Madison Church

Renewed Fervor for Personal Growth and Faithful Living



As each new year rings in, many of us find ourselves reflecting on promises made and the tenacity of our faithfulness to keep them. This episode is for those of us pondering the resolutions of yesteryear with either a sigh of achievement or a pang of forgetfulness. I, Stephen Feith, get candid about my own hurdles in staying true to my commitments, and I extend an invitation for you to voyage with me into the essence of metanoia, the transformative alignment of our hearts and minds with the divine. We take a leaf from the enduring patience and humility of Simeon and Anna, two biblical beacons of devotion, whose stories offer us a mirror to our spiritual pursuits as we stride into 2024 with renewed fervor.Amid the festivities and cheer, we find profound wisdom in the lives of those who waited with bated breath for the Messiah. Simeon and Anna, those prophetic voices from the Gospel of Luke, serve as testament to a faith that transcends time and status. Their encounters with the Holy Family are more than just n