Old Guard Audio

Double Header - Congressmen Trey Gowdy and Jim Jordan question Rod Rosenstein



Double Header - Congressmen Trey Gowdy and Jim Jordan question Rod Rosenstein No doubt it is time to remove the biased special counsel Mueller 00-00 there are a lot of issues that I would 00-01 like to ask you about mr. Deputy 00-03 Attorney General we had a terrorist 00-04 incident in New York this week we have 00-06 702 reauthorization that is pending in 00-09 Congress gun violence the opioid 00-11 epidemic criminal justice reform but 00-15 when I go home to South Carolina this 00-17 weekend trust me when I tell you no one 00-19 is going to ask me about any of those 00-20 issues they're gonna ask me what in the 00-23 hell is going on with the Department of 00-25 Justice and the FBI the reason we have 00-29 special counsel this is a very important 00-31 point the written you know it the reason 00-33 we have special counsel is because of a 00-35 conflict of interest the regulation 00-38 itself specifically makes reference to a 00-41 conflict of interest and and we don't 00-43 like conflicts of interest becau