celebrate the holiday season.The holidays are just that, a day, but we can celebrate the season of light, hope, harvest, and darkness just as our ancestors did if we can see what the real purpose was to celebrate without all the marketing. Throughout history, we see times of great despair, challenges, and hardship that still hold the essence of what the winter season brings to the human soul. After such difficulties of life, people would start to celebrate and come together to heal and prosper as a society and culture. Have we just come through such a darkness, have we felt many endings in our lives and lives lost, can we have hope and find light in our broken hearts and soul?Enjoy the stories of Santa Claus, foods of harvest and sharing, and gifts of supporting each other with the joy of the season in this book that takes us back to the countries of our ancestral l

  • Gratitude, Grace, Resiliency, Earth Chaos and Energy Shifts: Thanksgiving 2021

    25/11/2021 Duration: 30min

    Taking the Pulse on Today's Energies: Thanksgiving 2021.Today, my guest and co-host Michael Goddart, author of A New Now. We are reflecting on our evolving beliefs about gratitude and thankfulness after many challenging experiences over the last few years. How are we engaging in grace, honor and unconditional love?Are we finding we are challenged to become a better human? Are we ready for the task and honor in service going forward?Take the holiday time this year to engage with others, share your deepest heartfelt thoughts, and bring healing to the table. Regardless of how they may have hurt you in the past or not shown up for you in this lifetime as you had wished. The year 2022 will be a great healing of all if we choose to participate and bring forth the wave of energy needed, unconditionally.For more information on Michael Goddart visit: www.Goddart.comFor free items from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • After a life of trauma and challenges, how do you manifest a feeling of joy, love and health if you have never known these feelings.

    27/08/2021 Duration: 44min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jobie Sprout, author of Paradontic, to share stories of inspiration and wisdom. If you have found your life is full of traumas, wrong roads, bad choices, or challenging life events, how do you come out of the energy of such events? What if all you know about living is how harsh it can be? We talk about meditation and manifesting, creating a picture and emotion to feel something inside yourself, and holding it as the picture of your moment in time. What happens when you never had those feelings? How do you create them?Jobie shares words of inspiration and thoughts of wisdom to create a picture in your thoughts that may help you start to find the colors of joy and love in your own life picture. Are you willing to open the door and step outside of what has been your past?Our old tools of healing or joy are fading like the sunset as outside forces no longer suffice in healing the holes in our being. We can only be whole from holding our own heart and soul as the loving being we are. No

  • Navigating your soul journey with plant medicines, mushrooms, marijuana, and alcohol

    25/08/2021 Duration: 52min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes John M. Folak, author of the Visionary Quests Series as The Traveling Nobody, to share his experiences with navigating this world and stepping into the unknown of the world beyond.What are the tools you use to journey to another world through out of body, beyond the veil, or into the unknown while you lose all sense of the rational consciousness that governs our day to day living? Have you tried plant medicines before and where did they take you? Were you open to the experience and fully delve into where it was taking you? What message or thoughts did you bring back to reflect on about how you are currently living your life? How can you put into words what happened to you?Are you hiding your 'traveling experiences' because you would fear what others would say? Are you journeying with all types of psychedelic mushrooms or plants and keeping it to yourself as it may be taboo or so far off the rails of a journey that you don't want to be labeled as crazy?Can you share your story about yo

  • Being a master of illusion is the game to challenge your beliefs, truths, and rules in the criminal system

    24/08/2021 Duration: 52min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Georgia Zaslove, author of Spirit of the Law and the Crime Against the Soul, to explore the illusion and truths which create the legal profession in defending criminals.What is truth? What happens when there are different versions of the truth and no one can find one statement or fact to agree on that is 'the truth'? Georgia has written a paranormal, mystery thriller to challenge the human existence and the soul/spirit connection in creating a story that others will believe so the bad guy can be put away or let go. What happens when we start to have conversations or messages from our deceased loved ones that shed light on a crime that caused the end of their life? Who really knows what happened at the time of their death and the person or circumstances that created it; the living people or the dead spirits that are still haunting our thoughts and dreams?The attorney, Sy Marcus, is a master of illusion and uses his expertise to create doubt in even the best of all legal professionals, as

  • Lifetimes of service and showing up as New York City Firefighters and their legacies post 9/11.

    22/08/2021 Duration: 49min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Gerald 'Jerry' Sanford, a retired New York City firefighter and policeman, to share his new book It Started with a helmet: A Retired Firefighter's Return to New York City the Day Before 9/11. A firefighter retires from FDNY and finds a helmet that he decides should be returned to the Ladder Co 42 of which it originated. The lifetime of service, honor and respect that a helmet symbolizes was memorialized on September 10, 2001, the day before 9/11. A soul was brought 'home' and little did Jerry know about the bigger picture of bringing all the people together at the firehouse, that this would be their last day together in a celebration. They were all killed the day after on 9/11. As we approach the 20 year anniversary of this event, might we stop for the day and honor all the souls who gave up their lives in the attack, those who sought to help and rescue people in distress and those who are still suffering the pain of loss and grief in their hearts to this day.We honor all people of se

  • Healthcare vs Access: Supporting Patients

    13/08/2021 Duration: 38min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Patrick Neustatter, author of Managing Your Doctor, to explore how patients can become their own advocate. Part 1 was published August 10, 2021 and this is part 2.Who is the gatekeeper of our health? How are expansive care systems now taking over the delivery of health services and creating a business of templates and drop downs? How can a patient be heard? What is the process of supporting care to a patient in all aspects of disease and end of life?You are the writer of your own health book and the only one who knows all the pieces of your body puzzle. What do you share with your care providers and how do you listen to what is being said of your treatment plan?How can you navigate the system in place at this time? Ask for help!For more information on Dr. Neustatter visit: www.ManagingYourDoctor.comFor a free newsletter, book and services from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Managing Your Health: Access vs Care Part 1

    11/08/2021 Duration: 29min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Patrick Neustatter, author of Managing Your Doctor; The Smart Patient's Guide to Getting Effective, Affordable Healthcare, to explore the patient's experience in healthcare.How did healthcare transform over decades and we barely blinked an eye at the consequences? What did we let slip through the cracks and have now a tumbling down house of cards called healthcare? What will it take to save the system of patient care, protect the doctors and services they provide, and continue to support healing the body with all known techniques of the day?It has gotten so complex to take care of our bodies these days when there are so many players in the process of delivering such care and all the stakeholders across the board that you simply can no longer follow the process. From walking into the Dr's office to paying the bill and being well again is a web that we have weaved over the decades that may no longer be holding it's own. What can a patient do when their questions are not answered? What

  • No running, no hiding, and no escape from the mind, body, and reset of the energy frequency.

    07/08/2021 Duration: 43min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Forrest Rivers, author of Covid-19 and Humanity's Spiritual Awakening, to explore the events of 2020.What is humanity going through at this time and how can we step back and see the bigger picture? Has life gone off the rails and there is no way to get back on the highway of normal? What are we going to do now?Are the survival mechanisms and powers that be which we have given our power to, can they save us at all costs or perhaps they do not have the capability to do that at all? Fact, truth, and illusion is what is coming up and it has shown up in all paradigms of our life. What is this world going to change and evolve into? How will humanity rise to the mission at hand? Can we put one foot in front of the other?Who are we and where are we going?For more information on Forrest visit: www.ForrestRivers.comFor a free newsletter and gentle healing book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • How can Spiritual work and money be in the same sentence and support each other?

    04/08/2021 Duration: 35min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Jennifer Noel Taylor, author of Spiritual and Broke, to explore how to still support yourself if you are doing spiritual work. Is it possible?Are you trying to make changes in your life, stepping out and wanting to engage in something different, trying to follow your passion or find a new job; how can you support yourself?Isn't spiritual work supposed to be a giving of the heart and not monetary? How can you put value on the awakened process of being human? Money conjures up all kinds of triggers in our thoughts. The old beliefs, hurts, lack of, and survival stories come out of the wood work. What are you holding on to these days and can you let anything go to get into the flow of money energy?Money is energy, and once you get a grasp on how it flows, you can take care of self and others with the new work you are doing.For more information on Jennifer visit: www.JenniferNoelTaylor.comFor a free newsletter and gentle healing book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com

  • Our hearts have been diseased, crushed, broken and alone, but what is the heart soul journey?

    01/08/2021 Duration: 53min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Lee McCormick, author of The Heart Reconnection Guidebook, to explore the heart energy in all its aspects of giving life.The heart that beats in your chest, the one that feels its always breaking, the one that you need to make whole, the heart that keeps you in this existence; does it have a mind of its own, is it repeating history, creating new timelines, reaching out and seeking to bloom? What is the heart seeking? Who are we and what are we doing here? What keeps us navigating through emotions, feelings, heart strings and life experiences?The heart is the anchor place of the soul. Can we explore how the heart energy creates the choices we make, the people we engage with and the health of our spirit in this existence?How healthy is your Soul Heart?For more information on Lee McCormick visit: www.SpiritRecovery.comFor a free newsletter and gentle healing book from Dr. Jeanette visit: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.com She is in the business of healing hearts, one moment in time, check her ser

  • Why is our body rebelling and how did we get here in this sickened state?

    30/07/2021 Duration: 58min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Tom O'Bryan, author of THE AUTOIMMUNE FIX, to explore how we contribute to the health and disease of our bodies.Autoimmune disease, inflammation, or feeling awful and just do not know what is wrong with you? Have you been asking the questions for decades and not feeling better at the start of your day?How did we get into this place of struggling with our health? Why are there so many symptoms and so few answers? What are we breathing in, putting on and in our bodies, how do we nourish our body, mind and soul, and do we know what is good or bad for us?Everything that comes within our personal space, right down to each cell, is affected by many forces and products over 24 hours. What are our exposures and how can we start to clear our space, clean up our choices, and create a rejuvenating health plan that reduces our hurts and pains each day? Perhaps, when we start to clean up things around us and within us, the body can then see where it needs further help and healing. For more info

  • Gut Issues in Children; Do Not Wait to Ask for Help

    28/07/2021 Duration: 34min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Drs. Michael Lawson and Jessica DelPozo, authors of The Gut Solution, to explore children's gut issues from physical to emotional beginnings.Stomach aches, pain, irritability, stressed out, and anxiety in children is not normal and they will not grow out of it. So how do you find the right Dr. to help you, know what questions to ask of practitioners, and trust your child is getting the best care? Today, we discuss the child's health as a factor of bringing the whole family together and see what is triggering distress that is showing up as a potentially harmful medical condition. Are you seeking the fix, the thing, the root cause, or rather can you see how things are intertwined and your child is reacting to the world around me and internalizing the experiences? What if, you, the parent, also have gut issues and just figure this too will pass with a child? Can you perhaps see that a child's gut is the source of all health for a lifetime, and healing, nourishing and repairing a gut is esse

  • STD's, Nursing Homes, Lifetime Secrets and Elder Care; Life After 50

    25/07/2021 Duration: 56min

    Dr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Timmothy Holt, author of Square Affair, to discuss the conditions elders are experiencing when placed in a nursing home or assisted living.How do you take care of those over the age of 50? How do you take care of those who have harmed you in the past and now their daily living support and tossed your way? What are the programs for older individuals and chronic disease?What are the red alerts that you should be aware of when caring for an elder? What are the secrets they hold deep inside and when will that bubble burst? What are their sexual activities, people who visit and deliver services, and those who take advantage of the mental health of an elder? Who is responsible to be the overseer? What about drug addiction and dependency in elderly? Consider Medicare paying for male enhancing drugs regardless of 'knowing the whole situation', who is liable? Do not wait to ask the questions because you do no know how to ask, are afraid to ask, are embarrassed, do not want to know the answers

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