Personal Branding Podcast

Making 2020 Your Best Year Ever



20 Twenty20 Tips for a Great Year How to Make It Your Best Year Ever Bernard Kelvin Clive  How different would you live your life if there was no calendar? At the end and beginning of every year, there is an increase in goal setting activities, people set goals and resolutions with the hope of achieving them. The question is, what if these activities were a lifestyle, done throughout the year and not tied to a particular ending or beginning? What if, we simply decide to enjoy our daily lives while pursuing or set goals and dreams? Well, today I present to you tips to make the best of your daily life, hence your year. Let’s get started! Tip #1 Define your Success Success means different things to different people. To begin with, define what success (a great year), means to you. In your terms, don’t let society determine that for you. Once you’ve done that, you set yourself free from the pressures of society by not leaving to impress others and ready to succeed. Tip #2 Be Decisive Decide to mak