Personal Branding Podcast



Join my weekly discussions and interviews on Personal Branding | Personal Development | Publishing | Providing inspiration and teachings on branding, social media and authoring. I'm your host Bernard Kelvin Clive.


  • Common Mistakes People Make When Building a Brand

    27/04/2021 Duration: 07min

    “Branding is more than just a creative name and cute logo…” – Bernard Kelvin Clive Building a brand is about much more than coming up with a brand statement, logo, and colors. And still, too many businesses seem to think that’s all there is to it. This is why so many of them end up getting lost in the sea of other competitors and can’t seem to stick with their audience. But if your goal is to get your brand out there and attract the right people, you have to know how to build a brand strategy and avoid some crucial mistakes. Here are a few of them. Not Starting with a Brand Strategy The biggest issue is not coming in with a strategy. You should always start with your biggest competition and see what they’re doing. This will inspire you as to what you can do and how you can differentiate yourself. You also need to have a clear audience of who you’re catering to. Remember, this is all about your customer and aligning yourself with their experience. If you start from this angle, you’

  • How to Write a Book and Make Money

    20/04/2021 Duration: 33min

    If you have a desire to write a book or you have a book written and want to generate more revenue from it, then this is the right episode for you. In this episode my guest Dr. Angela, shares with us, secret strategies of writing a book and making a 6 figure income out of it. Dr. Angela E. Lauria is the founder of The Author IncubatorTM and creator of the Difference ProcessTM for writing a book that matters. The Author Incubator was ranked #275 on the Inc. 500 fastest growing companies and #60 on Entrepreneur Magazine’s Entrepreneur 360. Dr. Angela won the Stevie Award’s Coach/Mentor of the Year Award and her program, The Author’s Way was named Coaching Program of the Year and was named, by entrepreneur Magazine, as one of the top 10 most inspiring entrepreneurs to watch –one of only 2 women on the list. Dr. Angela has helped over 1,000 authors-in transformation write, publish, and promote their books. Her clients have been responsible for over $100 million in cumulative revenue. She has a B.A. and an M.A. in

  • Brand Strategies that Works

    01/04/2021 Duration: 10min

    3 Proven Brand Strategies that Global Brands Employ How to Stay in the Game “Leads are seeds not harvest; cultivate them gradually” – Bernard Kelvin Clive In the new age of marketing, advertising, branding, and sales promotion, the ancient landmarks of success cannot be overridden with fanciful marketing schemes and sleazy sales tactics. Although these strategies can help up to some degree, overly using advertising to grow a brand won’t cut it, you will need a more robust approach, proven and tested. While certain brands may thrive for a season, others transcend generations. The difference between these two parties most often is not that much. Research and study of brands over the years have revealed some truth about successful and unsuccessful brands. Here are three pivotal differentiators that serve as the pillars of successful branding strategies of great brands. 1. Growth Strategies “Companies that invest more in digital transformation actually outperform their peers over time. These com

  • How to Become an Authority in Your Field

    24/02/2021 Duration: 18min

    Digital Growth Strategies In this episode I outline steps and strategies to help you build an authority. On Becoming an authority areas discussed Who’s an Authority Value of an Authority Strategies to Become an Authority Niche Finding – Investments — study, teach Establishing your voice Platform Building Key principles to be employed consistency commitment creativity (branding, simplify) Obstacles to overcome Legacy Recommended books: GOALS Are Dead! Simple Strategies for Achieving your Goals While Enjoying Life. DOERS 12:52 CEO Branding

  • Personal Brands: 21 Things to Dare in 2021

    02/01/2021 Duration: 09min

    “Masters today were starts yesterday, begin now!” – Bernard Kelvin Clive Let’s dare to do more this year! Now is the time to spice up and step up your personal brand! Becoming a better you! Life gets better when you get better. Pick and do what you can, challenge yourself. This might not be for everyone, however, everyone can find something worth daring. 1. Write a bookThis may be the best time to write that book in you. Your story needs to be heard. Just start writing. 2. Go on a dateYeah either married or single, you can just pick a location to go spend some quality time with yourself, your spouse, fiancée or family. It makes a lot of difference. 3. Travel/ go on a tourPerhaps, you have never traveled outside your village, town, city or country. This may be the time to do so. Plan for that trip today. 4. Learn a languageLanguage is a very powerful communication tool, if you are at least multilingual the better. Learning a new language can be empowering, just add one more to your list. 5. Go back to schoolYo

  • Personal Branding Goals to Strive for in 2021


    “Any brand that does not innovate and grow, dies!” – Bernard Kelvin Clive Brands evolve! Regardless of the current stage of your brand, if you desire to stay top of mind and in business, you will need at least one of these milestones/goals to reach in the coming year. Go through this list and be challenged to take your brand to another height. 1. Raise the bar on yourself I know quite a number of brands in my circle who offer the same services and products of high quality and standard yet they are underpaid by their clients. Why? Well, my survey revealed one major setback, lack of confidence in their expertise. They lack the boldness to price their products and services as they deserve. Listen, if you don’t place a premium price on yourself, others will treat you like a commodity. Truth be told, you are powerful, gifted, talented, and skilled. Yes you, you have to believe that. It all begins with self-belief and confidence in one’s abilities. Perhaps, you have settled for crumbs for your brand and

  • Brand Thyself – The 3 Stages of Discovery

    17/11/2020 Duration: 09min

    Three Stages of Thyself – Personal Brand Man is a complex being.If care is not taken, the pressures of life and demands of society would worsen the woes and complexity of men. In a world where many play the ‘like game’ to be accepted and loved by others, many have succumbed and submitted, living lives less than they should, just for the praise of men. Accepting crumbs, less of their worth. It takes a determined heart, courage, and commitment to stay true to oneself and calling. It has become very necessary for men to wake up from their slumber – bootlicking and blind loyalty to live their dreams – be who they were called to be – and live life to the fullest unapologetically. Permit your true self to stand out from the crowd to shine – building an authentic personal brand. Let’s quickly look at the three stages of knowing thyself. The process of getting to know one’s self takes time, it’s not a one-off event achieved by a swoosh of a magic wand. It’s almost a lifelong process of discove

  • Personal Brand: Stay Sweet in Style

    03/11/2020 Duration: 05min

    Personal Branding Today’s Take Away Staying Sweet in Spirit & Style 1. Know your roots (your roots here represents your gifts and talents. It’s not necessarily being born into a Royal or wealthy family. Your talents and gifts will be your strongest roots to grow. Find them and feed them. 2. Learn the ropes (Study your roots, history, and mysteries, every trade has it’s secrets, know the tongue of your trade) The unique things that will set you apart for generations. It may be minute, but polish it, make that gem shine. Master your gifts and Polish your crafts. 3. Ride with confidence. You are the first version(First Lady/Gentleman) of your Life – act accordingly). Step out with your best foot forward always. Your giftedness is your Royal gold, hold it up high, be proud of it, and harness its potentials. Knowing who you are and what you carry boosts your confidence. Stride with boldness. 4. Stay in style. Dress your best. Daze and dazzle daily. You are a Royal, dress like one.

  • Shift! When Branding Can’t Wait?

    08/10/2020 Duration: 07min

    “When you don’t change when the time is ripe, change will change you” – Bernard Kelvin Clive When things Suddenly Change – SHIFT Adapt to new trends but don’t follow the Masses Change strategy and test it speedily Amplify that which works and keep tweaking Stay relevant Don’t let your brand die!

  • Brand Repositioning in Trying Times

    29/09/2020 Duration: 12min

    What leaders and brands can do in times of crisis to rebrand and reposition. The Pandemic has significantly impacted us; every aspect of life can feel it’s the bite, brands, individuals, and businesses alike. It is up to leaders, brands, and personal brands to reposition and rebrand to take advantage of the ongoing tides. “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” – Dale Carnegie, The truth is that things are just not going to revert to normal not anytime soon. Things have taken a whole new shift and form and until brands and individuals begin to realize and seek advantage of the situation regardless of its negative impact, brands will either fade away and be forgotten or be outwitted by brands who have taken advantage of the situation.       So there are few things I am going to share which will help leaders, brands, and organizations, take the “bull by the horn” and make the best out of the situation, we have f

  • Digital Branding Tools and Tips

    10/09/2020 Duration: 09min

    If Google can’t find you, you virtually don’t exist. The battle for digital presence and relevance have surged in the past few months. Before the pandemic, a significant number of organizations and individuals locally frowned on the benefits and impact of the internet. However, COVID-19 suddenly shifted things, the internet and internet business has become the de-facto place to thrive, without which one must fear extinction or lose of business and relevance. Things cannot be done in the same old way – a shift has happened! The pandemic has compelled a lot of traditional businesses and brands to go digital, increasing the noise level in the digital landscape. It has now become more important to build your personal brand digitally than ever before. From dating to finding jobs, clients, and customers online, the average internet user will perform a search to gather some information before taking action. What does this mean to you? This is to say that if you are not discoverable digitally you are losing some digi

  • Audio Branding – Using the Power of Your Voice with David Wolf

    01/09/2020 Duration: 26min

    Cutting through the Noise with the power of your voice. In this episode my guest David Wolf throws more light on audio branding – podcasting and audio books. You will discover Benefits of Podcasting Why Now is the Time to Produce an Audio Book Advantages of audio content Davis Wolf is the Founder and CEO of Audivita Studios, Audiobook and Podcast Producer, Nationally Syndicated Radio Host, Media Entrepreneur. Resources Audio Production (Audivita) DOWNLOAD the eBook Digital Disruption: Personal Brands that will Crush it after the Pandemic Branding Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive Branding Courses

  • Social Impact Branding: Making Your Non-Profit Standout

    19/08/2020 Duration: 30min

    “Think of How you can Build and Brand a Movement as a strategy for your Brand” – Eric Ressler In this episode, my guest Eric Ressler shares strategies to help your Social Impact organization to Standout with Branding Eric Ressler is the Founder and Creative Director at Cosmic, a Social Impact Creative Agency. Cosmicempowers social impact organizations to catalyze real-world change by helping them nail their impact story,build brand awareness, and inspire action.Download, Listen and Share Recommended Resources Design By Cosmic DOWNLOAD the eBook Digital Disruption: Personal Brands that will Crush it after the Pandemic Branding Books by Bernard Kelvin Clive Branding Courses

  • Brand Positioning: King Already? Lessons from Shatta Wale

    02/08/2020 Duration: 07min

    What Do you say: King Already? Traits of Outstanding Personal Brands In our personal branding session today, let me share with you one of the traits of successful Brands using a Ghanaian artist. If you’ve been a follower of my branding lessons, from any of the platforms, be it radio, TV, blogs, or social media you would have noticed one name stands out in most of my examples. That name is Shatta Wale. Google just ‘Shatta’ and his name and works surfaces. His songs and Brand has become a household name. There are several strategies one can learn from the Shatta brand, even if you don’t like his personality nor music. He has a lot to teach with his brand. I’m expounding on just one of the many lessons from his brand journey. The law of the Word – Declare it and Be it! In 2013 he released a song titled ‘Dancehall King” and declared himself the king of dancehall music in Ghana. The album art of the track had him seated on a throne wearing a crown – can you imagine t

  • How to Create a Brand Name

    29/07/2020 Duration: 10min

    What is your name? “It’s what you invest in the name that makes the brand relevant” Names trigger emotions, they evoke memories and they inspire actions. Out of the billions of people on earth, everyone has a name.  In West Africa, names are so important to the extent that names they give to children always have a meaning associated with it. It’s the meanings that define the names and consequently impact the lives of the bearers.   Examples from Ghana; a third-born male child of the Akan Tribe has the name ‘Mensah’. ‘Enyonam, from the Ewes means ‘God has been good to me’. Names make people feel special. Names help in easy identification and differentiation purposes. It’s in the same way brand names impact the market and its users. The significance of names cannot be overemphasized; names have played vital roles since the first being occupied the surface of the earth. History books have been filled with a significant number of names tha

  • How Brands and Entrepreneurs Can Thrive in Difficult Times – Mike Zeller

    08/07/2020 Duration: 35min

    Selling is Service The Current pandemic has totally impacted every aspect of life and business, in this episode my guest Mike Zeller, shares strategies to help brands and individuals to survive and blossom in-spite of the challenges. Mike Zeller is a mentor and speaker who, at his core, is most passionate about helping entrepreneurs and thought leaders gain clarity on their zone of genius while unleashing their potential to make money and impact. Through that process, they also learn how to design their business around their strengths and a life of fulfillment. You will learn about: Creating ideal Client Avator Getting Clients Repeat Business Recommended Resources: Digital Disruption ebook visit Brand Mastery visit

  • Brands: How to Become a Market Leader in Times of Crisis – Edwin Dearborn

    29/06/2020 Duration: 30min

    How Brands can become a market leader in times of crisis “Tell a story that makes the customer the hero or potential hero of the story – Edwin Dearbon Key tips Market Research Tell Stories Empathize Value Creation Be Agile Move fast My Guest:  Edwin Dearborn The Orange County Register featured Edwin Dearborn as a true “Marketing Expert”. Edwin has also been featured in Entrepreneur, CBS MoneyWatch, Social Media Today, and other national media outlets. Edwin has appeared as a keynote speaker for Sony and the American Marketing Association. Edwin was formally educated in marketing and public relations in Hollywood, CA in the early 1990’s. Recommended Resources: Three Degrees of Separation by Edwin Dearorn Digital Disruption ebook visit Brand Mastery visit

  • Tools and Platforms to Promote your Brand and Make Money

    25/06/2020 Duration: 20min

    Apps, Tools, and Services I have compiled a couple of tools and services for promoting your brand and making some money on the internet.  3 Keys to Carry Along I have identified three key things/ tools to help you in promoting your brand and doing business online. The first is to invest in paid adverts, yes, the free lunch is over, it is going to cost you some dollars to rake in more dollars. You must be willing to invest in paid ads to get desired and targeted reach in most cases. I highly recommend using Facebook ads and Google ads. There are other ad services available depending on your niche, if you find such do give it a shot. The second most important thing you will need is to have subscribers/lists  – people to constantly engage with and to do that require you to have a mailing list. That’s a list of emails of people who have subscribed to your services. To constantly communicate with them. I recommend using a service called to help you get started with your list creatio

  • Branding Lessons from Granny’s Kitchen

    12/06/2020 Duration: 12min

    Ingredients to Spice Your Brand I wish I could cook scrumptious meals effortlessly like my grand-mum. Well, if wishes were horses… However, I learned some things about cooking from my grand-mum which can be translated into the branding and business fields. You may be in the kitchen of your brand, cooking what you hope to be one of the best meals – delicious, mouth-watering, yummy and nutritious. What would be a good spice for this meal? Today, we are using the kitchen and cooking as analogies for building our brand, drawing from everyday life. Here are the 3 ingredients to spice up your brand.  1. Creativity Branding is about differentiation, and without differentiation you have no brand. You will just be like any other without a brand, a commodity among the lot. However, if you creatively find ways to set yourself apart from the masses, your brand will gain the needed attention. Creativity is a key differentiator factor of brands. Building your creativity comes in at various stages and forms – fro

  • How to Make Your Brand Stand Out from Your Competition

    03/06/2020 Duration: 06min

    Making Your Brand Stand Out from Your Competition When you are running your business, you will find that there will be a lot of other businesses providing the same services as you. This leads to a fierce competition as you’ll all be fighting to secure customers. The good news is that there some great ways that you can make your brand stand out from your competition from providing new products and services to trying new marketing strategies and more. Find out some of our tips in the article below. Study your Competitors One of the first ways that you can make your brand stand out from your competition is by making sure you have a look at your competitors and find out exactly what they are up to. When you do this, you can see what is working for them and what isn’t. Found something that they don’t offer? Use this information to make your brand shine. Promote Your USP If you have a look at your business competitors and notice that they all focus more on certain products and services then, you should have a look

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