Sasquatch Chronicles



People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this too be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information. If you have had an encounter, shoot us an email at episodes and content can be found on our website. Become a member today and receive access to our full back catalog of episodes, additional exclusive shows posted weekly, the ability to comment on Episodes and Blog entries, and access to our Forums.For the latest news, please visit our blog. We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.


  • SC EP:599 I Was Looking At This Creature

    10/11/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    Shiloh writes So I'm writing this because my uncle has urged me to do it. I had a big foot encounter when I was 17-18 driving home late one night. It was literally right in front of our farm. I've also had three other incidences where I've heard monkey sounds in our words and have been screamed out on two occasions When taking care of my uncles dogs. It always happens the same time of year. And I'm getting ready to take care of my uncle's dogs again and I figured I would say something at this point because it's pretty much like clockwork that the same things happen. My uncle also had an encounter while burning Grass along his Fence line." Melissa writes “In December of 2017 I saw a being from my back porch. I have told no one but my husband and I only told him because I wanted to protect him, make him aware to be on guard.And then I didn’t even tell him exactly what I saw, just to be careful because I saw a shadow of a huge animal about 150 feet from our house. My mind was overwhelmed and for a long time I ca

  • SC EP:597 Bigfoot Odyssey

    03/11/2019 Duration: 01h21min

    Kerry Arnold of “Bigfoot Odyssey” returns to the show and it has been so long since I have had him on he recounts his encounter again. Kerry shares what he has learned since his encounter and also an upcoming expedition he has in Florida. its going to be a great follow up show!   Check out Kerry’s YouTube channel “Bigfoot Odyssey” here.

  • Bonus Show: Randy White “The Manster”

    25/10/2019 Duration: 43min

    i am traveling this week. I met hall of fame legend Randy White while I am down here in Dallas. I could not pass up the opportunity to interview him. This will be a bonus show, it has nothing to do with Sasquatch but if you enjoy football you will love this interview.Randy White is a former American football defensive tackle. He attended the University of Maryland from 1971 to 1974, and played professionally for the Dallas Cowboys from 1975 to 1988. He is a member of the College Football Hall of Fame (1994), the Pro Football Hall of Fame (1994) and the Delaware Sports Museum and Hall of Fame.

  • SC EP:593 Terror On The Job Site

    25/10/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    Spoke to Doug and he had a scary encounter on a job site in the California mountains. Several creatures showed up and were very aggressive. Doug was bluff charged trying to leave the area. There was damage to his car from the rocks being thrown. I was trying to figure out why there was so much aggression towards a guy working. The answer might surprise you.

  • SC EP:592 Confessions Of A Retired Police Officer

    20/10/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    Kurt writes “I had an incident in 1995 in Northern Michigan that I would like to run by you. I was jogging and this thing got up and took off running. It looked like shaquille o neal in a ghillie suit. I have never disclosed this to anyone but my wife…… but now that I am retired (training units only), I’m not so nervous about speaking about it.” Spoke to Kurt in depth about his encounter including other strange calls he has been on. One account Kurt relates was a call where the home owner said there was a prowler on the property. When the officer’s arrived they said there was large canine tracks around these peoples home. These tracks were larger than normal and there was scratch marks on the side of the house about 8-9 feet up. Kurt relates “I got a call one time about a lady who said someone was walking on her roof. When we arrived we walked around her property and could not find anything. There was a lot of snow but as I shined my light up on the roof I saw what appeared to be footprints on this ladies roo

  • SC EP:590 Big Game Hunter Shoots Sasquatch

    13/10/2019 Duration: 01h21min

    Spoke to the witness and he said “I am a seasoned hunter, I have been a hunting guide in several states. I want to discuss with you about a time I shot one of these creatures in Idaho. Myself and several other hunters saw this thing including a deputy sheriff. I ended up shooting it as it came towards our camp. I know some people say it looks human….this did not look human. This wasn’t the first time I have seen the creature. Several years back my father and I had a run in with one in Colorado. We will also be speaking to Amanda who is from Texas and will be sharing a strange encounter she had while doing trail maintenance.

  • SC EP:588 Vietnam Veteran Encounters Sasquatch

    06/10/2019 Duration: 01h29min

    Eli said “I had two encounters the first one was when I was on leave for my 2nd tour in Vietnam. I was deer hunting and had a deer run up to my deer blind and lay down. I could not figure what it was doing. Shortly afterwards I saw what it was running from. I could not understand what kind of creature I was looking at and there was more than one. My second encounter happen about 16 years later and it became violent.   We were camping to going grouse hunting in northern Minnesota. Something picked up our tent with all of us in it and threw it a couple of feet to the side. I ended up shooting what I am sure was a bigfoot, three times with #7 bird shot from 20 to 30 ft away from me and my three companions”   *Truck Diver Interrupts The Creatures Hunt   Armando is a long haul truck driver and he stopped on the side of the road in Texas to use the bathroom. The driver’s little dog ran off into the woods. The witness said “I kept calling my dog to come back but he wasn’t coming back. I heard wild hogs and it sounde

  • SC EP:586 The Creature Never Took His Eyes Off Me

    29/09/2019 Duration: 01h15min

    A listener writes “Thought I’d share an experience that I had back in the mid 80’s. Probably not as exciting as many of those encounters that I’ve heard on your podcast, but non-the-less interesting. The entire experience was at least a 10 minute observation which I shall never forget. I am now 56 years old. This took place when I was in my early 20’s. Up in the high Sierra Nevada mountains, tucked away at about 7000 feet in the John Muir Wilderness, is a popular lake named Huntington Lake. I frequented this spot as I am an avid fisherman, hiker and love to explore. This lake has easy access with “the” main highway running through the area. So in the summer months it is quite populated with tourists and such. I would often fish the lake and hike the area. When hiking I often times would exit the trails and go off on my own, equipped with essentials and, of course, a compass. I was coming down the mountain from an afternoon hike and found a beautiful scene too lovely to not sit and take in for a while. A small

  • SC EP:584 She Was Feeding The Creatures Live Animals

    21/09/2019 Duration: 01h22min

    Mike writes “I was born and raised in Natchez Mississippi and I had two encounters with what I know understand to be a sasquatch. One encounter happened when I was about 7 years old and another time when I was maybe 20 or 21. As a young boy, I watched a neighbor give a cat and a raccoon to one of the giant creatures and there was a second one that crawled from behind her house like a giant spider and it gave me nightmares for quite some time. Another encounter happened when a friend and I were driving and we witnessed what looked like King Kong chasing a doe and a buck across the highway on a cold winter night we were heading to Fayette Mississippi from Natchez."   Tonight, Timothy Renner talks about the Albatwitch Day Saturday, October 12, 2019 Check it out:   Also check out Timothy's work at:

  • SC EP: 581 HorrorHound Weekend Interviews

    13/09/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    We spent a few days in Indianapolis to attend HorrorHound Weekend, and spent time with some great people. I was able to do a show with several guests while I was there, and wanted to include everyone who was unable to attend. My mic was damaged in transport so my voice sounds hollow...   Several people sat down with me on the final day including Bob Gimlin, Travis Walton, Claudio Bergamin, Amy Bue, and Justin Snyder.   Bob Gimlin:   Amy Bue:   Travis Walton:   Claudio Bergamin: |   Justin Snyder:

  • SC EP:580 Confessions Of A Pastor Part 2

    07/09/2019 Duration: 01h29min

    Randy returns to the show. Tonight we discuss how Randy became a pastor. He had several life experiences that led up to where he is at in life. Randy started out in life working in a night club, what led to him becoming a pastor will surprise you.

  • SC EP:578 We Shot The Green River Monster

    01/09/2019 Duration: 01h36min

    The Green River was dammed up to create an 8,210 acre lake, “Green River Lake.” During this time my friend’s family owned land on green River. Naturally, As the lake filled up, many caves in the area were flooded. We think that’s what drove the Sasquatch in this story out into the open and searching for new territory. My friend and his cousin came down to the riverbank to do some target practice with their 22 rifles. They would walk up stream a ways, throw pop cans in the water, then run back down stream and wait for the pop cans (targets of choice) to float by. While blowing the cans to smitherines, my friend’s cousin’s gun jammed. They walked around a tree line, across a field and back up to their car which was sitting on the side of the road. They opened the trunk, sat on the back bumper, and began to dislodge the shell from his 22 rifle. As they were reloading they heard limbs snapping, they looked up and back toward the tree line they had just walked from. The tops of the trees were swaying wildly. My fr

  • SC EP:576 Confessions Of A Pastor

    26/08/2019 Duration: 01h35min

    Spoke to Randy and he said “I have never seen a Sasquatch but I have dealt a lot with demonic possession. I have many accounts that made the hair on my arm stand up. Many people come to me with accounts of running into these creatures.” Randy writes “I have two encounters to share, both happened in Kentucky, one was right outside of Louisville city limits. 1968,69-70 The Green River was dammed up to create an 8,210 acre lake, “Green River Lake.” During this time my friend’s family owned land on green River. Naturally, As the lake filled up, many caves in the area were flooded. We think that’s what drove the Sasquatch in this story out into the open and searching for new territory. My friend and his cousin came down to the riverbank to do some target practice with their 22 rifles. They would walk up stream a ways, throw pop cans in the water, then run back down stream and wait for the pop cans (targets of choice) to float by. While blowing the cans to smitherines, my friend’s cousin’s gun jammed. They walked a

  • SC EP:574 Run And Don't Look Back

    23/08/2019 Duration: 01h16min

    Jessica writes "I wanted to write to you because my fiancée and I have had a few eerie encounters in our travels through New Mexico and during my time being stationed in South Carolina. I'm now former Air Force, recently separated. I will state that I have never been exposed to anything abnormal or out of the ordinary in my time growing up in California." --- Todd writes "Early summer of 1983 I was in love. I took a romantic moonlit walk with my girlfriend on the 17th green. We sat down at 1:00 AM and started to talk. That lasted maybe 2 minutes when we were interrupted by an angry animal in a big oak tree behind us just 25 yards. Whatever it was it shook that big tree side to side as if was jumping all inside of it, I heard it grunting and short yells like a gorilla and it really screamed like an African lion and a silverback gorilla at the same time. I was really scared and yet I was calm at the same time, I knew we had to get back to the clubhouse and get into my car 400 plus yards NE. The moon lit the way

  • SC EP:573 It Huffed At Me And Ran Off

    17/08/2019 Duration: 59min

    Jeff writes “Hello Wes, I absolutely love listening to your show. I wanted to share with you one of my two encounters with Bigfoot several years ago. I live in a town called Bluff City, Tn. The first incident was back in January 2008, and I was 15 years old at the time. I remember it like it was yesterday! It was a cold, crisp night and there was at least 3 inches of snow on the ground. Where I grew up at was on an old road that ran through the middle of a holler and it was rather secluded. We’ve always had many things there on that road happen and it was conmen that none of us would go out after dark. For one the road had only one street light on it so besides the light at my parents house and the single street lamp it was virtually pitch black on the road. We also had plenty of wildlife back in that holler. There were coyotes, bobcats, bears ( and I had came upon several bears walking threw the fields and woods there), deer, the occasional mountain lion. So plenty of animals and all of our neighbors had hun

  • SC EP:571 Running With The Night

    11/08/2019 Duration: 01h21min

    Tonight I will be talking to three guests. My first guest Adam is from Florida and will be sharing an encounter he had with his parents while driving. They saw a Skunk Ape on the side of the road. Many years later Adam and his brothers ran into something much worse. -- Jack writes "I am a retired U. S. Army (Rank Removed). I have had three combat deployments, including one as a commander in Iraq. Here is a synopsis of my encounter… It was the summer of 1988. I was a cadet (officer in training )through ROTC in college. I was at Ft Lewis, Washington for the summer. We were on maneuvers in the woods early in the morning. Our platoon was being trained by two Army Special Forces Non commissioned officers. We were on patrol in the middle of nowhere… probably 10 miles from the housing area of base. We had been choppers out as part of the training exercise. I still remember the name of the training event… “Adventure Challenge.” While out in the woods on patrol, we all heard something walking parallel to us. I was so

  • SC EP:569 Something At The Ranch

    04/08/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    A listener writes “I’m going to try and keep this as short as possible but I have had about a half dozen encounters with what I used to think, but now KNOW, was a Sasquatch or something thereof. My cousin and my brother have spent the past week talking about all of our encounters here in AZ up off the Mogollon Rim and out at our family ranch north of Wickenburg. My cousin Chris came upon your show less than a week ago by accident and we have each listened to about 35-40 of the episodes since. He and I have talked over the past few days and because of what we’ve heard on your show, we are CONVINCED that what we’ve encountered is similar to those on your show. The timing worked out where my brother, who is active in the military, is in town and staying with us so the three of us have been reliving these experiences trying to find answers. The first memory was at our family ranch out in the middle of the desert where the nearest house or living human is a 45 minute drive down a dirt road. I was about 14 or 15 an

  • SC EP:568 Run Like Hell

    04/08/2019 Duration: 57min

    A former military police officer of 20 years will be joining the show. He shares an encounter he had on base in Alabama.The witness said “I was out of my nightly run around the base and it was surrounded by woods. I had my head phones in when I got a strange feeling like I was in danger. I took my ear buds out and realized something huge was pacing me in the woods. It took me a second to figure out why my steps had an echo but it was this thing and it mirroring my moves. I ran like hell as fast as I could and this thing kept pace. As I cleared the woods I looked back and that is when I saw it…..”

  • SC EP:566 Strange Experience In Iraq

    27/07/2019 Duration: 01h52min

    Spoke to a military veteran last night who has agreed to come on the show. He shares an encounter he had in Oregon. He has also experienced some very strange things in Iraq during the war. A small portion of the show will be Sasquatch related but I believe he has earned the right to come on and share whatever he wants to share. He said “I am sure I ran into a Jinn over in Iraq. I have no other explanation for what I saw, this thing…guy walking straight up a wall.”

  • SC EP:564 Visitor On The Farm

    21/07/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    A listener writes “So this started in the summer of 1982 in Yamhill County Oregon my parents were divorced and me and my sister had gone out to visit my dad for the summer. Now we’d only been there a few days and one of our chores was to go up to the barn and feed the cows about 1/2 Mile to a quarter mile away. On the way back now mind you we had dogs that darted in and out of the trees and they were real low pine trees low to the ground and the dogs are really friendly mid-size dogs. Anyway on the way back in the clearing we were walking through the clearing and out from the pine trees that were so thick you couldn’t see through someone/something tossed a rock at us. Now it wasn’t a big rock it wasn’t throwing overhand it was like an underhand toss. My dad was at work my dad’s girlfriend had just come out of the house because we could hear the door slam. We were way back in the woods and nobody around really known we were there yet so for somebody to be screwing with us it was highly unlikely. Anyway after t

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