Empowered Love Radio

Quanta Vision - 'Feeling is Believing' with Melanie Tonia Evans



Melanie discusses Quanta Healing - the healing modality that is creating profound healing results globally. What is Quanta? Where does it come from? How does it work? What is Quanta Healings obvious personal and interpersonal applications and wider global social implications in co-creating greater empowerment and alignment with truth, healing and liberation? How is Quanta Healing a solution to disconnection from source, narcissitic abuse and all conditions that create pain and suffering in our world? How can Quanta Healing change your life, and the lives of people that you care about? This very important show will explain to you another way - a new way - whereby you can 'shift' from the pain into the 'true you' that you wish to be - powerfully and quickly.