Empowered Love Radio



Melanie Tonia Evans is an author, radio host, relationship and dating expert and coach. Shes the author of the books Breaking the Chains of Painful Love and Take Back Your Power. Melanies work resulted from her own nearly fatal experiences with narcissistic abuse, co-dependency and relationship addiction. Melanie is now a world expert on empowering women and healing painful love. Her deep core writing, teaching, coaching and healings are now liberating women world wide to stand up and take back their power in order to create a life of deservedness whereby they can attract and sustain genuine and healthy love relationships.Heal the past. Heal yourself. Create real love!www.melanietoniaevans.com


  • From Trapped To Freedom Part 2

    22/10/2014 Duration: 57min

    During this radio show I am responding to people's posts about their trapped situations, and talking about how to generate freedom. I hope this show can help you know that self-liberation is possible, no matter how powerless you may feel presently.  

  • From Trapped To Freedom

    15/10/2014 Duration: 49min

    This radio show is all about how we can feel "trapped" by outer circumstances and our own emotions – especially after suffering narcissistic abuse. During this show I am sharing my life story, and how I escaped crippling emotions and severe "stuckedness" in order to expand into life as "freedom". I address in this show what being "trapped" really is, and how we can be truly free to expand into becoming life-force itself, and then living the life we truly wish to live

  • Narcissists In The Workplace

    30/09/2014 Duration: 40min

    This radio show is one that has been asked for by many people. During this radio show you will learn about the dynamics of narcissism in the workplace. Why narcissistic bosses and co-workers do what they do, and how they do it. You will also learn about the crippling effect this has on others. How can you take you power back in these situations? Listen to find out! 

  • Thriver Story #18 Marla

    24/09/2014 Duration: 01h01min

    She hung in there because she believed she was supposed to ... This Thriver story is one that I believe many people will be able to relate to. Beliefs can be powerful. Many people believed “marriage is for life” … but when we believe that we are supposed to suffer in silence, put on a face to the world, and continue to just “carry one” with our families, our community,  or our church, is this healthy? During this interview I have these conversations with Marla, who realised not long after saying “I do” that he changed. Things weren’t the same, and he wasn’t the same man she thought she had married. As time went on things got worse … After 20 years and needing to leave Marla discovered two shocking facts, ones that you will discover when you listen. One which meant she would have to completely start all over again. The second was one that most people never have to face. I hope you enjoy this very honest, candid show.  

  • Narcissist The Movie - Interview With Eric Casaccio

    17/09/2014 Duration: 01h20min

    This show is a very special interview with my dear friend Eric Casaccio - who is the writer, director and co-producer of the short film - "Narcissist”. What is so wonderful, is Eric's passion with this movie, came straight from his heart, from his own personal experience. Eric's message is raising awareness regarding narcissism on a very large scale. The world is definitely ready for this much needed message! In this very special interview Eric and I talk about the film, the purpose of it, and the experience of making it, as well as Eric's cathartic healing journey … as well as many aspects of narcissism and narcissistic abuse recovery. If you wish to know more details about Eric's movie, and where he will be screening and attending next, you can find Eric’s details on my blog at www.blog.melanietoniaevans.com    

  • Narcissistic Hoovering

    10/09/2014 Duration: 33min

    This radio show is about "Narcissistic Hoovering", the tactics a narcissist uses to pull you back into contact. During this show you will discover why narcissists hoover, why they use all sorts of reasons to create contact in order to get attention, and what their purpose is for doing so. You will also learn what it is about ourselves that can leave us open, susceptible and vulnerable to being hoovered, and how we can shore up those parts of ourselves which can be preyed upon.

  • The 10 Ways We Self-avoid

    26/08/2014 Duration: 34min

    This radio show is about one of the greatest impediments to healing - 'self-avoiding'. During this radio show you will learn about the common 10 ways that we can avoid 'being with self', and how this affects our emotions, our life and progress. You will also learn "how to" release self-avoidance in order to deeply partner with yourself to be a creator of your life instead of a victim to it.

  • Narcissistic Abuse - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

    20/08/2014 Duration: 42min

    This radio show is about one of the most serious issues connected with narcissistic abuse - Post Traumatic Disorder.  During this radio show, you will learn all about what Post Traumatic Stress Disorder really is, how it affects us, how the damage really occurs, and how we can heal and recover from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

  • 50 Shades Of The Narcissist

    13/08/2014 Duration: 45min

    This radio show was inspired as a result of a very spirited discussion on my Facebook Page about the book / upcoming movie 'Fifty Shades of Grey'. This radio show is about 'sex with a narcissist'.  It is about why narcissists do what they do regarding sex, and why many of them are sex-addicts, adulterous and objectify sexual partners. You will also learn about many other tactics the narcissist uses within sexual power-play. During this radio show you will discover the stark differences between sex with people who are healthy and whole, as measured against sex with people who are wounded.

  • The First Ever Male Thriver Show

    05/08/2014 Duration: 01h04min

    I am vey happy to share this radio show with you. Scott's interview came about as a result of putting out to the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Community for men to come forward and share their stories. The Community for quite some time had been asking for men, who have been narcissistically abused, to come on radio. Wonderfully, quite a few men replied! So...this show is the first of a new series...'Male Thrivers". I hope you enjoy Scott's story, as it is one that many men will relate to.    

  • The 7 Steps To Your Personal Power

    31/07/2014 Duration: 24min

    This radio show is a deep look at powerlessness, and what are the common beliefs that keep us stuck, and living a 'less than' life than we truly can live. How have our generational beliefs caused us to hand our power over? How can we release and reverse these beliefs in order to be free to express our True Selves?

  • Parents Empowering Themselves For Their Children's Sake - Part 2

    24/07/2014 Duration: 01h13min

    Last week I wrote what I believe is my most important article on my blog ever. That article - Part 1 - was inspired as a result of the difference I see constantly between the Thriver orientation, which occurs when we take the personal responsibility on to heal our own wounds, and the rampant victimsation model which is predominant in most narcissistic / sociopathic abuse communities. I am sharing some very special interviews with you today. These interviews are with women from the NARP Community, ladies who contacted me wanting to come forward and share their message, who have taken on the responsibility of their own healing, and who are active participants in breaking the cycles of abuse not only for themselves, but also for their future generations. I hope you enjoy these interviews, and please share this article and accompanying radio show in any forum where victimsation is taking hostages and keeping people stuck in powerlessness and pain. Please also share with anyone you know who it can help.    

  • Parents Empowering Themselves For Their Children's Sake

    15/07/2014 Duration: 42min

    This is the undoubtedly, to date, the most important radio show I have ever done. This article is a two part series which is a passionate project that I believe is so necessary to break the cycles of abused and abuse. It is to do with our children, and how we can help them not live the lives of suffering, abuse and unconsciousness that we have, and how we can stop these cycles being passed on from generation to generation. PLEASE take a stand with me - and pass this radio show on far and wide - our world needs to wake up, for us to have any chance of breaking these horrendous and insane cycles of unconsciousness and abuse.  

  • Narcissism and Evolution

    09/07/2014 Duration: 39min

    This is a big topic, and I believe now is the perfect time to talk about it. Why are so many people's lives breaking down? Why is it, despite so many advancements and improved standards of life and longevity, that so many people are depressed, empty, lonely, unfulfilled and feel powerless? What has this do with narcissists and narcissistic abuse? Are our lives breaking apart, or is the greater and deeper purpose to integrate and unite back together? During this show you will discover what many believe is really going on, as well as the incredible shift that is occurring personally and collectively - an evolutionary shift that we are all a part of.        

  • Heartbreak And The Narcissist

    02/07/2014 Duration: 33min

    This radio show is a deep look into our heart and our emotions when we are devestated by a narcissist. What has really caused our heartbreak? Was there a purpose for our heartbreak? How do we heal our heartbreak? Can our hearts ever be healthy or trust again? You will discover the answers to these questions, in this radio show, and much more.

  • Thriver Story #16 Suzanne

    26/06/2014 Duration: 01h16min

    It is my absolute pleasure to bring you this Thriver Story. This is the story of Suzanne, who I affectionately call the 'Nigella Lawson' of NARP, because of her wonderful recipes, input and the connection she has with our community. Suzanne is now a wonderful moderator and contributor to people suffering from narcissistic abuse. Suzanne's story is incredible. From a very painful childhood Suzanne was hospitalised as a single mother for 6 years, dealing with her childhood trauma. In this story you will learn about Suzanne's life, her two narcissistic expereinces, and the rich, full and incredible life she is living personally and professionally now. I know you will love this show, it is nothing short of inspirational.  

  • What Is Narcissistic Supply?

    19/06/2014 Duration: 45min

    This radio show is one specifically about narcissistic supply. Why does a narcissist need to have narcissistic supply? What is narcissistic supply exactly? Why is a narcissist never appeased regardless of the narcissistic supply he or she receives? During this show you will learn this and much more - as well as the only true way you can prevent being an object used by a narcissistic for narcissistic supply.

  • How to Deal With Your Emotional Pain The Right Way In Order To Grow and Expand

    05/06/2014 Duration: 37min

    Why is emotional pain often so much harder to bear than physical pain? This radio show is an in-depth look at why our emotional pain can feel so agonising, and be so hard to deal with. During this radio show you will learn what your emotional pain really is, as well as Who You Really Are, and the effective orientation to be able to process your emotional traumas effectively.

  • How To Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse - Part 2

    30/05/2014 Duration: 52min

    This radio show is Part Two of this series explaining what the Thriver Recovery model is, and how it revolutionises simply hoping to survive with ongoing symptoms after abuse. Since Quanta Freedom Healing’s birth in Koh Sumui in 2007, working with it to create my own recovery, and sharing it with others, its effects and benefits have spread world-wide to over 50 different countries and to thousands of men and women from all walks of life. Because Quanta Freedom Healing is becoming so much more recognised, I’ve made a conscious decision to be very open about how it works, and why it is so successful for treating such a horrific phenomenon as narcissistic abuse. The radio show explains exactly how Quanta Freedom Healing can release your trauma powerfully and directly, as well as treat the many symptoms that people suffer as a result of abuse, such as: Complicated / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, agoraphobia, anxiety, depression and obsessive compulsive disorders,  as well as physical symptoms such as fibro

  • How To Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse Part 1

    22/05/2014 Duration: 42min

    This radio show is the first of a two-part series regarding the Thriver Model of recovery from narcissistic abuse. During this radio show series you will discover what Quanta Freedom Healing is, how it works and how it revolutionises the way we heal from trauma and abuse. This show is about why the old method of 'talk therapy' does not address deep inner wounding, and why processes that communicate with your subconscious - where the trauma is stored - do. During this show you will learn how I discovered and created Quanta Freedom Healing, and how my awakening led me to not only survive narcissistic abuse, but to Thrive, and then develop a healing system that would allow thousands of people from more than 50 different countries to became Thrivers after narcissistic abuse as well.    

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