Old Guard Audio

President Trump - Presidential Address to the Nation on Afghanistan



President Trump - Presidential Address to the Nation on Afghanistan Terrorists take heed -  America will never let up until you are dealt a lasting defeat. 0 - 00 The President -  Vice President Pence, 0 - 03 Secretary of State Tillerson, 0 - 05 members of the Cabinet, General Dunford, 0 - 10 Deputy Secretary Shanahan, 0 - 13 and Colonel Duggan. 0 - 16 Most especially, thank you to the men 0 - 20 and women of Fort Myer 0 - 22 and every member of the United States 0 - 24 military at home and abroad. 0 - 28 We send our thoughts and prayers 0 - 30 to the families of our brave sailors 0 - 33 who were injured and lost 0 - 34 after a tragic collision at sea, 0 - 37 as well as to those conducting 0 - 39 the search and recovery efforts. 0 - 43 I am here tonight to lay out our path forward 0 - 45 in Afghanistan and South Asia. 0 - 50 But before I provide the details 0 - 52 of our new strategy, 0 - 54 I want to say a few words 0 - 55 to the servicemembers here with us tonight, 0 - 59 to those watching from their post