Personal Branding Podcast



Join my weekly discussions and interviews on Personal Branding | Personal Development | Publishing | Providing inspiration and teachings on branding, social media and authoring. I'm your host Bernard Kelvin Clive.


  • Building Your Brand – Niche Power

    09/05/2024 Duration: 07min

    A little Story of Patience and Brand Recognition in this episode The power of a well-developed brand can’t be overstated. Over time, focusing on a specific niche and consistently delivering value establishes you as a trusted expert. So let me share a story that exemplifies this principle. This happened just today Years ago, as a young speaker, I aspired to invite a renowned speaker to an event. The challenge? His high-profile status made him expensive, especially for an unknown organizer like myself. Plus so many gatekeepers that prevented me from getting access to him. Ultimately, we couldn’t secure him. Sad but we moved on. Fast Forward! A decade later, I received an unexpected call. It was from the very same speaker I’d tried to invite a decade earlier! My consistent work and expertise in digital publishing had preceded me. They’d found me through an online search, impressed by my brand and books on Amazon. My brand opened the door.

  • The Designer and Uber Driver Experience: The Power of Exceptional Customer Experience

    15/04/2024 Duration: 08min

    Today we’re diving headfirst into the power of exceptional customer experience.  I will share with you why prioritizing your clients, especially in the realm of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), is the secret weapon you’ve been overlooking. “Often times consumers, clients, and customers are not just buying a product or service, they are buying an experience, a feeling, a perception, a person(YOU)” – Bernard Kelvin Clive Let’s face it, customer service in some parts of the world can be, well, let’s just say lacking. And for many SMEs, the focus often lands on simply getting the job done. But what if I told you that by shifting your mindset and truly prioritizing the customer experience, you could unlock exponential growth for your business? Intrigued? Then buckle up, because we’re about to explore real-world examples and practical strategies to make exceptional service your competitive edge. Here’s the first Story Two Designers and the Power of Going the Extra Mile Let me

  • Encounter with a Vulcanizer: Branding Lessons for MSMEs

    26/02/2024 Duration: 06min

    Encounter with a Vulcanizer: Branding Lessons for MSMEs Every business has its ups and downs, but learning how to maximize each moment can help the business thrive and grow. You see, the ability to adapt and embrace new technologies is not just an advantage—it’s essential for survival and growth. This realization came to me vividly during a seemingly mundane visit to a local vulcanizer because of a car tire issue. The vulcanizer, an expert in his field, impressed me with his knowledge and skill. I had learned that he has been doing this for the past decade and he is the go-to guy in the hood. However, despite his expertise, I noticed his reliance on outdated technology and traditional methods in his operations.  A critical lesson for small business owners can be learned from this experience: investing in modern tools and technology will enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and ultimately, business success. The vulcanizer, with nearly a decade of experience, was proficient in his work. His business wa

  • Personal Branding: Overlooked Feet, Unreached Feat

    12/02/2024 Duration: 07min

    “Where you plant your feet determines your feats.” — Bernard Kelvin Clive Let me share this with you.  One morning, while I was cleaning my car, I noticed something interesting. I had worked hard to make the car’s body look shiny and clean, even though there was a lot of dust around because of the Harmattan season. But when I stepped back to look at my work, I saw that the tires were still dirty. This made the whole car not look as nice as I thought. This situation reminded me of a lesson from my childhood. When we were kids, my uncles would tell us to make sure we washed the tires of the car really well, not just the body. They said that a car doesn’t look completely clean if its tires are dirty, even if the rest of it is spotless. They kept reminding us that this was important, showing us that we often focused on the parts that were easy to see and forgot about the rest. This lesson is not just about cars; it’s also about life. A car needs good, clean tires to move properly, jus

  • 2024 Unlocking your Personal Brand to Soar

    25/12/2023 Duration: 12min

    How to Grow Your Personal Brand in 2024 It’s to take your brand to the next level. Whether you’re a new brand or an established one, you need to achieve at least one of these milestones/goals in the upcoming year to remain relevant and competitive. 1. Raise the bar on yourself It is all about having a growth mindset to place a demand on yourself to go higher and do better. Let me draw your attention to this simple observation: I know several brands in my circle that offer the same services and products of high quality and standard, yet they are underpaid by their clients. Why? Well, my survey revealed one major setback: a lack of confidence in their expertise. They lack the boldness to price their products and services as they deserve. Let me break it down this way. The Psychology of Pricing with Confidence: Listen, if you don’t place a premium price on yourself, others will treat you like a commodity. Truth be told, you are powerful, gifted, talented, and skilled. Yes, you, you have to believe that. It

  • Top 5 AI-Powered Tools for Content Generation & Brand Promotion

    12/12/2023 Duration: 15min

    How can you enhance your content creation and branding with these five productivity tools? Enhancing Productivity in Content Creation and Branding In today’s podcast, I discuss five productivity tools that can significantly enhance content creation and branding. So, I’ll share some insights from that episode, focusing on the importance of finding the right tools to boost productivity and maintain your unique voice while creating content and building your personal brand. 1 The Power of Audio-to-Text Tools The first tool I discussed was, a powerful tool for recording and transcribing audio. What sets Swell Icon apart is its ability to generate titles, summaries, article formats, and even social media shareable content based on the audio message. This feature is particularly useful for podcasters, as it allows us to maintain our unique voice while using AI content-generating tools. 2 Proofreading and Editing with Grammarly Next, I delved into the world of proofreading and editing with Gra

  • Growing in times Like These!

    25/05/2023 Duration: 10min

    Building your brand in challenging times Growing in times Like These! The acronym for GROWTH is a great tool for personal and professional growth. Each letter represents an important trait or action that can help you navigate the different stages of growth. Let’s go through each one: G- Grits & Guts: Grit is a combination of perseverance and passion for long-term goals. It means having the determination to see something through to the end, even when things get difficult. Guts, on the other hand, is the courage to take risks and try new things, even if you’re not sure you’ll succeed. Together, grits and guts can help you take on new challenges and overcome obstacles in your path to growth. R- Reason & Research: Reasoning and research are essential for making informed decisions and setting realistic goals. By being logical and analytical, you can evaluate different options and choose the best course of action. Researching and gathering information also allows you to have a more well-ro

  • Quick Guide to Monetizing your New Found Passion

    13/03/2023 Duration: 09min

    13 years ago, I had the privilege of meeting Kobby Blay, a driven and passionate young nurse. It was at the peak of my first book launch and blog and I was doing multiple radio and TV interviews. We all felt passionately committed to driving positive change in our society through our gifts and passions. Kobby was on a mission to fill the gap in health information through his blog and medical photography. His unwavering passion led to the creation of the highly successful Ghana Health Nest, which has become a trusted source of health information. Kobby’s passion project has taken him on a journey around the world, and it can happen to you too! I have seen firsthand how several of my friends have transformed their passions into profitable ventures. Today, I am thrilled to share my knowledge and offer tips and strategies to help you kickstart your own passion-driven business. It all starts with taking that first step and starting today! Are you tired of working in a job that doesn’t fulfill you or al

  • The Top 5 Myths about Goal Setting – And How to Ditch Them for Good

    06/01/2023 Duration: 11min

    The Top 5 Myths about Goal Setting – And How to Ditch Them for Good Are you trying to make changes in your life but feeling stymied by goal-setting myths? Do you ever wonder if setting goals is worthwhile? You are not alone if this sounds familiar. Goal setting is a popular topic, especially during this time of the year, but it can be fraught with misconceptions. In this article, I will debunk the top five goal-setting myths and offer practical advice on how to get rid of them for good. Continue reading to learn how setting goals can help you achieve your dreams and realize your full potential. 1. Your Goals must be in writing! Not entirely true, you can have unwritten goals. You know what? When I wrote the last book – Bruwaa, which I published last year, I didn’t have a goal of writing it, but once I thought about it, I wrote it and published it! You should have a goal, but your goal doesn’t have to be in writing. For achieving goals, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. You can st

  • How to Develop a Personal Brand as a Student

    25/11/2022 Duration: 11min

    Building your Personal Brand as a Student Here are a few quick tips to help! “Personal Branding is the combination of one’s SKILLS and TALENT to produce VALUE for others, that creates an IMPRESSION, PERCEPTION, and REPUTATION…” – Bernard Kelvin Clive 1. Start with a clear vision for who you want to become and what your goals are. (Find yourself) 2. Be innovative and think outside the box when it comes to marketing your brand. (Find your power, Get Skilled!) 3. Develop an effective social media strategy that will help you connect with your target audience. (Find your place) 4 . Think about ways in which you can monetize your brand, and make sure all of your strategies are legal and ethical. (Find a need) 5 . Stay true to yourself, and don’t be afraid to experiment – this is how you’ll find out what works best for you and YOUR brand! 6 . Keep track of trends so that you know where the industry is going, and adjust accordingly! 7 . Make use of technology resources available online to ampl

  • Lies Authors Tell Themselves

    06/09/2022 Duration: 09min

    Why do authors lie to themselves?  It’s because they think that telling them these lies will help them write, edit, publish, and sell their book.  Unfortunately, the opposite usually happens – some authors waste days of their lives with lies and empty promises. Every author writes to fulfill their dream of seeing their work in print, but many get swept up in the day-to-day business of publishing and forget why they started writing in the first place. The result? Author burnout, writer’s block, and more unfinished manuscripts than published books.  Today, I will share with you three lies that authors tell themselves and explain how to avoid these self-destructive mistakes. #1 My Book Will Become a Bestseller One of the many lies authors tells themselves is that their book will become a bestseller. Especially if the book is published on Amazon. In reality, only a few books become bestsellers – Yes! There is a science and strategy to it. We’ll save that for another time. The pro

  • Brands that Last: Three Secrets

    25/06/2022 Duration: 09min

    Do brands last a lifetime? What makes some brands survive while others fail?Think about this question as it relates to your own life. What brands and products do you remember from your childhood? Are those brands still existing?If so, what could their main secrets be? If they are no longer around, what could have led to their extension? So, perhaps you already know the answers to these questions. My favorite childhood car brand was the French-built Peugeot. The Peugeot company was founded in 1810 by Jean-Pierre Peugeot, who began making coffee mills and bicycles.Despite not having seen my grandfather’s functional Peugeot 504 (Peugeot’s first Saloon Car), I did see the spoilt immovable car kept in the garage. The car’s round headlights and sunroof caught my attention at the time. On occasion, he gathers his young children and tells them stories of his car-related antics. From Ho to Hohoe and Aflao to Accra, he traveled.It was the most adored vehicle in the 1970s and 1980s. I used to only cons

  • How to Build a Reputable Online Presence

    27/04/2022 Duration: 06min

    Tips for Building a Reputable Online Presence Tips for Building a Reputable Online Presence “We must be careful not to let our current appetites steal away any chance we might have for a future feast.” ~ Jim Rohn Let’s look at some factors to consider while developing a great online presence: 1. Branding Branding is the first step towards building your online personal brand. You will be perceived based on how you present yourself, so make your brand worth every glance. Make use of both visual and verbal content. Your content is your digital currency, and the value you provide determines how much it appreciates and depreciates over time. You need to decide what type of content you want to create around your niche. Do you want to focus on creating videos? Or maybe you are more interested in writing articles? Once you know what kind of content you want to produce, then you can start thinking about how you can make this content better than anyone else out there. 2. Social Media Social media is a

  • Is freelancing a thing for you?

    05/04/2022 Duration: 08min

    The Rise of the Gig Guys, Are you in? “You have no idea how many people may require your services if only you could muster the confidence to put your skills to use” – Bernard Kelvin Clive I’d been up all night trying to memorize a slew of notes for a mid-semester exam. My eyes were heavy with sleep at 3 a.m., and my head couldn’t take it any longer. As I contemplated whether to go to bed or go for a walk to get some fresh air, the door flung wide open with a boom! He was hot and sweaty, and his clothes were dirty with clay from his ceramic work at the Art Shed. KKD, my roommate, rushed in and yelled, “chale, we have to go to town; Asafo Market, Kumasi, this morning at six o’clock and back for early morning classes at seven o’clock.” “Huh!?, I am tired!”, I replied. “Believe me, it’s a good deal!” he retorted! When he announced the news, sleep fled my eyes and my energy was quickly restored… The concept of side gigs and freelancing was ext

  • Personal Brand: Do you really need to write a book?

    25/02/2022 Duration: 08min

    Why do you want to write a book? The recent boom of interest in self-publishing has led to an explosion of books being created. While there are positives to this new market, it could also have negative impacts on book quality. Writing a book can be a daunting, time-consuming task. However, it is one of the best things you can do and leave as a legacy. There are many benefits to writing a book. Writing helps you better understand your thoughts and who you are as an individual. It also allows you to contribute to the world by adding to the vast body of knowledge that already exists on the subject. One of the most common reasons people write books is to share experiences, teach lessons, or inspire others. That said, not every idea will make it into books. Some ideas and write-ups are best kept as blog posts and articles. Blog posts and articles are the perfect media for publishing content on a given topic. Blog posts are a great way to share insights and tips for readers, while articles provide in-depth analysis

  • Brand Nuggets

    20/01/2022 Duration: 06min

    Tips to grow your brand FInd your unique audince Feed them value – over deliver Generate ‘Word of Mouth Marketing’ – Power referrals Feedbacks – get them and use them properly Stay Consistrent Stay Creative – Be diffirent Branding Resources

  • Daring Greatly 2022

    23/12/2021 Duration: 14min

    12 Things to Dare in 2022 “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” ― Andre Gide There comes a time in our lives that we must step out of our comfort zones and prisons and get into new territories.  We all have some areas that we need to Dare to venture into in the coming year. So, today I present to you some ideas for daring discoveries. Go through and give it a shot. 1. Dare to Break mental strongholds It all begins in the mind. Your mind is either your prison or palace. Several people have been stopped not by demons but by their own beliefs: self-limiting believes. So many “I can’t” block the flow of possibilities. To do and have more, one must first believe. Expand your capacity to receive. Sometimes we place a cap on what we can achieve based on our past failures, which ought not to be so. Until one breaks self-imposed barriers in the mind, success becomes a wild goose chase. Believe you can and work towards it. See it first in your mind then work towards

  • Prep your Brand

    08/12/2021 Duration: 06min

    “If you don’t prepare you will repair” – Bernard Kelvin Clive The Power of Brand Preparation. In this episode I talked about the power of preparation in brand building. Preparation is a critical process in the brand-building journey. If you don’t prepare you’ll repair. So start right and build right, prepare!

  • 21 Tips for Writers, Authors & Publishers

    13/09/2021 Duration: 13min

    “Find a balance between the art of writing and the business of publishing“ As an author, the question that has been asked on countless occasions has been ‘How do you find inspiration to write?’ Today, I will share with you some simple truths and challenges faced by writers and authors alike. Listen, there would be days you have the drive and internal motivation to write, the flow will be natural and uninterrupted. And well there will be other days that regardless of what you do, the inspiration and flow will not be there. Yeah, that’s life, don’t let the not-so-good days discourage you. The recent pandemic (Covid-19) took the world by surprise. While it shut down some businesses it also reshaped the minds of others. Before this, many thought to themselves they were too busy to slow down to enjoy the simple pleasures of life or pursue the list on their bucket list were awaken to the realities of life. For the last 12 months, I have seen several people writing and publishing

  • Convo on Branding, Rebranding, and Repositioning with a Brand Strategist – Susan Meier

    20/08/2021 Duration: 33min

    In this episode, I discussed the subject of branding and rebranding with Susan Meier. Susan Hamilton Meier coaches business leaders on how to position their brands with clarity and impact. An alumnus of Harvard Business School and the Boston Consulting Group, Susan has helped the world’s leading brands understand their customers, evolve their strategic vision, and create effective communication. Based on her experiences, she developed a workbook that equips entrepreneurs and small business owners with the same tools her Fortune 50 clients use to identify their brand’s unique niche and craft their key messages. RESOURCES: Books by BKC

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