Empowered Love Radio

Narcissistic Central: Can narcissists have humility



In this show Nancy and I will discuss the times when the narcissist admits that there is something wrong with them – and when they talk about why they are damaged and how they want to heal. During this show we will examine these times, when they occur, what they mean, and how you can create strong boundaries to work out whether or not there is hope that the narcissist will change. How do we know that this show of humility is real or not? How do we know if this will actually hold, and if circumstances will improve? If you have any questions that you would like answered in this show please email me at radio@melanietoniaevans.com and if you would like to dial in to speak to myself or Nancy call in number is USA listeners 347 989 1262 or for Australian listeners 00111 347 989 1262.