Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

Being Weird in a Room Full of Weirdos



Do you ever feel like you are an odd one, even in a room full of odd people?  Does that make you super weird?  Do you find yourself trying to be a certain kind of weird, or not be a certain kind of weird?  Or does your weird show up in a particular way?  What would it be like, if we had never been introduced to the notion of weird as something that separates us? What if there was no wrongness in weird; just something really cool for us to play with?  Keisha invites you to bring your weird out to play this week, and explore the possibilities your weird brings to the world. You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ Check out Keisha's Summer Special Offer here - And -if you want to play more with Keisha - just click to Get Your FREE Ticket to join Keisha and her co-host Rhonda Burns for their weekly webcast show Sexually Speaking ~ celebrating #thesexofeverything with unconventional conversations to unf*%k your life.