Old Guard Audio



The voice of American exceptionalism Here you will find Podcast - audio broadcasts - of prominent conservatives. These could be elected officials, national, state, and local who espouse ideals of conservatism. These expositors could be republicans, tea party, libertarian or any party that projects the principles that made this country great.Subscribe on your device for easy on-demand playback. I appreciate your visit, John Hames


  • New York attorney a brave devil’s advocate

    28/06/2021 Duration: 05min

    MIRANDA DEVINE OPINION   New York attorney a brave devil’s advocate By Miranda Devine June 27, 2021 | 10:32pm | Enlarge Image Joseph McBride's client Richard Barnett is back home now under house arrest. Washington County Sheriff's Office via AP File MORE FROM: MIRANDA DEVINE FBI tears innocent New Yorker's life into shreds after Jan. 6: Devine   Did Joe inadvertently pay for Hunter Biden's wild night with a prostitute?   The media bought Vladimir Putin's flattering lies: Devine   Joe Biden’s a Putin-like polarizer: Devine   American moms are taking a stand against Critical Race Theory: Devine Lawyers haven’t exactly been flocking to defend Trump voters charged in the Capitol riot. It’s an unpopular cause, and likely to lead to an attorney being shunned by colleagues or worse, and the defendants for the most part can’t afford to pay legal fees.  But Joseph McBride is one of the heroic few attorneys who has stood up in the name of equal justice for the most reviled people in the nati

  • The Charlottesville Lie

    06/08/2019 Duration: 08min

    The Charlottesville Lie   Steve Cortes   Did President Trump call neo-Nazis “very fine people” during a famous press conference following the Charlottesville riots of August 2017? The major media reported that he did. But what if their reporting is wrong? Worse, what if their reporting is wrong and they know it’s wrong? A straight exploration of the facts should reveal the truth. That’s what CNN political analyst Steve Cortes does in this critically important video. Politicians lie. We all know that. That is not an indictment of all politicians—it’s simply part of the game. It’s our job, as informed citizens, to figure out the truth. And that’s where journalists and the media come in. They are supposed to help us ferret out fact from fiction. So when they get a fact wrong, that’s bad. When they get a fact wrong, know it’s wrong, and don’t correct it, that’s worse. That’s not getting a fact wrong; that’s a lie. And that’s journalistic malfeasance. The best (or maybe worst) example of this followed a pre

  • President Trump Speech at the United Nations 2018

    27/09/2018 Duration: 35min

    President Trump Speech at the United Nations 2018 Best speech ever? Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity think so President Trump Returns to the U.N.—with a Mountain of Evidence for ‘Peace Through Strength’ September 25, 2018   5 minute read SHARE:       ALL NEWS President Donald J. Trump helped kick off the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York City yesterday. Along with a series of bilateral meetings with allies this week, the President is addressing the full Assembly in a major speech Tuesday morning. “The scourge of our planet today is a small group of rogue regimes that violate every principle on which the United Nations is based,” President Trump told the Assembly last September. “They respect neither their own citizens nor the sovereign rights of their countries.” One year later, the bold diplomacy of the Trump Administration has diminished many of the threats the President cited that day, including the most critical ones from North Korea, Iran, and ISIS. Am

  • Governor Bevin Explains Gun Control vs Cultural Issues

    11/04/2018 Duration: 09min

    Governor Matthew Griswold Bevin is an American businessman and politician serving as the 62nd and current Governor of Kentucky since 2015. He is the third Republican elected Governor of Kentucky since World War II. Gov Bevin challenges Evan Davies on Gun Control vs Cultural Issues 00-00 hi my name is Evan Davies and I'm just 00-02 an independent consultant I'm not 00-03 affiliated with a organization 00-06 I really admire the work that you're 00-08 doing to help foster children and you've 00-10 said a number of times that you know the 00-13 children's lives is most important we 00-16 had a murder a little while ago where 00-19 seventeen people including eight kids 00-21 were murdered in their schools and how 00-23 do you reconcile the children's lives 00-26 are most important with the comments 00-28 you've made to the media about it's 00-29 naive and premature to talk about gun 00-32 control and that it's culture and not 00-35 guns that is causing these these 00-36 horrible things I'll tell you exactly 00-40

  • President Donald Trump Addresses the World Economic Forum

    26/01/2018 Duration: 27min

    President Donald Trump Addresses the World Economic Forum President Trump speech in Davos, Switzerland Transcript 00-00 Thank You class very much it's a 00-01 privilege to be here at this forum we're 00-03 leaders in business science art 00-06 diplomacy and world affairs have 00-08 gathered for many many years to discuss 00-12 how we can advance prosperity security 00-15 and peace I'm here today to represent 00-18 the interests of the American people and 00-20 to affirm America's friendship and 00-23 partnership in building a better world 00-26 like all nations represented at this 00-30 great forum America hopes for a future 00-33 in which everyone can prosper and every 00-36 child can grow up free from violence 00-38 poverty and fear over the past year we 00-43 have made extraordinary strides in the 00-46 u.s. we're lifting up forgotten 00-49 communities creating exciting new 00-51 opportunities and helping every American 00-53 find their path to the American dream 00-56 the dream of a great job a safe home

  • President Donald Trump remarks while signing Tax Cut Bill

    04/01/2018 Duration: 19min

    President Donald Trump remarks while signing Tax Cut Bill Also, comments on missile defense, continuing budget resolution 00-00 good morning everybody thank you very 00-01 much for being here and Merry Christmas 00-03 Happy New Year have great holidays we 00-07 are going to sign some very important 00-09 things today 00-10 one is a continuing resolution that very 00-16 importantly gives us the right and we 00-19 are ordering four billion dollars worth 00-21 of missile defense equipment and 00-24 missiles themselves very important 00-27 top-of-the-line best in the world we 00-30 make the best military product in the 00-32 world nobody is even close so we're 00-35 ordering four billion dollars worth of 00-36 missile defense and that will be done by 00-40 signing right here and also by notifying 00-44 the Speaker of the House and president 00-48 of the Senate designating the missile 00-50 defense as emergency defense fund so 00-53 it's four billion dollars for that and 00-56 seven hundred million dollars for 00

  • Double Header - Congressmen Trey Gowdy and Jim Jordan question Rod Rosenstein

    14/12/2017 Duration: 15min

    Double Header - Congressmen Trey Gowdy and Jim Jordan question Rod Rosenstein No doubt it is time to remove the biased special counsel Mueller 00-00 there are a lot of issues that I would 00-01 like to ask you about mr. Deputy 00-03 Attorney General we had a terrorist 00-04 incident in New York this week we have 00-06 702 reauthorization that is pending in 00-09 Congress gun violence the opioid 00-11 epidemic criminal justice reform but 00-15 when I go home to South Carolina this 00-17 weekend trust me when I tell you no one 00-19 is going to ask me about any of those 00-20 issues they're gonna ask me what in the 00-23 hell is going on with the Department of 00-25 Justice and the FBI the reason we have 00-29 special counsel this is a very important 00-31 point the written you know it the reason 00-33 we have special counsel is because of a 00-35 conflict of interest the regulation 00-38 itself specifically makes reference to a 00-41 conflict of interest and and we don't 00-43 like conflicts of interest becau

  • President Trump Gives Remarks at the Opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum

    10/12/2017 Duration: 09min

    President Trump Gives Remarks at the Opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum Some protested by not attending, but President Trump was fantastic! Thank you, President Trump.   00 - 00 thank you very much thank you and I do 00 - 03 love Mississippi it's a great place and 00 - 06 thank you 00 - 08 governor Bryant for that kind 00 - 10 introduction and for honoring me with 00 - 12 this invitation to be with you today I 00 - 16 also want to recognize Secretary ben 00 - 18 Carson and his wonderful wife kandi for 00 - 22 joining us thank you 00 - 23 Thank You Ben Thank You kandi I 00 - 26 especially want to thank you justice 00 - 30 Ruben Anderson great man with a great 00 - 33 reputation even outside of the state of 00 - 37 Mississippi I have to tell you that so 00 - 40 thank you thank you very much and you 00 - 44 are an inspiration to us all thank you 00 - 46 judge and we're here today to celebrate 00 - 48 the opening of two really extraordinary 00 - 53 museums and I just took a tour the 00 - 57 Mississip

  • What Happens When Google Disagrees With You?

    17/11/2017 Duration: 05min

    What Happens When Google Disagrees With You? Is Google open to a diverse array of viewpoints? Or is it an ideological echo chamber? Just ask former Google software engineer James Damore. He was fired for disagreeing with Google's (left-wing) orthodoxy. In this video, James shares his story. Google/YouTube continues to restrict over 30 PragerU videos and deem them "inappropriate for young audiences". Or is it an ideological echo chamber? Just ask former Google software engineer James Damore. He was fired for disagreeing with Google's (left-wing) orthodoxy. In this video, James shares his story   I used to be a senior software engineer at Google. Until they fired me. For doing something unforgivable... Something so controversial that it was the number one news story for days. My crime: I wrote an internal document that, among other things, suggested that men and women, on average, are different. Like I told you: Unforgivable. The politically progressive viewpoint, which is dominant at Google and in the medi

  • How can the States Fix the Federal Government

    31/10/2017 Duration: 05min

    How can the States Fix the Federal Government A Convention of States and Article V of the Constitution. Washington is gigantic, corrupt, and unaccountable. Can it be fixed? Learn more about the Convention of States and Article V of the Constitution. Jim DeMint, former Senator from South Carolina, explains. The federal government has become a lumbering giant. With each passing year, it gets bigger and scarier. In 1965, Washington was 761 billion dollars big. In 2016... it was 3.5 trillion – five times the size. If the government spent only the money it collected in taxes, that would be one thing. But it always spends more­­—which is why we’re $20 trillion dollars in debt. That’s 13 zeroes. Count ‘em: Thirteen. But the crazy spending isn’t even the worst of it. Washington is involved in every part of our lives. Think about anything you do, from driving your car to buying your groceries to mowing your lawn. Whatever it is—your education, your job, your health— the government has its hands on your shoulder, if n

  • The Southern Poverty Law Center ☠ A Hate Group ☠

    13/10/2017 Duration: 06min

    The Southern Poverty Law Center ☠ A Hate Group ☠ The "Anti-Hate" Group That Is a Hate Group Shutting down people you don’t agree with is about as un-American as you can get. Rigorous debate, honest discussion, open exchange of ideas—that’s the American way. But free thinking and speech are threatened today by a group with a sweet-sounding name that conceals a nefarious purpose. This group is called the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC. Originally founded as a civil-rights law firm in 1971, the SPLC reinvented itself in the mid-‘80s as a political attack group. Every year now it produces a new list of people and charities it claims are “extremists” and “haters.” Aided by glowing coverage from the establishment media, the SPLC’s hate list has become a weapon for taking individuals and groups they disagree with and tarring them with ugly associations. The SPLC employs a two-pronged strategy: First,  find a handful of crazies with barely any followers, no address, and no staff, and blow them up into a dang

  • President Trump Gives Remarks on Tax Reform to American Truckers

    12/10/2017 Duration: 41min

    President Trump Gives Remarks on Tax Reform to American Truckers in Harrisburg, PA The American Trucking Association.  The current tax code is a disaster and needs to be reformed for all Americans. President Donald J. Trump is committed to bringing historic tax relief to the American people based on four key ideas – cutting taxes for every day Americans, simplifying the tax code, giving business the competitive edge, and investing in America. Today, President Trump is traveling to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to deliver this message on tax reform to the American Trucking Association.   The American Trucking Associations, founded in 1933, is the largest national trade association for the trucking industry.   Trucking Leaders Join President Trump in Calling for Tax Reform  Reducing Rates Will Allow Industry to Expand, Add Jobs   Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – Today, leaders with the American Trucking Associations joined President Trump in calling on Congress to quickly act on comprehensive tax reform as a way of gr

  • President Trump - Remarks on Las Vegas Mass Murder

    03/10/2017 Duration: 05min

    President Trump - Remarks on Las Vegas Mass Murder It was an act of pure evil Thank you. My fellow Americans, we are joined together today in sadness, shock, and grief. Last night a gunman opened fire on a large crowd at a country music concert in Las Vegas, Nevada. He brutally murdered more than 50 people and wounded hundreds more. It was an act of pure evil. The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are working closely with local authorities to assist with the investigation and they will provide updates as to the investigation and how it develops. I want to thank the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police department and all of the first responders for their courageous efforts and for helping to save the lives of so many. The speed with which they acted is miraculous and prevented further loss of life. To have found the shooter so quickly after the first shots were fired, is something for which we will always be thankful and grateful. It shows what true professionalism is all about. Hundreds of our fellow citi

  • Steve Scalise full address to Congress since his Attempted Murder

    28/09/2017 Duration: 20min

    US Representative Steve Scalise full address to Congress since his Attempted Murder Attest to the Power of Prayer, Thanks God, and Capitol Police Transcript 00 - 05 the gentleman is recognized for as much 00 - 08 time as he may consume 00 - 11 Wow Thank You mr. speaker 00 - 15 you have no idea how great this feels to 00 - 18 be back here at work in the people's 00 - 21 house 00 - 22 [Applause] 00 - 27 as you can imagine these last three and 00 - 29 a half months have been pretty 00 - 30 challenging times for me and my family 00 - 33 but if you look at the outpouring of 00 - 38 love of warmth of prayer my gosh 00 - 44 Jennifer and I have been overwhelmed 00 - 46 with all of that outpouring and it's 00 - 48 given us the strength to get through all 00 - 50 of this and to get to this point today 00 - 53 and it starts with God 01 - 00 [Applause] 01 - 05 when I was laying out on that ball field 01 - 08 the first thing I did once I was down 01 - 10 and I couldn't move anymore as I just 01 - 13 started to pray and I

  • President Donald Trump Speech to the 72nd Session of the United Nations

    21/09/2017 Duration: 42min

    President Donald Trump Speech to the 72nd Session of the United Nations Rocket Man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime *With special commentary by Rush Limbaugh* United Nations New York, New York 10:04 A.M. EDT PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Mr. Secretary General, Mr. President, world leaders, and distinguished delegates:  Welcome to New York.  It is a profound honor to stand here in my home city, as a representative of the American people, to address the people of the world.  As millions of our citizens continue to suffer the effects of the devastating hurricanes that have struck our country, I want to begin by expressing my appreciation to every leader in this room who has offered assistance and aid.  The American people are strong and resilient, and they will emerge from these hardships more determined than ever before. Fortunately, the United States has done very well since Election Day last November 8th.  The stock market is at an all-time high -- a record.  Unemployment is at its lowest level

  • How's Socialism Doing in Venezuela?

    29/08/2017 Duration: 06min

    How's Socialism Doing in Venezuela? The Maduro Diet = Starvation Once there was a South American country with a promising future. It had a functioning democracy, a rapidly developing economy, and a growing middle class. All the important indicators, including education, health care, and foreign investment, were pointed in the right direction. It was far from perfect, but the mood was hopeful – and with good reason. But now all that promise is gone. The country is a failed state, a hollowed-out shell of its former self. Services like power and water are sporadic. The most basic consumer goods, from bread to toilet paper, are in chronically short supply. Crime has skyrocketed. Freedom of the press is almost non-existent. Democracy has been replaced by a virtual dictatorship. The country is, I’m sorry to say, my beloved Venezuela, a place in which my family has deep roots. I can tell you what happened to it in one word: socialism. In 1999, then-candidate for president Hugo Chavez promised to lead the people of

  • President Trump - Presidential Address to the Nation on Afghanistan

    29/08/2017 Duration: 24min

    President Trump - Presidential Address to the Nation on Afghanistan Terrorists take heed -  America will never let up until you are dealt a lasting defeat. 0 - 00 The President -  Vice President Pence, 0 - 03 Secretary of State Tillerson, 0 - 05 members of the Cabinet, General Dunford, 0 - 10 Deputy Secretary Shanahan, 0 - 13 and Colonel Duggan. 0 - 16 Most especially, thank you to the men 0 - 20 and women of Fort Myer 0 - 22 and every member of the United States 0 - 24 military at home and abroad. 0 - 28 We send our thoughts and prayers 0 - 30 to the families of our brave sailors 0 - 33 who were injured and lost 0 - 34 after a tragic collision at sea, 0 - 37 as well as to those conducting 0 - 39 the search and recovery efforts. 0 - 43 I am here tonight to lay out our path forward 0 - 45 in Afghanistan and South Asia. 0 - 50 But before I provide the details 0 - 52 of our new strategy, 0 - 54 I want to say a few words 0 - 55 to the servicemembers here with us tonight, 0 - 59 to those watching from their post

  • President Trump Pulling no punches, both sides are to blame Charlottesville Va

    16/08/2017 Duration: 23min

    President Trump  Pulling no punches, both sides are to blame Charlottesville Va And some really good news on the Country's Infrastructure    0-00 hello everybody great to be back in New 0-06 York with all of our friends and some 0-10 great friends outside the building I 0-11 must tell you I want to thank all of our 0-14 distinguished guests who are with us 0-17 today including members of our cabinet 0-20 Treasury Secretary Stephen minuchin OMB 0-24 director Mick Mulvaney and of course our 0-27 transportation secretary who is doing a 0-30 fabulous job Elaine Chao thank you all 0-34 for doing a really incredible and 0-38 creative job on what we're going to be 0-41 discussing today which is infrastructure 0-44 we've just had a great set of briefings 0-48 upstairs on our infrastructure agenda my 0-52 administration is working every day to 0-54 deliver the world-class infrastructure 0-56 that our people deserve and frankly that 0-59 our country deserves that's why I just 1-03 signed a new executive order to 1-05

  • Google fires Whistleblower, Women gathering to file class action lawsuit

    09/08/2017 Duration: 05min

    Google fires Whistleblower, Women gathering to file class action lawsuit Google to employees, keep your mouths shut!     Why Did Google Freak Out and Fire an Employee for Spurring ‘Honest Discussion’? Genevieve Wood The tolerance police at Google just struck another blow against increasing diversity in Silicon Valley by firing an employee who wrote a memo critiquing the company’s politically correct culture. Now, let’s be clear - While the Google software engineer who authored the memo had the right to say and write what he did—it’s called free speech—Google is a private company and has every right to fire an employee it deems not in line with its mission or culture. But it’s fair to ask why Google reacted so negatively to an employee who, in a 10-page memo, laid out a case for why Google’s diversity programs weren’t working and how it might rethink its attempt to reduce the gender gap.   Could it be that Google is feeling just a little bit paranoid? For all the talk about inclusiveness and diversity, here’

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