Dr. Jeanette Gallagher shares in casual conversation, topics of health, wellness and spirituality to transform your life. Her guests are authors, physicians, spiritual leaders, and people who wish to share a message of hope as the world evolves through daily challenges. The conversations may ease your concerns, encourage deep laughter or challenge your beliefs but you will come away with a sense that something has stirred inside of you and you just can't wait to share it with others. Dr. Jeanette's book "Trust: Photo Meditations" is an inspirational journey to find the softness and comfort in the world around us. Dr. Jeanette is a visionary, spiritual guide and inspirational author/radio host. Her specialty is in helping others remember that life is a great gift, no matter what we are going through. Dr. J is in the 'healing of the heart and spirit' business and loves every moment. Her compassion and empathy can be felt as she shares her stories on air. She has over five decades in studying the mystery of the body, has fully experienced life challenges to create change and helps others transform their lives through connected listening to the story of their lives.Her books, events and blog postings are listed on her website and social media connections.Connect with her at: www.DrJeanetteGallagher.comTwitter: @DrJeanetteNDFacebook: DrJeanetteND
Drawing closer to the Force or Christ with Mark Olsen
25/04/2023 Duration: 51minDr. Jeanette welcomes Mark Olsen, author of The Layman's Guide to Experiences in God-Realization, to explore our connection with God as source energy.Today, we will be talking about our experiences as soul, spirit, God realized, the white light and the unconditional love we all are at this time of awakening in a higher plane.How do you become the enlightened soul and spirit that we have always truly known inside? How do we join again and be able to traverse all the gifts we have to utilize as 'the whole'? What are we here to become? Perhaps it is time to know we are eternal souls and spirits while we let go of the human story of old beliefs and truths that seemed to rule us.How do you receive guidance from the source, spiritual guide, God, energy source or the voice that speaks to you?Your life is a singular journey within the web of the cosmos, and you need to go inside to find the source directly for you to be guided.Are you shining out your light, stepping into your mission and fully in service?For more in
Being healthy is a unique experience only you can create with Denise Stegall
21/04/2023 Duration: 46minDr. Jeanette welcomes Denise Stegall, author of Healthy Living, Happy Life - A Practical Path to Finding the Healthy Lifestyle that Works for You, to explore how to listen to your body in making life choices.How are we doing with the New Year awareness that we have jumped into this 2023; to bring in good foods, clear out the old, and see how everything is energy?Have you connected with energy of the world around you and nature to nourish body, mind, and soul?Are you seeing yourself differently yet? What are the road blocks and can you stop to check in with your body to see what it may be saying?How can you live from the moment in time where you eat, breathe, and engage with others happily and in present time?Are you following programs, gurus, and ideas that others have found success that you want to find? Is there a program or process that is right for everyone and compliance is essential for success?Are you willing to accept yourself in this moment in time with all your struggles, health concerns, worries a
Walking with God after Stroke with Ms. Kim Blackwell
18/04/2023 Duration: 37minDr. Jeanette welcomes Ms.Kim Blackwell, author of My Walk with God Continues: Life after Stroke, to share her inspirational walk with God as she recovered from her stroke.Can we step into the door when God calls regardless of how it shows up? What is your mission in life?What's going to happen when our heart breaks, our body shakes and shimmies, and everything changes in our world, and we no longer even recognize ourselves?We are not sure what tomorrow will bring nor do we even know how to get there. That is the time when we put our trust in God, and it is the only thing that is going to get us from one breath to another.As we age, we have life stories that can be shared to help guide others in their time of changes with no support or people who can say 'I have been there, may I share my story'?God has many journeys for you and each pothole is just that; a time to recover, a time to rest, and a time to reset.Is our God journey to get things or gifts that will answer our prayers or perhaps the gift is to acc
Exploring God, Religion and Spirituality through the Ages with Lynne Renoir
18/04/2023 Duration: 58minDr. Jeanette welcomes Lynne Renoir, author of God Interrogated - Reinterpreting the Divine, to explore God and religions throughout history.How did we get here? Who is the ultimate life being or force that brought us into this world?Can we see that perhaps our beliefs, morals, and truths are now shifting from what was held dear as the rule in past decades and centuries before? Are we finding the old stories might no longer work in our perception of life today?Is the word God bringing up emotions or resistance that has been handed down from generations within a family structure and you are expected to do what had been handed to you to follow in growing up?What if everything you know, isn't? Are you open to explore your life experience?Even if everyone has a different point of view and follows different truths, perhaps what we are all seeking is the greater acceptance of all? As we are seekers, we are now unraveling the beliefs so dearly held and allowing new ways of being a loving human being to enter our hear
Commentary on the Bible with Sirak James
14/04/2023 Duration: 35minDr. Jeanette welcomes Sirak James, author of Exodus: God Remembers, to share his commentary on listening to God while reading the Bible.The Bible; the stories of God, the stories of ancient lands, and the stories of a long time ago are shared within. How have these stories set up our world, our beliefs, our truths, and the way in which we navigate the world today?Do you clamor to find a sense of God when you hit the wall, need God to fix something you have broken or at death? Do your fears have you seeking a source of help from another place and time?Sirak has read the Bible and after every verse he read; he wrote a commentary as it related to life at this time. The writiings are a channeling of the energy of the words that came through as the creator has source them to be for him to relate to us. It is to share what came to him, so others could read and create their own story of their life.If you are struggling and the Bible is a challenge at this time or not what you are seeking, this book can help guide
Nourishing a child's body with Dr. Richard Saracen
11/04/2023 Duration: 43minDr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Richard Saracen, author of Who said you can't have ice cream for dinner? Not me!, a children's book for food choices with movement.How do we make food choices for our children that support energy, health and delight as our kid's grown up?Are you coming together to eat a meal, move about in exercise, or grow the food you eat each day?Maybe you are constantly fighting with your children as they want foods that you believe would not be good for them? Do you continue to resist them and put out negative vibes about food intake?What is food made of, how is movement more important than scheduled exercise, and what if joining together in food choices can improve the health of the entire family?For more information on Dr. Saracen visit: www.DrSaracen.comFor more information and sessions with Dr. Jeanette visit:
Daniel Deardorff story of exploring deformity, life existence, and survival as a mythsinger.
30/03/2023 Duration: 01h03minDr. Jeanette welcomes Judith-Kate Friedman, steward of the Mythsinger Legacy Project and representing Daniel Deardorff's book The Other Within: The Genius of Deformity in Myth, Culture and Psyche, to explore his life story.What is the myth of our existence? Is life an illusion of our mind? What is perfection of the human that we claim is the only way to survive? What happens when a deformity is the human cloak you wear everyday, can you still exist or do you need to hide?How does polio take over a life and change the trajectory of a story that has not been written?Can you explore all the other modalities of the world and find the story that fits your legacy, be it, myth, shamanic, healing, medicine, religion, philosophy and other exploration of the mind and body?Are we trying to attain perfection and everything else is not in our world or in our existence? Perhaps society has projected a picture of deformity and of a human that we have been holding for decades. When something is out of the boundary or not as
Moving above addictions, habits and trauma to enlighten your soul with TJ Woodward
29/03/2023 Duration: 51minDr. Jeanette welcomes TJ Woodward, author of Conscious Recovery: A Fresh Perspective on Addiction, to share how to step above the old paradigm of guilt, shame, and pain in addictions.What if addictions, wrong choices, and hard experiences were the rocks that you were given to explore a path to your soul and spirit in a new way that creates a better human being? One that gives to the world and changes the universe around them? Are you ready to walk across the bridge and see this change?There are tether lines that bind us up in life such as, habits, life requirements, pain and suffering, traumas and being stuck in an addiction pattern. Relationships, success, or lack of getting what we feel we should be getting from life may seem to be a push and shove of power, control and survival. What is control, power, choice and need that keep us stuck in the old paradigm?Is there another way to step out of the sludge you are in and find a different way of creating a new you? Absolutely!When you have had enough, the w
The difficult life you have been given is the road map to healing your soul with Rebeccah Silence
28/03/2023 Duration: 53minDr. Jeanette welcomes Rebeccah Silence, author of Coming Back to Life, to share new tools of navigating the healing and new path all lightworkers and intuitives walk today.This decade has opened up the ability to share our stories and feel empowered as the path we have walked this lifetime no longer has a hold on our future choices. Many have experiences that have taken us to our knees, felt like we sold our souls for, and had us crying in the night to a greater power to save us from the pain of body and mind that we experienced. It was not a misstep, a wrong choice, nor a horribly blinded moment of time as we have been led to believe in our judgement of the past when we excavate our emotions and pains that bound us in this human form.Today, we can share freely with those who have had similar experiences, and allow us to hold each others hands to walk a new path that only we can design. How freeing might that feel?For more information on Rebeccah visit: www.RebeccahSilence.comFor an empowering session with
Exploring your identities of the past and present with Dr. Ronnie Gladden
25/03/2023 Duration: 51minDr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Ronnie Gladden, author of White Girl Within: Letters of Self-Discovery Between a Transgender and Transracial Black Man and His Inner Female, to explore the human wet suits we have worn in all our soul lifetimes.Who are we? What are we about? What are the questions we are having in 2023 about the identity we have been launched into at birth and how real that is to our soul existence that is a free energy being? What are we holding on to, what are we fighting against, can we forgive ourselves, and can we find a life of peace and happiness in a century of turmoil?Dr. Jeanette shares, 'one cannot shed the human identity until all the parts are known, all the beliefs and truths are examined and the source of the soul is revealed'. How can we launch a new way of being a human of many coats?Ronnie shares his past and present life as he weaves his soul tapestry with the threads of all stories he has unconditionally accepted and loved.For more information on Dr. Gladden visit: www.WhiteGirlWi
Forming a sacred connection with nature through Oracle cards with Holly Wilmeth
24/03/2023 Duration: 41minDr. Jeanette welcomes Holly Wilmeth, creator of Sacred Nature Oracle Cards, to share her inspiration on connecting with nature on a deeper level for peace and healing.As Dr. Jeanette shares, 'can we take the messages from nature, expand on what their stories are and learn what the emotion, feeling and deeper connection that nature may be showing us or that we might be feeling inside? This is the true essence of why we are here on the earth, to find those pearls, and string them together, can we do that...'.We need a bigger bag of tools to engage with nature on a deeper level and oracle cards are a great start!How are we going to see what a tree is all about, perhaps the flowers, and maybe the complete nature kingdom, if we do not become seekers?A tree breathes, a flower bends and grows to the sun, water flows and nourishes all of life, and herbs are the medicine we seek if we are open to these new conversations. What are the messages of nature and how can they support where we are struggling in our own life i
Opportunity to know the body, mind and spirit through a disease diagnosis with Dr. Katrina Cox
15/02/2023 Duration: 45minDr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Katrina Cox, author of The Opportunity in Cancer, to discuss the body, mind, spirit connection to disease and dysfunction of the body.The process for a patient after a diagnosis or experiencing health symptoms is a very scary time and the options available to them to improve their health may seem limited. So what then? How do you improve your health? Who do you ask for help? What do you reallly need? How do you assess what your life needs may be?"Fix me time is over, what is your journey now" asks Dr. Jeanette.Our journey to a disease, a diagnosis, a symptom and a pathway that shuts our life down has touched everyone's life. What is the process of our experience to be well, to improve our health, and to be able to choose to stay on this earth? What are the therapies and treatments that allow us another day, another breath?"A diagnosis, now what? It is a door and an opportunity to evaluate who and what you are about, are you ready to face the possibilities" Dr. Jeanette and Dr. Cox s
Zen Rohatsu and the spiritual path of awakening with Nora D'Ecclesis
10/02/2023 Duration: 46minDr. Jeanette welcomes Nora D'Ecclesis, author of Zen Rohatsu, to explore our connection through history to leaders in philosophy and spirituality.What is life about? What are religious beliefs and awareness about? What is spirituality?The spiritual path we are on, who are our guides and the stories of eons past create who we are as humans at this time in evolution. Who were the past masters and what were their words of inspiration, knowledge, and guidance that we can bring into our present moment to navigate a spiritual path?Are we perhaps at the precipice of the awakening time in human evolution?Through study, meditation, mindfulness, and silence, we can find the whispers of our guides to illuminate our path.For more information on Nora and her books, google search Nora D'Ecclesis and social media.For more information on Dr. Jeanette visit:
Soul mission to have human experiences of violence, abuse and trauma with Arielle Spring
08/02/2023 Duration: 47minDr. Jeanette welcomes Arielle Spring, author of When Birds Sing: My journey from Trauma to Triumph, to excavate all the secrets of a life with difficult experiences.This show is about transfiguring your human experiences and stories into the soul mission that you are in all aspects of self.How can you bring forth, let go of what ever is inside you, and be able to move forward on a clear, concise, soul and spirit driven path?How difficult has your past been; how many accumulating experiences do you need to shape shift, walk through a door, and see something differently? Are you keeping a secret stash of boxes on the shelf and secret memories in your heart that never see the light of day to be able to let them go?Who are you? Are you a collection of the bad things that happened to you, a victim of the past circumstances, or a warrior on a quest this lifetime?Are you willing to jump overboard and let that old ship sail away into the sunset to save yourself?Can you see that perhaps your experiences were necessary
Being stuck with physical, mental, and spiritual issues affects the health of your entire being with Dr. Jan Patterson
03/02/2023 Duration: 45minDr. Jeanette welcomes Dr. Jan Patterson, author of Breath for the Soul, to explore the mind, body, spirit connection in health and illness.When we have issues with a part of our human journey, we sometimes cannot recognize the great aspects of who we are and just try frantically to get better. This leads to 'no one hears me' and 'I can't find out what is wrong with me' conversations. The path to wellness is sometimes just a greater exploration of the symptoms you are having, find out where they are sourced, and learn more about ways to nurture the self.What we are seeking is a better quality of life regardless of the disease, grief, or pain of our life. We just want to know our heart and soul while finding ways to deepen our connection to what works and what doesn't in everyday life.Does your food nurture your physical body or are your choices driven by your mind, memories, and habits? Exercise, meditation, prayer and breath work are so essential to keep the heart going in a tumultuous time that we need to
Our journey of awareness is coming to know the inner self with Beth Bell
01/02/2023 Duration: 48minDr. Jeanette welcomes Beth Bell, author of Angels, Herpes and Psychedelics, to explore the human story and soul path in 2023.Our journey of evolution is coming to know the self which means we have a lot of work to do! We are living in the matrix and now expanding our experiences outside of the limits our human has held so dearly over the decades.What experiences have we had in life and held in secret for fear of the outside world of judgement? Are we now releasing our fears, judgements and filters of how we see the world around us?Are we checking reality to find the illusion or are we not finding that reality IS the illusion? How free might we be to have a different life; reality is all about validation, fitting in, and staying within limits to be seen in the same frequency dimension? What we are seeking is a freedom that we can express and an environment that supports it. How unique can your life be rather than being seen as the imprint that our current society upholds as acceptable?Sometimes people are s
How to transcend the mind and engage in a state of pure consciousness with C Von Hassett
27/01/2023 Duration: 01h25sDr. Jeanette welcomes C. von Hassett and Rachel Reid Wilkie, authors of Entering the Mind, to explore the option to transcend the mind.How can you mediate your way out of the mind and into a state of pure consciousness to expand the presence of your spiritual being? Is it possible in this year 2023?As Dr. Jeanette shares 'we are in the embryology state of the soul awareness and evolution' as we exit the eons of mind control and validation of the human being.The highest energy is already present and we are now ready as fore runners and lightworkers. We have been waiting until it is the right time for this to unfold and show others how to see through the cracks in the matrix that has held us in the human form.C Von shares 'I am this enlightened soul' and lives by that mantra to see the journey that unfolds every day.Today, dance in the ethers, the highest frequency ever and step out of the old heavy densities. Where are you today? What are you feeling around you? Are you feeling a sense of losing things, lik
How religion and paranormal can go together with Richard D. Lewis
25/01/2023 Duration: 47minDr. Jeanette welcomes Richard D. Lewis, author of The Paranormal Christian: More True Stories of the Strange and Unusual in the Christian Life (Book II: The Quickening) to explore paranormal and religion connections while dancing within the human story.Beings, ET's, humans, supernatural; what goes bump in the dark and what is flying over head are on the minds of seeking humans on a journey of life retrospect. Are we limited by our mind, our consciousness, our beliefs and the stories we hold as truth for eons? In 2023, are we now exploring an opening of possibilities that no longer fit the reasons or validation process from the past. Can we allow ourselves to be free and open to allow other energies and thoughts to come to us and manifest in our world?What is source energy that we come from? What is guiding us through life as we evolve? What is Richard's experience with a spiritual being and how did it shape his life journey?God is not bound by our rules and dogma, he is for all people and he will reveal hims
Find your gift and achieve your goals with Ric Keller
18/11/2022 Duration: 35minDr. Jeanette welcomes former Congressman and author Ric Keller to share about his new book Chase the Bears: Little Things to Achieve Big Dreams."Chase the Bears is about becoming the best version of yourself by using your gifts and taking chances that are aligned with your purpose," Keller shares.Do you know what your gifts are in this lifetime? Can you identify how your gifts are guiding you along your life path?Your gift is your unique skill or talent that speaks through your intuition to attain goals and be of service in your life. When you find this gem, the universe aligns to design pathways for you to follow. All forces in your world are in alignment when you step on to the platform and take on the reason for you being here in this life.Keller shares many stories of how others have taken up the staff and walked the path in life to make their dreams come true.For more information on Ric Keller visit: www.RicKeller.netFor more information on Dr. Jeanette visit:
Beautiful soul expansion after a loss with Carrie Hart and Dr. J
16/11/2022 Duration: 49minDr. Jeanette welcomes Carrie Hart, author of Sojourner in Ataquay: Mind-Expanding Ideas and Practical Tools for the Open-Minded Seeker of a Meaningful Life, to share the evolving soul journey.How do you find a sense of self when you have lost a loved one? Are you less than before, broken and not to return, or is this an opportunity to create a life that is spiritually centered around the heart? What is the web of life and how can we explore our universal journeys that are now coming into a frame of awareness our consciousness can handle?If we are true source essence, then why are we stuck in ego, identity, human dogma and validation of the way in which we used to become in the past? How are we expanding to be something so much more than even our mind can conceive?Are you able to wail out your pain? How does it appear to you?Can your intuition start to guide you through healing processes that support a broken life?Are we celebrating life as we used to know it, or celebrating joy and happiness every day, regard

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