Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:539 It Looked Directly At My Gun



Rob writes “I am from the state of Georgia. I had a encounter back in February 2019. I had been scouting for some wild hogs when I came upon a smell that would run a buzzard off a outhouse.Trying to find the source and looking down at the ground I caught movement to my right and looked up to see this creature some 80 feet from me. Dark brown eyes as dark as his coat. Scared 10 years off me.” Spoke to the eyewitness and while scouting an area he came face to face with a Sasquatch. He said “I just could not believe what I was seeing, I think it was just as surprised to see me as I was seeing it. It looked at my gun and looked back up at me.”   Howard writes “I wanted to relate to you a sighting I had as a child in Tahlequah Oklahoma. My mother originally from California was adopted by a couple who lived in this area. It is a beautiful region with the Illinois river literally in there back yard. We live in the central part of the state and as a child we would go and visit my grandpa Pete and his wife. They lived