Empowered Love Radio

How To Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse - Part 2



This radio show is Part Two of this series explaining what the Thriver Recovery model is, and how it revolutionises simply hoping to survive with ongoing symptoms after abuse. Since Quanta Freedom Healing’s birth in Koh Sumui in 2007, working with it to create my own recovery, and sharing it with others, its effects and benefits have spread world-wide to over 50 different countries and to thousands of men and women from all walks of life. Because Quanta Freedom Healing is becoming so much more recognised, I’ve made a conscious decision to be very open about how it works, and why it is so successful for treating such a horrific phenomenon as narcissistic abuse. The radio show explains exactly how Quanta Freedom Healing can release your trauma powerfully and directly, as well as treat the many symptoms that people suffer as a result of abuse, such as: Complicated / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, agoraphobia, anxiety, depression and obsessive compulsive disorders,  as well as physical symptoms such as fibro