Never Ever Give Up Hope



Do you want to succeed? Need to be inspired? Want to be a victor instead of a victim? Are you looking for coping mechanisms? This show shares stories of everyday people who refused to give up hope in the middle of insurmountable circumstances; people who have transformed their lives and want to give you their secrets of success. Their message is one of hope, encouragement, laughter and inspiration.No subject is off limits, i.e. abuse, failure, health issues, depression, coping with stress.


  • About My New Show - A One-of-a-kind show

    26/06/2015 Duration: 07min

    Never Ever Give Up Hope – a one-of-a-kind show. I am so excited to bring you a show sharing stories of everyday people who refused to GIVE UP.   I am so excited to bring you a show sharing stories of everyday people who refused to GIVE UP.   First I will share a little bit about myself so you have an understanding why this show was birthed.   Most people succeed because they are determined to – I'm one of those people – how about you? Are you destined for success?   I am an author, radio talk show host, health coach, motivational speaker, blogger, businesswoman.   I overcame insurmountable circumstances that would cause most people to just give up and quit – but didn't! After publishing my memoir, Battered Hope – I became an active blogger and was introduced to hundreds of people who have incredible stories -- choosing to be a victor instead of a victim.   I am passionate about sharing their stories. There are a few other things I am passionate about. I rescue dogs and my blog shares a lot of humorous, heart

  • How To Break Free of Depression, Anxiety and Fear in 30 Days

    25/06/2015 Duration: 51min

    Ben Amos' story will leave you speechless and motivated.  When Ben was two years old, he was run over by a drunk driver. Among many injuries, he suffered a popped lung, broken bones, ruptured spleen and multiple surgeries. For years he had seizures as a result of the brain damage and became an object of kids who bullied him for sport.   Ben is now a successful business man who is involved in the arts; dance, music and theater.  He has also served in various ministerial capacities.   I have interviewed many people from all walks of life.  There are only a handful who made a lifelong impression on me.  Ben Amos is one of those people. You MUST hear his phenomenal story of hope, tenacity and forgiveness.

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