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Google fires Whistleblower, Women gathering to file class action lawsuit



Google fires Whistleblower, Women gathering to file class action lawsuit Google to employees, keep your mouths shut!     Why Did Google Freak Out and Fire an Employee for Spurring ‘Honest Discussion’? Genevieve Wood The tolerance police at Google just struck another blow against increasing diversity in Silicon Valley by firing an employee who wrote a memo critiquing the company’s politically correct culture. Now, let’s be clear - While the Google software engineer who authored the memo had the right to say and write what he did—it’s called free speech—Google is a private company and has every right to fire an employee it deems not in line with its mission or culture. But it’s fair to ask why Google reacted so negatively to an employee who, in a 10-page memo, laid out a case for why Google’s diversity programs weren’t working and how it might rethink its attempt to reduce the gender gap.   Could it be that Google is feeling just a little bit paranoid? For all the talk about inclusiveness and diversity, here’