Never Ever Give Up Hope

How Can Past Emotional Abuse Make You a Better Person



When J'Anemtra heard those words "If you leave me, I will hunt you down and I WILL kill you," she knew something had to change - to save her life and the lives of her children. Were you born to be a REBEL? J’Anemtra is a strong advocate for victims and survivors of domestic violence. At 40, she instantly understood that she had to start being who she was born to be; a leader, teacher, trainer, thought creator, a REBEL! As a survivor of domestic violence, I encourage audiences to develop their own blueprint and help them to define their own daily mantra that will begin the process of Living Past Crazy!  I am a strong advocate for victims and survivors of domestic violence and speak candidly about the issues of domestic violence and abuse with emphasis on empowering individuals to continue living- because there is life after abuse!  J'Anmetra lives by the quote “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” John Wooden  J’Anmetra is an Amazon’s International Bestselling Author of Fearless Woman