Practice Management Nuggets

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 41:51:42
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Practice Management Nuggets is a weekly interview series with practice managers, healthcare providers, or trusted vendors who support healthcare practices. Hosted by Jean Eaton, your Practice Management Mentor, of Information Managers


  • How To Capture Patient Satisfaction With CareSay | Episode #077

    30/06/2019 Duration: 16min

    Subscribe: itunes | Email | | Stitcher | RadioPlayer ‘This call may be recorded to ensure quality control.’ We’ve all heard the recorded message when we call our bank or service provider But, is this the best way to capture patient satisfaction with their healthcare visit experience? Are you looking for options to gauge patient satisfaction with the patients’ interactions with your office staff during phone calls and their entire visit? There are other options that require less technology, easier to implement, respects privacy, provides a more meaning constructive, helpful, feedback for your clinic team and engages your patients to improve their satisfaction. I reached out to Brian Lee from Custom Learning Systems about his suggestions on how to explore patient satisfaction. Listen to the podcast to hear his key tips! CareSay App from Everyone’s A Caregiver Easily measure the patient's experience and give them an opportunity for feedback so that you can improve patient satisfaction and patient care in your h

  • Privacy Awareness Quiz #PrivacyMatters | Episode #076

    08/05/2019 Duration: 15min

    Subscribe: itunes | Email | | Stitcher | RadioPlayer Privacy Awareness Week (PAW), an initiative of the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities forum (APPA), is held every year to promote awareness of privacy issues and the importance of protecting personal information. This year, Privacy Awareness Week is celebrated May 6-10, 2019. Protect Your Organization and Your Patients Equip your staff with the information they need to confidently and correctly handle personal health information. Healthcare businesses need privacy awareness training to support key policies, procedures and risk management programs need a privacy awareness training program. Patients trust their healthcare providers with their sensitive, personal, and financial information. If patients don’t feel that the healthcare provider will keep their information confidential and secure, patients may choose not to share their information which may impact their healthcare and treatment. When we are privacy aware, we can better respond to patients’ question

  • How to Use Audit Logs to Improve the Security of Health Information In Your Healthcare Practice | Episode #075

    07/04/2019 Duration: 13min

    Subscribe: itunes | Email |  Stitcher | RadioPlayer When was the last time that you reviewed your access logs in your healthcare practice? In our policies, procedures, risk assessments, and privacy impact assessment submissions, we indicate the reasonable safeguards that we expect to implement in our practices to protect the privacy and security of health information. But policies and good intentions alone isn’t enough. We also need to take action on our policies. Custodians have an obligation to ensure reasonable safeguards to protect the privacy and security of health information. This means having appropriate policies and procedures in place and demonstrate and document that you have implemented your plans. In this podcast episode, Jean L. Eaton answers frequently asked questions (FAQ) about using audit logs of your computer and your Electronic Medical Record (EMR) / Electronic Health Record (EHR) to improve security in your healthcare practice. Improve Privacy and Security In Your Healthcare Practice

  • Fax Received in Error - Is this a Notifiable Privacy Breach? | Episode #067

    24/03/2019 Duration: 08min

    Subscribe: itunes | Email |  Stitcher | RadioPlayer Has this ever happened to you? You are a clinic manager in a healthcare practice. One day, you receive a phone from a healthcare provider in another clinic. They received a fax with patients’ health information from someone in your clinic. But the fax is not addressed to them – they received it in error. Is this a notifiable privacy breach under Alberta’s new Health Information Act (HIA) regulations? What should you do now? If you work in healthcare, it is your job to manage each #PrivacyBreach with confidence, compassion, and transparency to the individuals affected by a privacy breach. In this podcast episode, Jean L. Eaton answers frequently asked questions (FAQ) about mandatory privacy breach notification in your healthcare practice. Learn NOW how to respond a #PrivacyBreach – Don’t get caught scrambling when a privacy breach happens! Practice Management Success Are you feeling frustrated with the same problem over and over again in your clinic? Or sol

  • How to Prepare Patient Records for a Court Order | Episode #066

    28/02/2019 Duration: 23min

    Subscribe: itunes | Email | | Stitcher | RadioPlayer You are working at the reception desk of a healthcare practice. Suddenly, there is a police officer or court officer giving you a court order to produce patient records! Don’t Panic! Learn NOW how to respond a #CourtOrder. In this episode we discussed how to prepare patient records for a court order with confidence! Now, just a reminder, I’m not a lawyer and I don’t play one on TV. These are my recommendations based on my experience as a director of health records in hospitals in Canada, as a court reporter, and as a mentor to clinic managers in independent healthcare practices and not legal advice. How to Prepare Patient Records for a Court Order E-Book Don't be scared and confused when confronted by a police officer giving you a court order to produce patient records! With this report we show you how to: Calmly receive a court order Prepare the patient's health record for disclosure Anticipate your testimony in court Download this free report to prote

  • How Improved Patient Satisfaction Saves You Time And Money | Episode #074

    12/02/2019 Duration: 40min

    One of the most difficult questions that clinic managers ask me is if I have any tips to help them work with members of their team who know their job – but aren’t as friendly, or empathetic or engaging with their patients as they would like. Teaching someone how to build a courteous and respectful relationship with your patients is kind of awkward, isn’t it? But, it is so vitally important that patients feel valued, respected, and safe when they come to their healthcare practice. And it is just as important to healthcare business that we provide courteous service, clear communication and safe practices in an efficient and effective manner. Patient engagement and patient satisfaction is a key criteria to good health outcomes and a healthy business model. But, how do you get started to implement a patient satisfaction program? How can you teach your employees to demonstrate respect and open communication with patients and their families? Patient Centered Clinics from Everyone’s a Caregiver Make sure to check ou

  • How to Plan a PIA | Episode #063

    07/02/2019 Duration: 42min

    A Privacy Impact Assessment is Easy – When You Start With a Good Plan! Do you need a PIA? or a PIA amendment? If you are a healthcare provider or clinic manager and are not sure if you need a Privacy Impact Assessment . . . then this 30 minute webinar / podcast is for you! If you are a custodian--including physicians, optometrists, dentists, chiropractors, nurse practitioners, podiatrists, and more!--as defined by Alberta's Health Information Act, then you probably need a PIA. Jean L. Eaton, Your Practical Privacy Coach, will explain what a PIA is, why you need it, and how to start planning to prepare a PIA. A PIA is an important tool that you can use to help you with that project management. It will help you anticipate risks to the project before it starts and avoid serious problems, wasted time and money. The PIA process requires you to have written policies and procedures so that you can implement the project effectively and train your staff consistently. Sometimes, after you have completed a foundationa

  • Understanding Mandatory Privacy Breach Notification – Data Privacy Day | Episode #073

    29/01/2019 Duration: 35min

    Healthcare providers, owners, and privacy officers hear about big privacy breaches on the news and they hope it won’t happen to them. It keeps them up at night...because they know that properly preventing or managing a privacy breach is critical to the continued success of their business! Now, in Alberta, we need to ensure that we are prepared for the new mandatory privacy breach reporting that took effect on August 31, 2018. In this podcast episode, Jean Eaton will share with you What is a privacy breach Why a privacy breach is a significant problem Lessons learned in the first 4 months of mandatory notification 5 categories of notification triggers Offence and penalty provisions of the HIA Podcast Sponsor - Understanding Privacy Breach Notification Privacy breaches and notification compliance is the key to keeping your clinic out of trouble, and with this report we show you how to know when you need to comply… We show you the breach events that require notification How to prevent notification errors Avo

  • FAQ: When Physicians are Snooping in Patient Records | Episode #069

    13/01/2019 Duration: 06min

    Snooping is a privacy breach! When an authorized person accesses patient records for an unauthorized purpose, this is often considered snooping. If you work in healthcare, it is your job to manage each privacy breach with confidence, compassion, and transparency to the individuals affected by a privacy breach. In this podcast episode, Jean L. Eaton answers frequently asked questions (FAQ) about custodians looking up their family members on Alberta Netcare Portal. Learn NOW how to respond a #PrivacyBreach – Don’t get caught scrambling when a privacy breach happens. Podcast Sponsor – Practice Management Success Are you feeling frustrated with the same problem over and over again in your clinic? Or solving one problem just to find another problem popping up? Don’t know where to go for help? Many new and seasoned clinic managers find that they need help from time to time from other clinic managers who understand their problems. Join us at Practice Management Success! Show Notes Recorded Oct 16, 2018 00:19  Cust

  • How to Prepare Patient Records for a Court Order

    27/09/2018 Duration: 25min

    Brought to you by your Practical Privacy Coach and Practice Management Mentor Subscribe to PM Success: GO TO BLOG POST You are working at the reception desk of a healthcare practice. Suddenly, there is a police officer or court officer giving you a court order to produce patient records! Don’t Panic! In this month’s Q&A with Jean, we discussed how to prepare patient records for a court order with confidence! Now, just a reminder, I’m not a lawyer and I don’t play one on TV. These are my recommendations based on my experience as a director of health records in hospitals in Canada, as a court reporter, and as a mentor to clinic managers in independent healthcare practices and not legal advice. Show Notes 01:36 How to Prepare Patient Records for a Court Order 02:40 Don’t Panic 03:16 Review the Order Carefully 04:46 What This ISN’T 07:30 Validate the Court Order 08:14 Secure the Patient Records 11:08 Inform Your Custodian, Privacy Of

  • Can You Text With Your Patients?

    06/09/2018 Duration: 17min

    Have you ever said… “If only I had someone to ask!” Each month, we discuss your questions about practice management, human resources issues, clinic management best practices, procedures, resources, practical privacy tips, and more in Practice Management Success membership. In this Q&A, we're talking about: Can you use text messaging with patients? The short answer is, ‘Yes’. The longer answer is ‘Yes, but . . .  make sure that you are really clear about why you want to use text messaging, carefully plan the implementation and monitor its use.’  Listen to the full audio Q&A for my detailed response. Here are some audio highlights: 01:51 Patients want to use text messaging 02:24 Why text messaging? 04:59 Level of risk 06:33 Mitigation strategy 12:26 Bleen cloud based medical referral management system (Stitcher link 13:19 ezReferral patient appointment management (Stitcher link

  • How Mandatory Privacy Breach Reporting Will Affect Your Healthcare Practice

    09/08/2018 Duration: 53min

    Brought to you by your Practical Privacy Coach and Practice Management Mentor Mandatory Privacy Breach Reporting is Coming to Alberta! Do you know how this will affect your healthcare practice? . . then this free webinar is for you! If you are a custodian–including physicians, pharmacists, optometrists, dentists, dental hygienists, chiropractors, nurse practitioners, podiatrists, midwives, optometrists, opticians, and more!–as defined by Alberta's Health Information Act, then . . then this free webinar is for you! You need to know how mandatory privacy breach reporting will affect you! In this Free Webinar, Jean L. Eaton, Your Practical Privacy Coach will explain **what is a privacy breach **why a privacy breach is a significant problem **why have mandatory privacy breach reporting offence and penalty provisions of the HIA **privacy breach notification requirements **what you need to do before August 31, 2018 Show Notes / Contents You can advance the audio to these time marke

  • Right-Sizing Your Clinic Space with Sub-Leasing

    09/05/2018 Duration: 30min

    Sign up for weekly reminders about upcoming guest interviews, here: For full show notes, along with webinar slides and resources register here: Do you need to right-size your clinic space? Are you frustrated because your clinic location didn’t turn out to be as good as you expected? Or maybe you couldn’t recruit those extra physicians or healthcare providers that you had planned? In this Practice Management Nugget Webinar for Your Healthcare Practice, Jeff Grandfield of The Lease Coach will discuss what healthcare business owners should know about sub-leasing. Has your circumstances changed? You might be dealing with changes to your business plan, for example your location isn't as ideal as you had planned changes in your business ownership revenue forecasts not as good as expected and your business space needs to work harder for you now considering sub-leasing your space for just a few days a week or long term It's not as scary as you

  • Are You Up to Date on Clinic Management Best Practices?

    21/04/2018 Duration: 25min

    Sign up for weekly reminders about upcoming guest interviews, here: For full show notes, along with webinar slides and resources register here: Are you wondering if there is a better way to hire staff for your healthcare practice? Are you looking for new ways to create revenue for your practice or manage expenses differently? Do you want to keep up to date on clinic management best practices? Many clinic managers find that they need help from time to time from other clinic managers who understand their problems. In this Practice Management Nugget Webinar for Your Healthcare Practice, Susan Le Doux and Katherine La Porte of the Alberta Association of Clinic Managers (AACM) will discuss the 3 common problems AACM can help clinic managers solve. Susan and Katherine will also reveal the benefits of being an AACM including: access to on-line forum of clinic managers across Canada networking and education events in-person and on-line on-line

  • Take Response-Ability for Your Leadership

    17/03/2018 Duration: 27min

    Sign up for weekly reminders about upcoming guest interviews, here: For full show notes, along with webinar slides and resources register here: Have you just been told that you are responsible to train the new person in your healthcare clinic? Are frustrated when you try to connect the people you supervise or work with? Do you struggle to address issues, identify problems, or move things forward? Are you feeling hesitant, overwhelmed or unsure in your day to day responsibilities? Do you  sometimes feel like the world is out to get you, it’s somebody else’s fault, or find yourself saying if only they would change, or if only things were different? Not sure what to do next? Then you have come to the right place! Kathy Archer of Silver River Coaching is our guest expert on Practice Management Nuggets Webinars for Your Healthcare Practice. Kathy will share her tips and tools with you so that you can start your journey to restore your lost

  • 6 Steps to Select a Website Designer

    05/02/2018 Duration: 44min

    Sign up for weekly reminders about upcoming guest interviews, here: For full show notes, along with webinar slides and resources register here: Whey you start a new healthcare practice, you often start with creating a name for your business. Then you need a logo design for your letterhead, promotions, signage, and website. You may struggle with dealing with five or six suppliers, finding the right files buried on your computer, and getting frustrated with the whole process! Instead, select a trusted partner with years of experience in graphic design, logo design, and website design, who will manage all the design details for you simply makes your new business life so much smoother. Discover 6 Steps to Select a Website Designer for a Small Health Professional Website in 2018 In this Practice Management Nugget Webinar for Your Healthcare Practice, Kyle Loranger of  Kyle Loranger Designwill discuss his #1 tip to select a website designer

  • Discover How To Create Positive Workplace Mental Health | Episode #049

    12/01/2018 Duration: 23min

    Are you doing everything you can to ensure a positive mental health environment for your staff? Would you like to create an environment that promotes positive mental health and mental well-being in the workplace? Did you know that mental health and safety in the workplace is just as important as physical health and safety in the workplace. Are you familiar with “The National Standard For Psychological Health and Safety in The Workplace”? Discover How To Create Positive Workplace Mental Health Podcast Sponsor – Practice Management Success Are you feeling frustrated with the same problem over and over again in your clinic? Or solving one problem just to find another problem popping up? Don’t know where to go for help? Many new and seasoned clinic managers find that they need help from time to time from other clinic managers who understand their problems. Join us at Practice Management Success! In this Practice Management Nugget Podcast for Your Healthcare Practice, Robert Manolson, Mental Health Champion and

  • Are You Prepared for Panel Management? | Episode #048

    28/12/2017 Duration: 26min

    Do you have patients in your EMR that you never see? Are your patients frustrated having to wait for annual physical exams? Are your patients constantly calling at the last minute because they need a prescription renewal? Would you like to have predictable billing cycles? Are You Prepared for Panel Management? The Patient’s Medical Home (PMH) is the vision for the future of primary health care in Alberta. To become medical homes, clinics must identify their physician panel. With robust panel management, you can enjoy regularly scheduled patient visits,  regular monitored patients, better patient care, better patient outcomes with more predictable billing cycles. With the help of my guest, Stephanie Clack, Program Specialist and an instructor in the Health Information Management program at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT), you will discover how panel management will impact your practice and the new technical skills for the clinic manager or health information management professional that you

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