Empowered Love Radio

Thriver Story #18 Marla



She hung in there because she believed she was supposed to ... This Thriver story is one that I believe many people will be able to relate to. Beliefs can be powerful. Many people believed “marriage is for life” … but when we believe that we are supposed to suffer in silence, put on a face to the world, and continue to just “carry one” with our families, our community,  or our church, is this healthy? During this interview I have these conversations with Marla, who realised not long after saying “I do” that he changed. Things weren’t the same, and he wasn’t the same man she thought she had married. As time went on things got worse … After 20 years and needing to leave Marla discovered two shocking facts, ones that you will discover when you listen. One which meant she would have to completely start all over again. The second was one that most people never have to face. I hope you enjoy this very honest, candid show.