Never Ever Give Up Hope



Do you want to succeed? Need to be inspired? Want to be a victor instead of a victim? Are you looking for coping mechanisms? This show shares stories of everyday people who refused to give up hope in the middle of insurmountable circumstances; people who have transformed their lives and want to give you their secrets of success. Their message is one of hope, encouragement, laughter and inspiration.No subject is off limits, i.e. abuse, failure, health issues, depression, coping with stress.


  • Negative Emotions Help to Drive Cancer and Positive Emotions Promote Healing

    18/08/2021 Duration: 37min

    Ginny Brant’s cancer diagnosis sent her on a quest to discover what caused a health nut to contract a deadly and aggressive form of breast cancer. What she found may surprise and inspire you. Ginny Dent Brant is a speaker and writer who grew up in the halls of power of Washington D.C. She has served as a counselor, educator, wellness advocate, and adjunct professor.  She served as a trustee of the Baptist International Mission Board for eight years, and she and her husband participated in mission work in Yemen, Gaza, the Czech Republic, Russia, China, and Romania.   Brant’s award-winning book, “Finding True Freedom: From the White House to the World,” was endorsed by the late Chuck Colson.

  • Did You Ever Have the Sudden Realization that We Only Get One Shot at This Life?

    14/08/2021 Duration: 34min

    Dustin Rivenbark has dealt with addiction firsthand, seen the devastating effects of infidelity in a marriage, lost what he thought was his livelihood, lost a daughter to Potter syndrome, lost a mother to drug addiction, and dealt with ongoing health issues. All of this took the wind out of his sails, and he found himself broken, lost, and afraid. Rivenbark wanted to fight through the scars and the pain of life, but he needed a system that would give him a road map to freedom. His powerful story of overcoming fear, adversity, and tragedy is one with a life-changing impact. More than ever, our youth needs strong leaders to help them be the best version of themselves – no matter their circumstance, obstacles, or background. Dustin Rivenbark is taking his passion to motivate young people by using stories of inspiration in order to better prepare them for tomorrow.   Dustin Rivenbark spent 10 ½ years climbing the ladder in the oilfield industry, having the bottom fall out of the market and starting over, only

  • Your Life is an Autobiography - Is it Worth Reading?

    10/08/2021 Duration: 38min

    EVERYONE loves a story. Real-life stories, even more. Sam Thiara has mastered the art of storytelling and has also done two TEDx talks on the subject. In his interview, he will show us how to discover the extraordinary in the ordinary. Sam Thiara is a speaker, storyteller, writer, educator, mentor, coach, entrepreneur, problem solver, and community activator. He developed CARE to show us how we can help others - especially during this pandemic. There is a need for us to CARE  CARE stands for Collaboration, Adaptability, Resilience, and Empathy Collaboration – we are not in this by ourselves – look around how you can support others and they can support you Adaptability – we must be willing to change – we have all needed to change, how are you being adaptable to thrive and not only survive Resilience – we are in a marathon and we need to build our stamina to get through the pandemic Empathy – showing care and compassion to each other – we have no idea what people are going through so let’s be kind Sameteache

  • How to Survive the Loss of a Child to Cancer or a Tragic Accident

    08/08/2021 Duration: 36min

    Shelley Buck was born into a creative family in the Midwest and moved to California after college to follow her dream of working for Disney. It was there she met and fell in love with her husband, Chris, who worked in animation and would one day direct the Oscar-winning movie, FROZEN. After they married and had their first child, Ryder, she stayed home to be a full-time mom to him and the two brothers who followed. When her 23-year-old son, Ryder was diagnosed with cancer her journey went to unimaginable places. Rock musician and songwriter Ryder Buck was 23 years old, with an unstoppable dream to life people up through his music. But a life-threatening cancer diagnosis showed that life had other plans.    While the disease should have beaten him, Ryder rose above it all to live from a place of passion and purpose.   THEN....fate stepped in.   Though it wasn't cancer that took Ryder, it was the experience that helped him grow into the shining light he became. His story of love, hope, and truth will show you

  • How Can Past Emotional Abuse Make You a Better Person

    03/08/2021 Duration: 43min

    When J'Anemtra heard those words "If you leave me, I will hunt you down and I WILL kill you," she knew something had to change - to save her life and the lives of her children. Were you born to be a REBEL? J’Anemtra is a strong advocate for victims and survivors of domestic violence. At 40, she instantly understood that she had to start being who she was born to be; a leader, teacher, trainer, thought creator, a REBEL! As a survivor of domestic violence, I encourage audiences to develop their own blueprint and help them to define their own daily mantra that will begin the process of Living Past Crazy!  I am a strong advocate for victims and survivors of domestic violence and speak candidly about the issues of domestic violence and abuse with emphasis on empowering individuals to continue living- because there is life after abuse!  J'Anmetra lives by the quote “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” John Wooden  J’Anmetra is an Amazon’s International Bestselling Author of Fearless Woman

  • Is There Help for Someone With an Out-of-Control Gambling Addiction?

    31/07/2021 Duration: 36min

    NO ONE intentionally starts gambling with the hope of becoming addicted .....or with the understanding of how it could destroy their life. Bobbie Malatesta had a 30-year career in corporate America and is now managing two organizations. One is to raise awareness of gambling addiction and the other is a virtual assistant business.   In our interview with Bobbie she answers your questions about addiction and recovery - and how someone can get back control of their life .....or to help someone they know to get the help they need: 3-21 No Kiddin'  Positivity is No Gamble 3-21 was born out of Bobbie's dream for a safe place to go to assist with boredom and relapse prevention when it comes to gambling and alcohol addiction. Out of this mission the 3-21 Podcast was born; serving over 62 countries and 1200 cities worldwide.

  • Have You Even Known A Criminal Mastermind

    25/07/2021 Duration: 50min

    Have you ever known someone who was a criminal mastermind? Crime was Mike Savage's second life, one that his wife and family knew nothing about until federal agents raided their home.  Federal authorities described Mike Savage as a criminal mastermind capable of bending people to his will. He was that and more. His criminal empire was the subject of a five-year federal investigation that culminated in his indictment on 101 criminal charges that ultimately put him in prison for fifteen years, two months, and twenty-eight days.  Mike imagined he would lose everything in his life, including his beloved wife who had no idea Mike was a criminal. Mike Savage is an adjunct college professor, former radio and television personality, and co-host of A Savage Perspective podcast.  The feds called Mike Savage a criminal mastermind. The way Mike looked at it was "If I was a criminal mastermind, I wouldn't have been caught or in prison for 15 years." A Prisoner's Perspective: The Redemption of a Criminal Mastermind chronic

  • How Much Time Do You Spend Stressing Over Your Career?

    14/07/2021 Duration: 40min

    Terry McDougall has helped thousands of high-achieving professionals just like you break through the blocks, regain their energy and enjoy their careers again! Terry can help you enjoy more success and satisfaction in your current employment OR find your next opportunity in a new career. Being smart or hard-working isn't enough. In her interview, Terry shows us how to take control of our professional destiny and start enjoying it.    If you are not currently satisfied in your career, it could be because you are playing by the wrong rules. Terry can customize a coaching program structured for your success. Here are five steps she will guide you through:   Clarify your goals Create your roadmap      Upgrade your skills Enhance your environment Maintain your mindset              You can be happier and more successful when you learn to play the game of work. If you're not currently satisfied in your career, it could be because you're playing by the wrong rules. In Winning the Game of Work, Terry Boyle McD

  • In the Game of Life, Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins

    06/07/2021 Duration: 38min

    When media maven Deborah Burns wrote her award-winning memoir, Saturday's Child, life took a very unexpected turn. Suddenly, that creative journey revealed something original and exciting about the world of work. She was immersed into a new storytelling world full of literary wisdom, tools, and techniques revealed truths hidden from the 98% of us who are not authors. A rare and gorgeously written memoir, Saturday's Child tells the story of Deborah's unusual upbringing under the wings of her maverick mother to uncover the truth about her mother and their complex relationship. No longer under the spell of her maternal goddess but still caught in a wrenching circle of love and longing, Deborah must finally confront the reality of her mother's legacy and begin to claim her own identity. Saturday's Child is a fascinating depiction of a serious powerful bond that exists between all mothers and daughters.  This is a mesmerizing EYE-OPENING MUST READ for any daughter who has tried to figure out where her mother ends

  • How to Turn Hopelessness to Hope

    03/07/2021 Duration: 35min

    Lafiro Gomez is a hemiplegic who fulfilled his dream of becoming a full-time author no matter what happened. As a young man, Lafiro suffered a major stroke which nearly killed him and left him paralyzed. He survived that only to nearly die again due to a large ulcer. Yet, he survived but had to have his right leg amputated. You don't want to miss Lafiro Gomez's story of survival and never giving up - no matter what. Here is his story of hopelessness turned to hope and success:

  • How to See Your Dreams Fulfilled in Life and in Love

    12/06/2021 Duration: 44min

    Have you known someone who was a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde split personality? As a psychotherapist for over 21 years, it took Riana Milne's own experience with a sociopathic husband to have the marriage annulled and delve into research to help others in that same position.   Riana Milne is a certified Global Life and Love Trauma Recovery Coach, a number one best selling author, the host of her podcast Lessons in Life and Love, and a licensed mental health counselor for over 21 years.    Riana was also a Life and Dating Coach for the Docu-series, Radical Dating--Finding Lasting Love Over 40. She offers coaching programs for couples from ages 16 - 76.     FREE  FREE  FREE  FREE  FREE  FREE 1 - Free Love Tests for Singles and Couples 2 - Life/Love Transformation Discovery Session & Assessment ONLY $47                                       IF you mention this interview ($500 value) 2 - FREE eBook on this topic:  Why nine out of 10 people suffer in life and love How to have the love you deserve

  • How to Seize the Opportunity Covid Gave Each One of Us

    27/05/2021 Duration: 36min

    Do you feel you have greatness trapped inside? Rick Ornelas is an ultimate success coach who can help you unlock your amazing potential. Rick is the author of 12 Hours of Heaven; Lessons for a Better World. He is also the founder of I Spark Change, a community of those who seek to make the world a better act at a time.  Rick went from hopeless to writing a best-selling book in under three months while envisioning and creating an incredible future. This fulfilled the dream he had been ignoring for years: to build a community to spread positivity, hope, and love while creating a ripple effect throughout the world. The I Spark Change community has grown at a phenomenal rate of over 800% in only three months. Rick has been featured in, The Good Men Project, The Anti-Burnout club, The Authority, Thrive Global, and Beyond Brave. He continues to expand his influence on others' health and happiness as a contributing writer for Lifehack.     

  • Each Year Over 125,000 Americans Die from Overdose and Suicide Combined

    21/05/2021 Duration: 40min

    Each year, over 125,000 Americans die from overdose and suicide combined. And this is NOT even the other causes of death related to substance misuse. They are our friends, our neighbors, our family members. They go to our churches, eat next to us at our favorite restaurants. They talk to us through our favorite podcasts. And these deaths are completely preventable. Jay Shifman is a Mental Health and Substance Misuse & Recovery Speaker, Coach, and Advocate, and the host of the Choose Your Struggle podcast.  Jay has been in recovery for ten years and survived multiple suicide attempts and an overdose.  If YOU KNOW ANYONE who has a substance misuse problem or is concerned about someone who does.....PLEASE listen to this interview. It will excite you when you realize YOU can do something to help! Jay talks about the struggles and the outdated model of care our communities may or may not offer and shows us how we can help those close to us and our community at large. "There are massive systems changes that nee

  • Are You Uncomfortable When You See A Disabled Person?

    12/05/2021 Duration: 43min

    When Kristen Beale was a teenager, a Jetski accident left her paralyzed from the naval down. Her determination to disapprove the diagnosis was only the beginning of a new life for Kristen.  Kristin is the author of three books, a nine-time marathon finisher, and a nationally competing wheelchair fencer. She is the creator of a weekly comic on Instagram. Her book, Date Me, is in the process of becoming a TV series. You won't want to miss that! In her interview, Kristen will motivate you to never give up, soar to places you were told you could not go, and have fun while doing it.  

  • Do You Know Someone Whose Life was Affected by Substance Abuse?

    06/05/2021 Duration: 28min

    Most of us have known someone whose life has been affected by a form of substance abuse. In Brad’s interview he shares true life stories of people who have suffered through the dark trenches of addiction and emerge victorious. Brad Duncan has a Bachelor of Science degree in Radiography and works at the Baptist Health Hospital. He is the author of eight books. At a visitation for a 21-year-old family member who passed away from a drug overdose, Brad's life and mission changed forever. He felt inspired to share stories of hope and began interviewing people from a variety of ages, races, genders, and social statuses who had gone through addiction, overcame it and are now living abundant lives. During his interview, Brad shares several stories of people who have turned their lives around, including the most wanted man in California: 

  • How Humor Can Help You Control Your Life

    19/04/2021 Duration: 40min

    Amy Lyle is a humorist who grew up in Marietta, Ohio, which is in the heart of Appalachia and known for a population that is partial to moonshine and prone to acts of violence. She has penned two Amazon Humor & Entertainment best-sellers, The Book Of Failures and We’re All A Mess, It’s OK, and is the writer and co-host of the popular talk show, “In The Burbs.”   Amy felt helpless in many stages of her career in the entertainment business. One day she had a contract - the next day.....nothing. The cycle kept repeating itself. Multiply that along with the frustrations of rewriting things more often than she could count. She hated the feeling of being out of control. Don't miss her interview - she shares how she turned those failures into success and be guaranteed of a good laugh:

  • Foster Care, Adoption, Human Trafficking, and Everything in Between

    10/04/2021 Duration: 37min

    Dr. John DeGarmo is an international expert on foster care, an author, and TEDx speaker. He and his wife have had over 60 children com through their home as foster parents. He is a consultant to foster care agencies, child welfare organizations, and legal firms.  Dr. John has appeared on CNN HLN, Good Morning America, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, PBS, and more.  He and his wife have won numerous awards, including the Good Morning America Ultimate Hero Award. In his interview. Dr. John DeGarmo also shares about foster care, adoption, human trafficking and parenting. he made it through the worst pain a parent can survive - the death of his first child. Loving those who have known no love, who have been tossed aside, abused, and neglected is a gift with HUGE benefits.  

  • Would You Like to Know How to Leap Sooner Rather Than Later

    29/03/2021 Duration: 35min

    Google’s #1 Entrepreneur Coach, Bri Seeley, helps entrepreneurs create long-term, sustainable and scalable success on their terms! Bri distills her 14-years of real world experience into digestible, tangible tools to help entrepreneurs thrive and profit. Bri is a 2020 Stevie Award winner for both Coach and Woman of the Year, a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, and author of the best-selling Permission to Leap. You know that there is more available to you. Life is calling for you to be more in the world. And while you’ve taken a few baby steps to find out more, the thought of jumping without a parachute terrifies you. You can feel yourself torn between the comfort that you know and that invisible whisper inviting you into the expansive and vast unknown. The doubts and ‘what if’s' are paralyzing you on the fence of indecision. You look left to the comfort and right to the possibility. And left. And right. Which side do you choose? Permission to Leap will guide you through the process of leaping from the da

  • Wake Up Every Day to a New World Ready to Make a Difference

    24/03/2021 Duration: 32min

    In August of 2018 Stacey Magovern’s Mom was brutally murdered in her home. How can anyone possibly process that – let alone the wife of a police officer?  Stacey's story and her success as a best selling author, entrepreneur and motivational speaker will surprise and motivate you.  "It is strange, yet surprising, how some very small things shape the momentous events of your life." Stacey Magovern went from outside salesperson to running a multi-million-dollar company overnight. The wife of a police officer Stacey’s passion for helping families of law enforcement became her business. She launched her company Point Blank Safety Services in 2012 with no way of knowing today her company would be one of the most successful traffic safety and security companies in Texas. She then used that success to pay it forward by founding a nonprofit, Blue Family Fund that provides scholarships for First Responder dependents and financial aid to families of injured or fallen law enforcement officers. Stacey is not just the CEO

  • Do You Wish You Had a Magic Lamp with Your Personal Genie?

    20/03/2021 Duration: 30min

    Julia Brodska grew up in poverty and became a high school dropout - overweight and unhappy. At one point in her life she was drowning in debt, still overweight but was determined to make a change. Julia Brodska grew up in poverty and became a high school dropout - overweight and unhappy. At one point in her life she was drowning in debt, still overweight but was determined to make a change. Julia Brodska grew up in poverty and became a high school dropout - overweight and unhappy. At one point in her life she was drowning in debt, still overweight but was determined to make a change.

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