Never Ever Give Up Hope

Is There Help for Someone With an Out-of-Control Gambling Addiction?



NO ONE intentionally starts gambling with the hope of becoming addicted .....or with the understanding of how it could destroy their life. Bobbie Malatesta had a 30-year career in corporate America and is now managing two organizations. One is to raise awareness of gambling addiction and the other is a virtual assistant business.   In our interview with Bobbie she answers your questions about addiction and recovery - and how someone can get back control of their life .....or to help someone they know to get the help they need: 3-21 No Kiddin'  Positivity is No Gamble 3-21 was born out of Bobbie's dream for a safe place to go to assist with boredom and relapse prevention when it comes to gambling and alcohol addiction. Out of this mission the 3-21 Podcast was born; serving over 62 countries and 1200 cities worldwide.