Self-mastery: Becoming A Leader Of Light In A Changing World - Co-creator Network

Do You Need a Workplace EQ Intervention?



Knowing when to step in and facilitate an intervention for Emotional Intelligence improvement is a delicate subject, but one you must be prepared to lead when necessary. The key is recognizing the signs that an outside "influence" is needed to jumpstart and redirect employee dynamics. Today we will address the three signals that your wisdom is required: the situation has gone "viral", contaminating others beyond the individual who is off track, the situation requires more resources than the employees have available in their tool box (interpersonal skill or wisdom), the situation will render "sustained" relational damage to the employees involved, which marginalizes the employees who are impacted. Most of the time, we all do the very best we can with what skills and abilities we have. However, all of us have a blind spot or two, are triggered by behavior around us and without powerful mentorship, can become enmeshed in our own habitual reactions. Mary and Maryann will address the three signs and how to interv