Practice Management Nuggets

Are You Prepared for Panel Management? | Episode #048



Do you have patients in your EMR that you never see? Are your patients frustrated having to wait for annual physical exams? Are your patients constantly calling at the last minute because they need a prescription renewal? Would you like to have predictable billing cycles? Are You Prepared for Panel Management? The Patient’s Medical Home (PMH) is the vision for the future of primary health care in Alberta. To become medical homes, clinics must identify their physician panel. With robust panel management, you can enjoy regularly scheduled patient visits,  regular monitored patients, better patient care, better patient outcomes with more predictable billing cycles. With the help of my guest, Stephanie Clack, Program Specialist and an instructor in the Health Information Management program at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT), you will discover how panel management will impact your practice and the new technical skills for the clinic manager or health information management professional that you