Living Beyond Linear ~ Keisha Clark

What if They Hate You?



What do you do when you are met with someone's anger, dislike, prejudice or hatred?  Those moments can be some of the most challenging to remember we do have a choice.  So how do we get to the choice, before we go into reaction?  And what choice is available to us, if and when we do go into reaction? Join the conversation with Keisha this week, for some different awareness and possibilities with other peoples' hatred...and the hatred we may be harboring.  Is there really a way to change this? You can find Keisha on Facebook ~ Check out Keisha's Summer Special Offer here - And -if you want to play more with Keisha -  Get Your FREE Ticket to join Keisha and her co-host Rhonda Burns for their weekly webcast show Sexually Speaking ~ celebrating #thesexofeverything with unconventional conversations to unf*%k your life.