Self-mastery: Becoming A Leader Of Light In A Changing World - Co-creator Network



TUNE IN AND TURN ON to get your answers to questions like these: * Do you want to know HOW to lead with love in a corporate environment? * Are you are manager who is disgusted with the daily drama of your team? * Are you exhausted by the workplace sabotage and passive aggressive communication? * Do you want to know how to rise above the politics while staying true to yourself? * Are you exhausted because no matter how hard you try, it seems that you are not seen or appreciated for who you really are at work? * Have you ever wished you had the right thing to say or do to actually change the most difficult situation in your daily workplace? * Do you want to be able to understand what is underneath the hostility and then transform it Effortlessly in your life? * Ready to live a life of effortless abundance. * Are you tired of attending inspiring programs in which you get a new fantastic new perspective on life, but crash when you get back to life as usual (i.e. the workplace)? * Are you ready to take the next step to become a change agent without becoming a martyr


  • Christmas Meditation

    21/12/2011 Duration: 30min

    Take time to tune in and enjoy the vibration of the season without the commercialism or distraction that is common place to the most profound experience of the holidays- self love. We will provide a download-able meditation that will lift your thoughts as it lifts your personal vibration during this last week before Christmas.

  • The Holidays: The Season of Unreason

    14/12/2011 Duration: 30min

    Ho ho ho and all that jazz....right? After all, the holidays come only once a year, so we are good to go for a lot of fun and frivolity....well, not quite that fast, friends. These days can be stressful at best and disastrous for others for reasons that extend far beyond the workplace. Financial circumstances, the re-emergence of family tensions as holiday gatherings are anticipated, the memories of previous holidays and the pain that may be associated with those memories all combine to create the potential for a difficult holiday season for some. Managing individual expectations and helping your teams to manage theirs is essential to your tool box for leading with light. We will share a few ideas to assist you to navigate through these weeks of tension and the eruptions that can result due to the happiness of the holiday season.

  • Are All Systems Go?

    07/12/2011 Duration: 30min

    Conducting a systems review for your interpersonal mastery on a daily basis should be as routine as having that first cup of coffee every morning or knowing what your favorite color is. So why is it that the majority of leaders do not hold themselves accountable to a daily “check in” to confirm that they are grounded, clear and prepared for their day on an interpersonal level? We know one thing, as soon as you step out the front door, you will be barraged with drama and chaos that is inevitable in any organization. We expect airplane pilots to conduct their cross-check to ensure a safe flight, why do we not do the same for ourselves? Checking your instrumentation, flight path, looking at the weather is equally needed in your organization as it is flying to Detroit. Making a commitment to conducting your own cross check is critical to maintaining mastery. In this show, we will cover how to set up a routine and the questions to ask yourself to confirm you are centered

  • Do You Need a Workplace EQ Intervention?

    30/11/2011 Duration: 30min

    Knowing when to step in and facilitate an intervention for Emotional Intelligence improvement is a delicate subject, but one you must be prepared to lead when necessary. The key is recognizing the signs that an outside "influence" is needed to jumpstart and redirect employee dynamics. Today we will address the three signals that your wisdom is required: the situation has gone "viral", contaminating others beyond the individual who is off track, the situation requires more resources than the employees have available in their tool box (interpersonal skill or wisdom), the situation will render "sustained" relational damage to the employees involved, which marginalizes the employees who are impacted. Most of the time, we all do the very best we can with what skills and abilities we have. However, all of us have a blind spot or two, are triggered by behavior around us and without powerful mentorship, can become enmeshed in our own habitual reactions. Mary and Maryann will address the three signs and how to interv

  • Lessons In A Leaders Gratitude Journal: A Year In Review

    23/11/2011 Duration: 30min

    What are you grateful for this year? What would you think if we told you your greatest gifts could be coming to to you from your moments of confusion, irritation or even downright falling out with those around you in your "community"....What if losing your job, watching a spouse or loved one lose theirs, an employee who struggles with addiction or negative behavior that effects the team or a peer who is "selected" over you for a promotion are the events that you, yourself have created? Yes, you have may be impossible to believe and that is why we have such an important message to share with you about your power and presence as an emerging leader of light in a changing world. If your experience in the last year seems to be threaded with deeper and more provactive challenges than ever, congratulations...You are on the fast track and we would even venture, you have joined the growing number of world-wide leaders who are emerging from the "everyman" among us. The new language of leadership does not


    09/11/2011 Duration: 30min

    Welcome Back! Our fall show schedule is ready to rock your clock, wake you up and get you moving in the direction of all “systems-go” for the challenges that are looming on the workplace horizon for 2011-2012. Mary and Maryann are back and running full steam with 13 new shows to share with you that are bigger, more relevant, and more needed than ever! We are putting out a clarion call to Leaders in every corner of the listening audience to step up and out as the world readies itself for major changes that are currently underway. As ever, our focus is revolutionizing the approach you all have to everyday situations that test your commitment and technique to lead in a different and more effective way. That is why we are anticipating the message to spread even farther and wider this fall with the momentum of “world events” accelerating and the impact they are having on everyday people, business and you. Are you and your companies ready to respond to the changes? Do you know the new competencies that a

  • Developing Wisdom in Our Children: Fostering Leaders of Light

    14/09/2011 Duration: 30min

    pecial guest, Ralph Singh, Chair and CEO, Wisdom Thinkers Network Today’s children are the parents of tomorrow, the leaders of what is to come and the thinkers for what will emerge as our world. And Now is the time to prepare them by bringing the best of our collective history together. Ralph, the creator of “Stories to Light Our Way” initiative is doing just that. As an international figure in the movement to embrace world peace, Ralph’s accomplishments are many. Highlighted below are just a few of the key contributions and current roles he is playing as a spokesperson for interfaith understanding and cultural sharing. Stories to Light our Way: Journey to the World of Good Author and Project Director Wisdom Thinkers Network, Chair Convener- September 8th Public Dialogue, 92nd St Y, N.Y. N.Y. Searching for Answers and Wisdom in a Post 9/11 World: Featuring Emmy Award Winner, Arthur Miller, in a public dialogue with the Wisdom Thinkers Network Gobind Sadan (God's House Without W

  • Performance Appraisals for the Weak at Heart

    07/09/2011 Duration: 30min

    The dreaded performance appraisal! It is every managers nightmare. At least, if you do not know HOW to make it into a positive experience. Did you know there should be no surprises in a performance appraisal process and if you know how to work it, your employee can actually look forward to the opportunity to discuss their performance? Our approach is different, and we know you will appreciate hearing how it can work for you!

  • Letting Go: Helping Employees Move On to new challenges

    31/08/2011 Duration: 30min

    Since we are all human, there is the tendency for most of us to hang on long after a position may be right for our individual or even collective good in an organization. How do you guide your people to next steps when it might mean preparing them to leave the organization or change disciplines, etc. How can you help your people visualize their hearts desire while keeping their feet on the ground?

  • Us vs Them: bridging the gaps between departments and cliques

    17/08/2011 Duration: 30min

    Designed for managers and employees who are groom-able for management, today’s “us vs. them” and “leadership won’t listen” conversation will specifically address the phenomenon of splitting loyalties within organizations. You’ll learn how to identify the underlying causality that all factions hold in common. We will also talk the basics on creating a step-I culture of courage and connectivity within and between ranks.

  • Gossip, Sabotage and Drama: why it is not all bad

    10/08/2011 Duration: 30min

    Yes, drama happens even at work and with adults. It creates a distraction and charges any situation with undue stress. When you can help your employees shift their need for drama, you can change the look and feel of any team environment. The question is how. If you find yourself sorting through the “he said, she said” scenarios on a weekly basis, you will want to join us to hear how G, S and D can be a good thing for you as a leader!

  • Spirituality and the Corporate Ladder II

    03/08/2011 Duration: 30min

    What is the most important thing to keep in mind as you decide to commit to your organization and face the rigors of walking this path? What do you want to create using the “ladder of success” as a tool for transformation of those around you instead of a tool for divisiveness? Here is where the rubber meets the road for your acumen of a leader….

  • Spirituality and the Corporate Ladder I

    27/07/2011 Duration: 30min

    How do you define success and your placement on the corporate ladder? Can you “get ahead” and still be a nice guy/woman? Can you be the powerful agent of transformation without “climbing the corporate ladder?” We will look at alternatives to buying into this approach to business.

  • Spirituality and Termination of Employees

    20/07/2011 Duration: 30min

    Firing is often the most dreaded experience of any leader. We will offer a practical approach that will turn your perceptions of what firing actually can mean inside-out. Can you imagine your employee actually thanking you for the decision? It is possible. Check in to see what we have to say

  • "Spirituality and the Work Day"

    22/06/2011 Duration: 30min

    "Spirituality and the Work Day"


    15/06/2011 Duration: 30min

    "KEEPING IT SIMPLE: Your Daily Rx To Becoming A Leader Of Light Everyday"

  • Spirituality and Accountability II: Why do some leaders need a “fall guy”

    08/06/2011 Duration: 30min

    The blame game extends far beyond sibling rivalry. In fact, when capturing the loyalty of a new or seasoned team, side-stepping blame for unpopular decisions can become a focus in itself. What happens to a team when you use the idea of a “bad guy” or “fall guy” to absorb the impact of decisions or actions that you know won’t go over well? How do you rebuild trust if this has been part of your “modus-operandi” in the past?

  • Spirituality and Accountability

    02/06/2011 Duration: 30min

    We always know when we are bailing out on a dream, an employee, a situation that requires our attention- or do we? Becoming accountable is where the best leaders fail to deliver and the employees with the most to gain ending up losing the most, in using their full potential. How do you begin the process of developing accountability with your immediate workplace “family”? How can you introduce universal “truths” that are relevant, powerful teachers and not seen as “religious”? We will begin this important discussion with the key ingredients to transforming your culture from “he did it” to “ I own that decision”.

  • Co-Creation: What Kind Of Leader Are You Ready To Be Today?

    21/04/2011 Duration: 30min

    The little “i” and the big “I” embody all that the Intuitive Leadership Model is dedicated to creating- the ability to choose, with eyes wide open, with conscious awareness, your outcomes as a leader. When we remember that the little “i” represents all choices rooted in personality-driven needs, that spring from ego, and that the big “I” represents all choices expressed from your “best” self which considers and embraces choices which attend to the needs of not just one, but all, we are given the most profound set of tools possible to build individuals and organizations that create the best outcome on every level.

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