Personal Branding Podcast



Join my weekly discussions and interviews on Personal Branding | Personal Development | Publishing | Providing inspiration and teachings on branding, social media and authoring. I'm your host Bernard Kelvin Clive.


  • Email Branding: Making the Most of Your Emails

    26/05/2020 Duration: 13min

    Emailing Branding Strategies Making the most of your emails. “In the world of digital communication tools, email has become the king”.  According to Statistica, there were about 293 billion emails sent daily in 2019 and the number is expected to hit about 347 billion by 2023. ( Electronic mails referred to as emails, one of the earliest digital marketing tools, (and)have become so powerful over the years. Emails have become a primary communication tool on the internet. One cannot afford not to have an email address. Importance of Having Email Address Emails have become part of one’s daily virtual life. It’s therefore imperative to make the most of it. Here are a couple of reasons why you need to have an email address. Your email serves as a form of digital identification tool. It is one of the primary ways to register for almost any digital service. Social media sites require an email address for registration. It’s your address to receive Digital goods. For eCommerce purpo

  • Personal Brands: Building your Digital Presence on a Shoestring Budget

    13/05/2020 Duration: 11min

    Building your Digital Presence on a Shoestring Budget Tools, Tips, and Strategies Seasons and times will compel many to chart unknown waters, others out of curiosity and necessity.  Regardless of the trigger, having an online presence and brand has become a must-have in this age. More so, the pandemic has propelled and created a sense of urgency to digitize.  Over the years I have noticed that several people struggle with getting started with their digital presence, where to begin and the basic tools and strategies to utilize. Today, I will be sharing with you tools and tips on how to kick start your digital footprints. 1. Get a domain.  A domain is your website address, where users can find your website on the internet.  I recommend you use your name or your brand/business name. An example,,,,,,, There are many top-level domain extensions, the common ones being

  • Social Media Strategies – lessons from Jesus

    03/05/2020 Duration: 08min

    “The 21st Century Christian/Church must rethink ministry via the lens of technology. A powerful tool in the hands of the believer.” ― Bernard Kelvin Clive Here are Eight(8) Strategies to implement! 1. Give them something worth their attention. What would they see and read? Ensure that your intention for their attention is clear. you know exactly what you want to offer, Jesus was offering salvation ― life (John 10:10). ‘When they saw the miracles Jesus had performed…they followed!’ Your brand visuals must be appealing and attention-grabbing to drive home your message. 2. Wow them! ‘When they saw the many miracles he performed… Jesus always did something spectacular. eg. Turning water into wine. Wowing your audience leads to organic following and engagements and sales. Offer value! People would come to your portal/ page to experience it. 3. Meet their needs all-round! Jesus taught them spiritually he also met their physical needs – hunger. He had compassion for others, driven

  • Doing Business in Africa; Lessons from Building Africa’s Amazon

    28/04/2020 Duration: 42min

    In this episode you would learn about branding, cultural and businesses barriers and benefits in doing business in Africa. You will discover: Culture of Business Lessons from the Chinese How to survive in an unknown market My guest, Marek Zmysłowski is a Polish-born entrepreneur and executive, focused on online businesses in Frontier and Emerging Markets. He co-founded Jumia Travel – Africa’s Biggest Hotel Booking Portal listed on NYSE as part of Jumia Group and – a Travel Technology Company. In 2014, he was chosen as one of the Ten Most Important People in Tech by IT News Africa Magazine. He is a Lead Mentor at Google’s Launchpad and World Bank’s XL Africa Program. Download, Listen and Learn. Resources: BOOK: Chasing Black Unicorns DOWNLOAD the eBook Digital Disruption: Personal Brands that will Crush it after the Pandemic

  • Personal Branding from the Inside Out with Kami Guildner

    22/04/2020 Duration: 28min

    Building your personal brand in a digital age… what to do and what not. In this episode, my guest Kami, through more light on how to build an authentic brand. Kami Guildner believes women’s voices matter. She is a connector. A storyteller. A success coach for women. Kami’s entrepreneurial journey was sparked by the breath of a horse over a decade ago. This magical epiphany moment led Kami to discover her purpose of leading change-maker women to give voice to their most important messages and create a ripple effect of worldly impact.  Kami weaves soulful-inspiration into mindful business strategies, helping her clients up-level their business. With decades of leadership, marketing, strategic planning and business growth expertise, Kami guides her clients to master their marketing, money and mindset. Kami’s soulful spirit leads her clients to unleash their magical manifestation powers and live out loud fueled with vitality and courage. RESOURCES: Join the Facebook Group  https://www.facebook

  • Growing your Business in Hard Times with John Armah

    14/04/2020 Duration: 40min

    “This is a good time to ask yourself, what skills are you lacking?” – John Armah The impact of this pandemic has been frightening. ‘…these are not ordinary times for Business Owners, Employees and Households, these are indeed not ordinary times.. the bigger question has been, what is the impact and risk of COVID-19 on Business and what factors can help mitigate this risk What do you do as an entrepreneur or business owner? In this episode my guest John Armah shares strategies to help you overcome the challenging times and bounce back better. John Armah is a Business Development Practitioner and Trainer in business start-ups development, with experience in the development of new markets, start-ups, MSMEs and business strategy, business financing and business development. He is the Board Chairman of Junior Achievement Ghana, and the Chairman of the JA Africa Board Chairs Council, a global non-profit organization committed to promoting entrepreneurship development around the world. He ser

  • The Power of Personal Videos for Business Growth

    05/04/2020 Duration: 23min

    Video is a huge lever to bring the human element back to business. My guest today is Matt Barnett the CEO of Bonjoro who walks us through how to effectively use personalized videos in your business communications. Listen learn and share. Resources: 30 ways to use video for leads, conversions and creating referrals Awaken the Giant in You CEO Branding Goals Are Dead! Branding Beyond Visuals Business Networking Made Easy Rebrand: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding

  • Personal brands: Making the Most of your Quarantine Period (Solitude)

    24/03/2020 Duration: 11min

    How to maximize your ‘Stay-at-Home’ Season “It is reminding us of how important our family and home life is and how much we have neglected this. It is forcing us back into our houses so we can rebuild them into our home and to strengthen our family unit.” – Bill Gates Here are a number of ideas and activities you can consider to maximize the moment. 1. Introspection: sit back and review your life, take stock of where you’ve been, what you’ve done and where you are going. It’s a good time to reassess your life. Ask yourself questions, be hard on yourself and gradually get answers to them. 2. Relax: take time to slow down, have a good rest as much as you can, your body and your mind needs it. Don’t get too busy, take it easy on yourself. 3. Read books (materials): use this period as an opportunity to read some books. Read it at your own pace and add to your knowledge. Subscribe to useful online newsletters, magazines and blogs.  4. Listen to audiobooks: one of the quickest ways

  • The Invisible Forces of Brands

    19/03/2020 Duration: 12min

    “Branding is more of a perception than a product(service).” – Bernard Kelvin Clive Beyond colors, logos and all the visually appealing attributes of brands, there are other intangibles that trigger their success. Today, I will share with you what I call the invisible forces of brands. In countless instances, I have seen a number of individuals and businesses placing so much emphasis on their brand tangibles at the expense of the intangibles? Visuals play a very critical role in branding. However, beyond visuals come the values, services offered, products and customer satisfaction, customer care, consistency of delivery of brands promise, etc. The above mentioned attributes do more good to a brand than just overly focusing on the visually appealing stuff. A couple of months ago I recommended a friend’s business, let’s call it ‘Kim Catering Services’ (KCS) to a client(Vernon) who badly needed their services. I had informed the client and told him the company does a pretty good job. As my recommendations c

  • How Brands Can Stay Woke in Crisis

    13/03/2020 Duration: 09min

    How Brands Can Stay Woke in Epidemics  “To have your brand deep-rooted in the hearts of clients & customers requires empathy – humanize your brand” – Bernard Kelvin Clive Life happens! Life is filled with the unaccepted, regardless of how carefully and practically you plan, sometimes things may just go off unannounced and unexpected. What you do in times like that is as relevant as your plan. In the wake of the current alarming epidemic, a number of brands have suffered losses and others are making gains, however, it’s not about win or lose. Yes, whatever the case some may win others may lose but exceptional brands that care for its people will be looking at staying relevant but not just cashing in for profit. Today, let’s consider ways brands can stay relevant and make impact and continuously stay top of mind. I have identified 3 main ways brands can drive change regardless of ongoing cultural or global crisis.  The very first thing brands can do is to prepare for the unexpected; have precautio

  • Developing Right Mindsets for Your Brand

    25/02/2020 Duration: 07min

    Here are key Mindsets to develop for your Brand The truth is that every brand will be tested at a point in time, if not most of the time. Ground Mindset: This is having the fundamentals of your brand right. Don’t jump the initial stages of defining and reasons for your brand. The ground rule is to know ‘your ‘why’ for your brand. Develop your brand and business purpose into one simple statement that you can share with others easily – let’s call it, your elevator pitch. Answer these questions… Why are you branding? Why are you in business? What unique value are you bringing to the market place? Who needs and wants are you meeting? Once you have clear answers to these questions the others follow. You can then look at your brand name, logo, tagline, attributes, identity, etc. Firstly, get grounded, get your brand basics right then you can build successfully on it. Don’t start of social media, branding is not just about social media. It’s a great tool for building your brand but it’s not all abo

  • How to Publish your Book in 60 Days with Michelle Vandepas

    07/02/2020 Duration: 19min

    The best time to write and publish a book is now. Yes! No matter how busy you may be, there is a way you can have a book in your name to share your ideas, establish your expertise or grow your business. In this episode my gust Michelle Vandepas, The CEO of Grace Point Publishing walks us through the process of getting your books published. Listen, learn and share. Download, listen, learn and share Resources: CEO Branding Goals Are Dead! Branding Beyond Visuals Business Networking Made Easy Rebrand: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding

  • Advantages Personal Branding Offers You

    29/01/2020 Duration: 07min

    Benefits of Personal branding Are you known, unknown or too-known? Growing up in Sub-Sahara Africa, it was quite uncommon for successful people (experts) to toot their horns, it was seen as bragging, being boastful and proud. Rarely did I hear or see someone beat their chest and raise the head up high to declare their expert status. They would rather do their great deeds quietly and let others praise them for it. A culture which I think had hampered many great talents who would have shot up to the limelight if they were a little ‘loud’ about what they could do best and had packed themselves to that effect.  However, times and seasons have changed, if one is that good at what they do now and doesn’t make frantic effort to be known, he may die in oblivion. You know what, without the right understanding of a thing, it’s abuse is inevitable. It’s about time to delve deeper and uncover the greatness embedded in you and put your best foot forward, letting go off the old beliefs holding you back. To shine

  • Personal Brands: 20 Things to Dare in 2020

    03/01/2020 Duration: 09min

    Make a difference with your brand this year. Dare for more!

  • Myths about Goal Setting

    22/12/2019 Duration: 04min

    Myths about Goal Settings 1. A goal must be in writing. Not entirely, you can have unwritten goals. 2. A goal must be time-bound. Setting timelines for your goals helps but not all goals need deadlines. 3. A goal must be specific. The truth is that sometimes a goal only gets more apparent when you start working towards it. 4. A goal must be attainable. Sometimes you just don’t have proof that a goal would be achieved. You can only hope and act on your faith. 5. A goal would make you happy. Happiness is a decision. If you tie your happiness on the realization of a goal, you will live life unhappy. You can reach your goals and still feel empty and unfulfilled. Regardless of these myths, research has proven that people who set goals are largely happier, and are more successful than those who don’t. So, now let’s get started with our goals. Recommended book: Goals Are Dead! Simple Strategies for Achieving your Goals while Enjoying Life

  • Making 2020 Your Best Year Ever

    10/12/2019 Duration: 13min

    20 Twenty20 Tips for a Great Year How to Make It Your Best Year Ever Bernard Kelvin Clive  How different would you live your life if there was no calendar? At the end and beginning of every year, there is an increase in goal setting activities, people set goals and resolutions with the hope of achieving them. The question is, what if these activities were a lifestyle, done throughout the year and not tied to a particular ending or beginning? What if, we simply decide to enjoy our daily lives while pursuing or set goals and dreams? Well, today I present to you tips to make the best of your daily life, hence your year. Let’s get started! Tip #1 Define your Success Success means different things to different people. To begin with, define what success (a great year), means to you. In your terms, don’t let society determine that for you. Once you’ve done that, you set yourself free from the pressures of society by not leaving to impress others and ready to succeed. Tip #2 Be Decisive Decide to mak

  • Branding Predictions 2020+

    25/11/2019 Duration: 08min

    Personal Branding Predictions for 2020+ “We’re the generation. We can’t afford to wait. The future started yesterday and we’re already late”- John Legend The question is, what do brands have for the future and not what does the future hold for brands. For brands that are determined to stay top of mind in business today, will require more than what worked yesterday. They must be willing to go the extra mile and pay attention to the following pillars/predictions. Have a prepared mind to harness future possibilities. The truth is that the digital landscape is predictably unpredictable. However, with the right data, one can prepare ahead, stay abreast and take advantage of the ever-changing tides of technology. Here are what to do and expect in the coming year(s). 1. Brand reinvestment: To reap a bounty harvest in any field of endeavour requires sowing good, seeds in a good soils and nurturing it to grow. Right environment and timing are critical success factors. In the same way, any

  • Branding and Intellectual Property in a Social Media Driven Era

    07/11/2019 Duration: 29min

    Have you ever had your social media post stolen before? Someone claiming ownership of your creative work? What do you so? In this episode my guest Audrey Dauvet, an International Intellectual property expert throws more light on that. Download, Listen, Learn and Share. RECOMMENDED Resources: Awaken the Giant in You CEO Branding Goals Are Dead! Branding Beyond Visuals Business Networking Made Easy Rebrand: The Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding

  • Branding: How to Use Data to Drive Business Growth

    28/10/2019 Duration: 37min

    Branding: How to Use Data to Drive Business Growth. The power of data.

  • The Future of Brands; Assets for Brand Acceleration

    11/10/2019 Duration: 07min

    "The future is not just about the use of TECHNOLOGY it’s about the use of the MIND more creatively - THINKNOLOGY" - Bernard Kelvin Clive The Future of Brands demands harnessing two important assets

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