Madison Church

Decoding the Gospel of Luke and Uncovering Christmas Mysteries



Ever wondered about the peculiar Christmas traditions that have become an integral part of your holiday celebrations, or the historical intricacies of the Gospel of Luke? If so, buckle up for an enlightening discussion where we decode these traditions, starting from the peculiar Christmas Pickle to Krampus Night. We also embark on an explorative journey through the first two chapters of Luke's gospel in our Advent series, "Christmas according to Luke", where we aim to provide a detailed understanding of Luke's writings, bringing about a sense of personal renewal and fresh perspective this Christmas season.As we navigate through the Gospel of Luke, we're not shying away from hard-hitting questions about its authenticity, comparing the New Testament with other religious texts, and addressing your queries about the historical truth of Jesus' story. We're going to dissect the concept of textual criticism and its role in determining the reliability of historical documents. Luke&a