Madison Church

The Power of Disruptive Faith | Disruptive Church (Part 1) | Stephen Feith



Are you ready to redefine your understanding of the church and explore the concept of disruptive faith? Dive headfirst with us into an enlightening conversation that pushes boundaries and challenges traditional norms. We, at Madison Church, believe in turning these disruptions into catalysts for self-improvement and spiritual growth. From daily inconveniences to more significant setbacks, we'll share how these challenges can be opportunities for change.Let's start by debunking the idea of the church as a physical structure. We're venturing beyond the bricks and mortar to redefine 'church' as a vibrant, dynamic community with Jesus at its core. Unearth a new perspective on faith, as we discuss Jesus' radical vision of the church as a mobile movement, not confined to Sundays but a purpose-driven mission that goes beyond. We’ll delve into how this mission is enabled through the work of Christians, individually and collectively, marking this purpose deep in our hearts.But forging thi