Madison Church



Madison Church started in September, 2014 with the mission of connecting people with God and each other. This happens when people grow spiritually, gather together, and give back. We are a community-centric church located on Madison's west side. Our weekend service is a casual and relaxed event. The teaching team is relentless in making sure that you're not just getting information, but experiencing transformation.


  • Reviving Resolutions and Rediscovering Jesus: A Journey of Personal Transformation and Faith

    08/01/2024 Duration: 32min

    Have your New Year's resolutions fizzled out in the flurry of life's demands? Let's rekindle that spark of transformation together. In our latest episode, we navigate the tempest of personal change, invoking the rhythms of chronobiology and the sweet promise of Mondays as beacons for a fresh start. We ponder the elements that snag our focus—be it the tug of love, the weight of financial woes, or the embrace of family—and how they might be steering us away from the growth we yearn for. I share insights to help you recalibrate your attention, empowering you to pursue meaningful metamorphosis at any time of year.Then, take a stroll with me through the cobblestoned paths of ancient Jerusalem, as we recount a unique tale from Jesus' youth. Discover how a moment of parental panic during Passover reveals the eternal thread of familial concern that connects us across millennia. No guide or historian needed here; the story of Jesus lost in the temple not only illuminates the cultural backdrop of Bi

  • Renewed Fervor for Personal Growth and Faithful Living

    30/12/2023 Duration: 35min

    As each new year rings in, many of us find ourselves reflecting on promises made and the tenacity of our faithfulness to keep them. This episode is for those of us pondering the resolutions of yesteryear with either a sigh of achievement or a pang of forgetfulness. I, Stephen Feith, get candid about my own hurdles in staying true to my commitments, and I extend an invitation for you to voyage with me into the essence of metanoia, the transformative alignment of our hearts and minds with the divine. We take a leaf from the enduring patience and humility of Simeon and Anna, two biblical beacons of devotion, whose stories offer us a mirror to our spiritual pursuits as we stride into 2024 with renewed fervor.Amid the festivities and cheer, we find profound wisdom in the lives of those who waited with bated breath for the Messiah. Simeon and Anna, those prophetic voices from the Gospel of Luke, serve as testament to a faith that transcends time and status. Their encounters with the Holy Family are more than just n

  • The Transformative Power of the First Christmas

    24/12/2023 Duration: 20min

    Embark with us as we peel back the layers of time to the very heart of the Christmas story, retracing Mary and Joseph's steps to Bethlehem within our narrative series, "Christmas According to Luke." The Gospel of Luke paints a tapestry of the extraordinary entwined with the humdrum – a census journey, a stable birth, and shepherds' wide-eyed wonder, all fulfilling ancient prophecies while resonating deeply with both believers and inquisitive souls. As we narrate this tale, we consider its profound impact on individuals like Theophilus, the original recipient of Luke's Gospel, and its promise of reassurance and insight for those who seek to understand the Christian faith today.This episode is a heartfelt invitation to view the divine through a new lens this Christmas, seeing God's presence in the quiet, everyday moments as well as in the monumental ones. Through the Christmas story, we are reminded of the universality of God's grace and love, transcending barriers of circumst

  • Gifts, Gratitude, and Spiritual Growth in the Advent Season

    18/12/2023 Duration: 30min

    Feeling the holiday rush? The joy of gift-giving and its complexities is a theme we all can relate to. Remember the unadulterated delight of a child receiving their favored gift? Well, that same emotion is often a challenge to recreate as we become adults. Join us as we ruminate on this progression of emotions and the true pleasure that a thoughtful gift can bring.Let's transition to the story of Elizabeth and Mary, two humble and faithful women who showed that faith is not about having all the answers. Their tale resonates with us, a profound testament of how God's promise unfolds. As Elizabeth gives birth to John, we witness not just a fulfillment but also a lesson - to embody humility and faith in our lives. We then journey to the prophecy of Zechariah, the birth of Jesus, and how it defied Jewish expectations. Beyond the story’s biblical significance, we ponder on Jesus' birth as the ultimate gift that satiates our universal longing for wholeness.As we immerse in the Advent season, let&apos

  • A Pathway to Deeper Faith and Obedience

    12/12/2023 Duration: 33min

    What if you could discover hidden truths buried within familiar biblical narratives that would awaken faithfulness and obedience in your Christian walk? In our latest conversation, we peel back layers in the stories of Zechariah, Elizabeth, and Mary from the book of Luke, revealing valuable lessons about faith and obedience regardless of our understanding or circumstances. We explore the incredible joy Zechariah and Elizabeth experienced after welcoming parenthood after a long wait, reminding us that with God, no waiting season is ever in vain.We also venture into the extraordinary encounter between Elizabeth and Mary, both carrying miracles in their wombs. The exchange between these women is brimming with divine revelations; from Elizabeth's spirit-filled prophetic greeting to Mary's hymn of praise, their stories exemplify courageous faith and obedience beyond societal norms. It's a reminder of God's favor on those who society might disregard, emphasizing the importance of aligning with G

  • Unpacking the Miracle of Christmas and Mary's Faithful Response

    04/12/2023 Duration: 26min

    Ever wondered what time travel has to do with the Christmas story? Brace yourself for an intriguing exploration of faith, disbelief, and divine revelations that'll reshape your understanding of the biblical account of Mary and the angel Gabriel. We kick off our talk with a spirited debate on Christmas music before we journey back in time, drawing you into the extraordinary announcement Mary receives and her remarkable faith in response. Unpack the significance of Gabriel's message and the role of Joseph, even as we highlight the surprising ways God works.As we continue our journey, we dive deep into Mary's response to Gabriel's announcement. Imagine being told you'll bear a son who will be great and be called the Son of God! We break down the religious language so you can grasp the full implications of this divine message. Discover how Mary's faithful affirmation contrasts sharply with Zechariah's skepticism. We conclude our episode with a practical discussion on embracing G

  • The Transformative Power of Patient Waiting

    25/11/2023 Duration: 36min

    Ever felt that prickle of anticipation, that longing for Christmas morning as a child? Remember that toy you desired above all else but never found under the tree? We're about to venture on a journey that explores the art of waiting, the disappointment that sometimes accompanies it, and ultimately, the divine purpose that unfolds in God's perfect timing. We'll take a deep look into Luke's gospel, and the Christmas story that we all know, to drive home these life-altering insights.We've all experienced a Zechariah and Elizabeth moment - a time of waiting, a period of questioning, a season of disbelief. Their story, marked by infertility and an angelic encounter, is a powerful testament to God's fidelity even in our seasons of doubt. We explore how their waiting period, much like ours, was not a punishment but a divine orchestration leading to the fulfillment of a divine promise. This story acts as a mirror, reflecting our own doubts, disappointments, and ultimate triumphs in the f

  • Decoding the Gospel of Luke and Uncovering Christmas Mysteries

    20/11/2023 Duration: 28min

    Ever wondered about the peculiar Christmas traditions that have become an integral part of your holiday celebrations, or the historical intricacies of the Gospel of Luke? If so, buckle up for an enlightening discussion where we decode these traditions, starting from the peculiar Christmas Pickle to Krampus Night. We also embark on an explorative journey through the first two chapters of Luke's gospel in our Advent series, "Christmas according to Luke", where we aim to provide a detailed understanding of Luke's writings, bringing about a sense of personal renewal and fresh perspective this Christmas season.As we navigate through the Gospel of Luke, we're not shying away from hard-hitting questions about its authenticity, comparing the New Testament with other religious texts, and addressing your queries about the historical truth of Jesus' story. We're going to dissect the concept of textual criticism and its role in determining the reliability of historical documents. Luke&a

  • Navigating Nietzsche & Rediscovering Jesus | Suspicious Faith (Part 3) | Stephen Feith

    13/11/2023 Duration: 34min

    Have you ever wondered about the role faith plays in our lives, and how it impacts our decisions and perceptions? We've embarked on an enlightening journey, concluding our Suspicious Faith series by delving into the thought-provoking critiques of Freud, Marx, and Nietzsche. Uncover how Freud's assertion that faith fulfills unconscious psychological needs, Marx’s view of faith as a painkiller, and Nietzsche's multifaceted critique of religion can refine and deepen our faith. Venture further with us into Suspicious Faith as we study Nietzsche's impactful teachings. Challenge yourself to see faith not just as a spiritual shelter but as a philosophical guide to life. As we dissect Nietzsche's assertion 'God is dead' and his concept of Ubermensch, we find an unexpected parallel with James, Jesus's brother, who also urged Christians to be proactive in doing good on earth. This episode will help you embrace the essence of both philosophies - the pursuit of truth and the drive

  • Religion, Society, and Self | Suspicious Faith (Part 2) | Stephen Feith

    06/11/2023 Duration: 30min

    Ever wondered why some of history's most influential atheists like Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, and Frederick Nietzsche, were able to make such uncomfortably accurate critiques of faith? We're shaking things up in our latest episode, taking a brave step towards understanding their perspectives and how they invite us to examine our own beliefs. This isn't about questioning our faith, rather it's about strengthening it through thoughtful self-examination and open conversation.Enter the enigmatic world of Karl Marx as we explore his unique outlook on religion and faith. Marx argues that religion has become a soothing balm, a societal ibuprofen, if you will, that distracts us from the true societal issues. We delve into the compelling intertwinement of religious institutions with oppressive political and economic systems. Together, let's unearth the potential within us to address religion as an opium and strive for a more enlightened society.Finally, we edify our thoughts with the teachings

  • Challenging Religious Comfort | Suspicious Faith (Part 1) | Stephen Feith

    30/10/2023 Duration: 26min

    Imagine walking a path of faith, hand in hand with Jesus, that is not dictated by dogmas but a journey of self-discovery and critical examination. Can we genuinely experience spiritual fulfillment without questioning the very foundations of our beliefs? It’s a journey that invites us to dig deep into the philosophies of Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Nietzsche. We take a closer look at Marx's perspective on religion being the opium of the masses and Nietzsche’s critique of Christian morality. Can we discern between societal conditioning and divine truth? Can we unravel the threads of religion and tradition to reveal the purest essence of faith?As we navigate through this intellectual expedition, we also turn the spotlight on Freud's viewpoint that considers religion as a human creation serving as a source of comfort. How does this perspective resonate with the New Testament's description of God's love? This love, we find, is not just something God does, it's a part of his ver

  • Does Everything Happen for a Reason? | Questioning Christian Cliches | Stephen Feith

    26/10/2023 Duration: 32min

    Have you ever found solace in the phrase "everything happens for a reason" during challenging times? Challenging this comforting belief, we probe into its potential to misinterpret divine intentions. Does everything really happen for a reason? Is it part of a divine plan, or is it simply the result of our free will? To answer these questions, we dive into the biblical story of Joseph. Despite being sold into slavery, falsely accused, and wrongfully imprisoned, Joseph’s life serves as a testament to how God can turn despair into grace, using even the worst of situations for good.Finally, we draw hope from God's love, as reflected in the promise found in Romans 8:28. In our darkest hours, it's vital to remember that God does not author suffering, but can use it for good. This episode encourages us to find hope in the divine, reassuring us of God's unwavering presence in our lives. So, join us in this enlightening episode as we reassess a popular phrase and find hope in our faith. Let&ap

  • The Role of Faith in Fostering Advocacy | Questioning Christian Cliches (Part 2) | Stephen Feith

    15/10/2023 Duration: 29min

    Ever wondered why the desire for independence is so deeply rooted within us, and how it shapes the trajectory of our lives? We are taking a deep-dive into these questions and discussing the cultural resonance of personal independence. More so, we uncover the harsh feelings of guilt and shame when we can't accomplish something on our own, and how these emotions can act as barriers to our own success. But there's more. We are turning a new leaf as we explore the biblical call to stand up for the ones who can't do it themselves. This episode shines a spotlight on how faith and community can be game-changers in advocating for marginalized groups. We will also discuss how God aids those in need through us, serving as a reminder of our potential to reconcile with him and become agents of his love. To wrap it up, we will critically assess some Christian clichés to decide if they're biblically sound or merely sound biblical. A holistic conversation awaits you, so get ready to join the discussion.S

  • The Role of Faith in Overcoming Tribulations | Questioning Christian Cliches (Part 1) | Jason Webb

    09/10/2023 Duration: 32min

    Ever been told God won't give you more than you can handle? We're about to turn that misconception on its head. We've all found ourselves in dire straits—situations that seem insurmountable. The Bible is teeming with examples of such predicaments. From Noah's daunting task of saving humanity to Abraham's promise of fathering a nation, we see biblical figures grappling with overwhelming situations. Even personal experience has taught me—losing my job, suffering financial hardship, and enduring the end of my marriage—that sometimes, life can indeed be more than one can handle. But here's the twist: while God may allow us to encounter situations we can't handle, he never allows us to face something he can't handle. Our journey doesn't end there, though. We also delve into the story of David, whose trials and tribulations moved him from an "I’ve got this" mentality to an "it’s got me" realization. It's a beautiful testament to letting go and su

  • Embracing Disruption and Recommitment | Disruptive Church (Part 4) | Stephen Feith

    02/10/2023 Duration: 24min

    What if the life-changing, soul-shaking, breathtaking vision Jesus had for the church wasn't about a physical building at all? Imagine a church where community and relationships with God and one another trump everything else, and where mission isn't what we do but who we are. We're peeling back the layers of tradition and challenging the norms, exploring the journey of leading a disruptive church ministry that seeks to live out this vision. From bomb threats to Instagram trolls, we've faced both hostility and humor in our pursuit of a Jesus-centric faith. But, we've also discovered the power of saying no to good things to make room for better ones, realizing that breaking away from the conventional path can lead us closer to God. And in refining our paths, we've learned that it's crucial to invite others into the journey, to be a community that supports one another in the highs, lows and in-betweens. So, join us in being the church, not just attending church, as we navigate

  • How Community Triggers Spiritual Renewal | Disruptive Church (Part 3) | Stephen Feith

    24/09/2023 Duration: 24min

    What if you were right there, experiencing an unprecedented spiritual revival firsthand? Get ready to be catapulted into the heart of a remarkable event that turned a routine chapel service at Asbury University, Kentucky, into a global phenomenon. We'll walk you through the electrifying moment when God's presence disrupted complacency and triggered a stirring of faith, and how such transformative moments can occur in your own spiritual journey.Ever wondered about the powerful role of community in faith? We'll transport you back to the Garden of Eden where God walked face to face with humans, and how sin's brokenness still didn't deter Him, leading Him back to us in the form of Jesus. But it doesn't stop there - Jesus's ascension marked the beginning of the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives. We'll guide you on how to be an active part of the church community, and like Walter Brueggemann puts it, get a glimpse of the Kingdom of God. Buckle up as we delve into the c

  • Behind the Foundation of Madison Church

    19/09/2023 Duration: 12min

    Have you ever pondered what makes your church unique and essential in your spiritual journey? Well, we did just that at Madison Church. In part two of this series, we delve into the distinctive elements of Madison Church that make us who we are. On this exciting journey of discovery, we unpack the six core values that form our community's backbone: Jesus is Lord, Disciple Making, Missional-Incarnational Impulse, Community, Organic Systems, and an APEST culture. Each value acts as a compass, guiding our actions, molding our decisions, and strengthening our bond with God and each other.Continuing on this path of revelation, we share our ambitious vision of establishing ten micro-locations within Madison. By doing so, we aim to meet the diverse needs of the community and create a platform for spiritual growth. We shed light on the checks and balances in our leadership structure and the importance of membership within our congregation. So, are you ready to uncover the essence of Madison Church and how these

  • Mission of Transformation | Disruptive Church (Part 2) | Stephen Feith

    18/09/2023 Duration: 36min

    Are you ready to challenge the norms and take a deep dive into the transformative power of a disruptive church community? This episode is a bold, honest exploration of our journey at Madison Church, as we set our sights on a mission to connect people with God and each other in truly meaningful ways. It's not always easy - we've had to make tough decisions, let go of things we love, and even end projects. But through it all, we've stood firm in our mission, examining the costs and rewards of being a disruptive force for good in our community.Picture, for a moment, the traditional understanding of faith. Now, imagine setting that aside, and instead emphasizing the role of community and mission over physical church buildings. We discuss this in depth, through the lens of Jesus' resurrection and the Gospel's mission. We look at John 20, breaking away from the conventional to stress on every believer as a missionary, and being sent as the very essence of the church. Can you see it? A visio

  • Madison Church's Unique Approach

    12/09/2023 Duration: 11min

    Ready to deepen your spiritual journey and embrace a vibrant community? Join us as we embark on a compelling exploration of Madison Church's unique mission and practices. We'll dive into the heart of spiritual growth, uncovering the power of Bible reading, consistent prayer, and the sacred tradition of baptism. Discover how these practices serve as spiritual anchors, drawing us closer to God and enhancing our spiritual depth. Then, let's journey together into the heart of community building, from sharing meals to resolving conflicts biblically. We'll unravel the three pillars of giving back - volunteering, financial contributions, and using our influence for Christ and his Kingdom.So, whether you're a seeker or a long-time believer, this episode is your invitation to connect more deeply with God and others. We believe in the power of diversity, welcoming individuals from all faith backgrounds. We look forward to welcoming you into our Sunday gatherings, where we aim to grow together i

  • The Power of Disruptive Faith | Disruptive Church (Part 1) | Stephen Feith

    11/09/2023 Duration: 25min

    Are you ready to redefine your understanding of the church and explore the concept of disruptive faith? Dive headfirst with us into an enlightening conversation that pushes boundaries and challenges traditional norms. We, at Madison Church, believe in turning these disruptions into catalysts for self-improvement and spiritual growth. From daily inconveniences to more significant setbacks, we'll share how these challenges can be opportunities for change.Let's start by debunking the idea of the church as a physical structure. We're venturing beyond the bricks and mortar to redefine 'church' as a vibrant, dynamic community with Jesus at its core. Unearth a new perspective on faith, as we discuss Jesus' radical vision of the church as a mobile movement, not confined to Sundays but a purpose-driven mission that goes beyond. We’ll delve into how this mission is enabled through the work of Christians, individually and collectively, marking this purpose deep in our hearts.But forging thi

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