Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 397:47:09
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Empowering you to thrive after an autoimmune diagnosis with courageous success stories and expert tips and solutions.


  • Three Cosmic Tools to Break a Cycle of Suffering

    02/06/2017 Duration: 56min

    Sharon Sayler, your host for The Autoimmune Hour welcomes Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tanya Gee. Dr. Tanya shares why a good laugh and a good cry are good medicine and how the laws of nature apply to healing the human body. We explore the body, mind, emotion, and spirit connection as an integrated whole, rather that disconnected parts to be treated separately.Dr. Tanya shares with us:How the mind/body/emotional/spirit connection affects your health,Ways to be aware of how you are ‘being’ in this world, and how quickly the ‘Peace Pause’ brings your nervous system into a place of calm,A powerful ‘Release from Self Anguish’ exercise and letting go to only love,Easy ways to cultivate states of love and gratitude, the basis for healing.Plus, so much more in this information-packed chat….Dr. Tanya Gee inspires her patients to seek health and wellness through the holistic practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Dr. Tanya holds the highest rank of her profession in the Province of British Columbi

  • 'I Did It My Way' ~ Two Women Healed Themselves From Life-Threatening Disease

    26/05/2017 Duration: 56min

    Sharon Sayler, your host for The Autoimmune Hour, welcomes the songstress Sheena Grobb and author Annie Pool, who proudly proclaim my favorite title 'Thrivers", not just survivors. We will hear how they uniquely created their personal success stories as we explore self-care, self-love, and self-forgiveness. Sheena Grobb, a songbird from the age of two, songwriter at ten, the acclaimed singer/songwriter, and health coach Sheena Grobb shares how she learned to strengthen and support her complete self. After being told "You have MS" at age 16, she developed her own system to regain her health by alleviating her hidden stressors. Sheena shares how she discovered ways to move through the complex language of emotions and a simple technique to uncover and remove 'stuck emotions.'Next, Annie Pool, author of the book, “Passport to Life: How I Overcame Incurable Cancer Through the Power of Travel,” shares how she turned an insurmountable obstacle into an opportunity by changing her incurable cancer diagnosis into a pas

  • Is Ruminating the Past or Fretting the Future Keeping You From Healing?

    19/05/2017 Duration: 53min

    Many practitioners now understand that a complete healing process requires we examine our current habits, actions, and beliefs and ask our self; "In what ways, am I keeping my self from fully healing?"  In this captivating interview, Pamela Sylvan, the Mojo Maker, suggests that radical gratitude and present moment truths are two ways to 'let go' of things that keep your body from healing.She also shares with us from her long career helping others ‘spiral up’ their personal power (mojo), amplify their presence, and make an impact on the world as a change-maker:     •    How to connect to the safety of the present moment;    •    Steps to stop tripping into fear, ruminating the past or fretting the future;    •    Simple tips to integrate healing with Radical Gratitude and Present Moment Truths.Plus, easy actions to embrace “full-throttle-living” regardless of your current state. Learn more about Pamela Sylvan at Then join Sharon Sayler, your host for The Autoimmune Hour on Life Interrupte

  • Sometimes There Is No Silver Lining - What Then…?

    12/05/2017 Duration: 54min

     I know when I got my diagnosis, I had a profound sense of loss and a period of grief... and loss is a topic we don’t give enough voice to according to this week's guest expert, compassion and grief expert Laura Jack.In this transformational episode, Laura Jack, a trainer for the Grief Recovery Institute®, Mastery Level Transformational Life Coach, and author of the forthcoming book The Compassion Code: How to say the right thing when the wrong thing happens will share with us the practices of self-care and self-love, what to do when you are stuck in loss and how to develop a deeper understanding of loss (including the loss of your health) and its accompanying grief.She also will share with us:How to rediscover your light after a loss.Ways not to get stuck in a pity pit.What happens when you pretend you’re fine.How to be okay even while you are falling apart.And the power of ‘acknowledge and not fix’ plus so much more….Learn more about Laura at and discover the healing power of self-compassi

  • Maybe It’s Not All In Your Head! The Stress Illness Solution

    05/05/2017 Duration: 53min

    Argh! You know something’s wrong, but all your tests are “normal?” Are they telling you to “just calm down…?” Yet, you know it’s not all in your head…it really hurts!In this fascinating interview, Dr. David Clarke will offer his stress illness solution based on his lifetime of dedicated work and wisdom from his book “They Can’t Find Anything Wrong!” He will also share from his detailed interviews with over 7000 patients whose pain or other symptoms were not explained by traditional diagnostic tests. Join me, Sharon Sayler, your host for The Autoimmune Hour as we find out: How long-hidden effects from stress including adverse childhood experiences can harm your health nowHow physical unexplained symptoms can result from the brain sending “trapped emotions” into the body now and what to do about it.How current medical treatments have a few blind spots that can keep you subjected to unnecessary tests and unsuitable treatments And tips to start the healing process quickly through “self-exploratory” techniques. Vi

  • Why You Have Autoimmune and What To Do Instead

    28/04/2017 Duration: 57min

    In this provocative interview, Dr. Thomas O’Bryan, author of the bestseller “The Autoimmune Fix” and producer of the docu-series “Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You” brings his great sense of humor and ‘take-no-prisoners’ down-to-earth approach to why you have autoimmune and what to do instead. Just a few of the many take-aways you'll get are:Why what you are probably being told to do now won’t help you heal.How to remove resistance, redirect energy, and let yourself flow towards healing.Why your symptoms were not the first manifestation of your problem, they are one of the last. Why the way we think about healthcare is wrong, and what to do instead. Plus so, so, much more…. This interview is not to be missed! Dr. Tom always has me learning (and laughing)… so, join me to find out among other things why “You can’t make lemonade out of prunes…” and what to do instead.  Dr. Thomas O'Bryan ( is considered one of the world’s foremost guides to understanding chronic dise

  • Five Hormone Hacks to Help You Heal From Autoimmune

    21/04/2017 Duration: 58min

    All too often with autoimmune your hormones (and other vital systems) are severely disrupted. On this informative episode of The Autoimmune Hour, Dr. Sarah Ballantyne (a.k.a. The Paleo Mom) joins us to share far more than paleo tips!In this information packed interview you will discover how to:Train your hormones to “behave” and cycle properly.Improve your ability to fall asleep fast and stay asleep.Manage pain and increase your mental clarity and focusBuild your body and immune system’s resilienceDiscover what foods you are sensitive to and what to do when you do… plus so much more.About Our Guest:Sarah Ballantyne, Ph.D. (a.k.a. The Paleo Mom) is the blogger behind the award-winning blog, cohost of the top-rated and syndicated The Paleo View podcast, and New York Times Bestselling author of The Paleo Approach, The Paleo Approach Cookbook, and The Healing Kitchen.Dr. Sarah is passionate about scientific literacy and has the uncanny knack for distilling scientific concepts into straightforw

  • How to Remove Junk Thoughts — "The Junk Food of Your Mind"

    14/04/2017 Duration: 55min

    It’s been long-known that if you put junk in, you get junk out… that includes the mind too… junk thoughts in, junk results out. And, we have the power to change that...when we meditate, even for short periods of time, the evidence shows we can control the mind ‘junk’ to improve our health, mental acuity, emotional balance and spiritual connection — a 4-part win!In this experiential interview, Leonard Perlmuttter, one of the Western world’s leading pioneers of meditation and founder of the American Meditation Institute will share with us his life-learnings, and wisdom including insights from his new book The Heart and Science of Yoga: The American Meditation Institute’s Empowering Self-Care Program for a Happy, Healthy, Joyful Life. During our time together, you’ll discover:     •    How the Bridge of Yoga can always lead you to your highest and greatest good     •    How to release pain and resolve inner conflicts    •    The right mantra for you — and why a mantra makes such a profound difference     •    Th

  • Are You Stuck in Shock, Surprise or Hyper-vigilance These Days?

    07/04/2017 Duration: 54min

    Feeling like the ‘walking wounded?’ Not Good!  You are not alone, in my work on The Autoimmune Hour, I keep hearing, “I’ll be glad to put this year behind me!” In any type of chaos, trauma or turmoil our bodies ‘take-the-hit’ whether we are consciously aware of it or not.  Now is the time to be gentle with yourself – but how?Great question! — which is why I invited our community’s wise, uplifting and always awe-inspiring Sarah Peyton to share with us ways we can re-ground our self in what really matters. I’m always amazed at what Sarah shares and I know this chat will be no different— just a few of the interesting insights I’ve asked her to share with you are:In this interview Sarah Peyton and I discuss:What actions you need to take right now to make sure you create a solid foundation for healing and well-being.Understanding your two memory systems and why that’s important – I had no idea how knowing that changed the way I respond!Simple ways to change long- held negative body responses that are counter-produ

  • Your 'Personality Pattern' and Your Health - Is There a Connection?

    31/03/2017 Duration: 35min

    In this episode of The Autoimmune Hour on Life Interrupted Radio your host, Sharon Sayler looks at health and healing from a different ‘perspective.’ What if your personality held secrets about how you approach health and healing? In this intriguing interview with Eileen Head, founder of Life Equations Consulting Ltd., we explore how to understand yourself at a deeper level through the Enneagram and uncovering your personality perspectives. Eileen also shares “we too often justify our reactions and make the same excuses and mistakes over and over again and wonder why life is not turning out the way we had imagined it would.” We will also uncover:• People have patterns of behaviors that are predictable and recognizable. • How to understand the Enneagram and your path to be your best self.• Understand your stress patterns and what your tendency toward illness is based on your personality. Could it be your personality pattern has something to do with it? Can letting go of patterns that are keeping you stuck and

  • The Healing Power of Happiness

    24/03/2017 Duration: 50min

    Imagine one moment you are at the top of your game, and the next, you are waking up four days later and realizing your life will never be the same...and still finding happiness and humor at every turn.Our special guest, Valerie Sheppard, the author of the #1 best-seller Living Happy to Be ME! shares her “Now WHAT?” moment and her remarkable story of recovery from a catastrophic-hemorrhagic stroke. Valerie's insights on humor, the power of choice, resilience and her deep commitment to the healing power of happiness is truly inspiring. Valerie will share:    •    How to laugh your way through anything especially when you don’t ‘feel’ like it,    •    Easy ways to create happiness and peace of mind regardless of what life throws your way,    •    Three simple tricks to quickly change your mood and be happy now,    •    Discover how we build happiness on the wrong 'stuff' and what to do instead… and much more!Our Guest:Valerie Sheppard is a #1 best-selling author, catastrophic-stroke survivor, inspirational keyno

  • Is Finding Your ‘Funny Bone’ A Secret To Healing?

    17/03/2017 Duration: 49min

    There’s an old saying about “you could die laughing,” but this week’s guest says “Not so fast! Laughing (and humor) promotes your well-being!”  Humor, laughing and well-being expert, Dr. Isaac Prilleltensky, Dean of Education and Human Development at the University of Miami and author of eight books and over 120 articles and chapters shares with us insights from his latest book, “The Laughing Guide to Well-Being: Using Humor and Science to become Happier and Healthier.” Dr. Prilleltensky shares:The different types of humor and how you too can nurture your sense of humor regardless of your diagnosis. How laughter changes your physical and mental well-being. Why laughing helps you think more clearly and creatively.How humor allows you to talk about painful things and deal with difficult thingsHow to experiment with being “silly” and how it affects your well-being.And much more helpful healing insights….Learn more about Dr. Isaac Prilleltensky and his book “The Laughing Guide to Well-Being: Using Humor and Scien

  • Making Peace With Your Autoimmune Using Ayurveda Wisdom

    11/03/2017 Duration: 52min

    If I had a magic wand, one of the things I’d use it for would be to ‘optimize health for everyone to live with vitality and joy' and that’s what this week’s guest on The Autoimmune Hour says can happen….In this intriguing interview, we demystify the ancient health balancing system of Ayurveda with expert Acharya Shunya.  Acharya Shunya (Acharya is a title bestowed on a master of this art and science, Shunya is her name), is a gifted healer who brings ancient wisdoms into this world so we can all understand and benefit. Her lineage of Ayurveda sacred teachers and masters goes back centuries and she knows it is her sacred duty to put this knowledge into the hands of everyone today — especially people who have sought answers in modern medicine but are continuing to look for more answers. Acharya Shunya will share with us her deep wisdom including: • The three subtle states that regulate and sustain your bodily functions and what you can do to adjust any or all,Why you want to wake early before sunrise, Why drink

  • What is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and can it help with your autoimmune?

    04/03/2017 Duration: 46min

    The Autoimmune Hour host, Sharon Sayler welcomes Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tanya Gee. Dr. Tanya will share with us the history to TCM and why its roots are based on a deep understanding of the laws and patterns of nature and how that applies to the human body. She will explore with us how TCM is holistic in viewing the body, mind, spirit and emotions as an integrated whole, rather that disconnected parts to be treated separately.Dr. Tanya Gee shares with us:What is Traditional Chinese Medicine, How TCM can work with western medicine practices,How the mind/body/emotional/spirit connection affects your health, Ways to be aware of how you are ‘being’ in this world, The TCM view of emotions and their relationship to your internal organ system,And so much more in this laugh and joy-filled chat….Dr. Tanya Gee inspires her patients to seek health and wellness through the holistic practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). As a graduate of the International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine i

  • Can Answering 3 Questions Change Your Health?

    25/02/2017 Duration: 57min

    Does how you talk about your health affect your health outcomes?Our guest, Bev Martin, an expert in NLP, Clean Language, Family Constellation Work, Hypnotherapist and Professional Coach shares with us how our language choices make a big difference in how we and others respond to our health experience.  Bev shares her wisdom on:Our body's healing intuition, How you talk about your health to change your outcome, How to ask for help and support, The power of personal metaphor,The insights you can gain from Family Constellation WorkHow Clean Language will help release old beliefs that could be keeping you stuck,Plus so much more…. Plus so much more…. Join your host, Sharon Sayler this Friday night February 24th at 7PM ET, for Bev Martin as she shares how to talk about your health for better outcomes. Her work is always insightful and not to be missed…

  • From Nearly Dead to IBS-D Thriver! One person's first-hand account

    18/02/2017 Duration: 57min

    About 20-odd years ago, our guest’s IBS-D was so painful and debilitating that she was in ‘pretty serious trouble’ and her doctor’s advice was, in her words, “…I just knew he had to be wrong!” Luckily, a dietician saved her and she has, for some time now, been able to control her symptoms WITHOUT drugs and WITH food!  She shares with us her first-hand account of living with a chronic illness and her insights and learning on how she can keep “my gut stable pretty much 95% of the time!”Join your host Sharon Sayler for The Autoimmune Hour on Life Interrupted Radio for this first-hand account with IBS-D ‘thriver’ Sarah McAleer. Sarah is a busy lady, a ‘mum’ of two energetic and highly entertaining little girls; wife of a psych music reviewing ex-architect-blogger; and the founder and director of two demanding creative businesses!Learn more about Sarah at AND listen to our intriguing chat this Friday night February 17th, 2017 at 7PM EDT at

  • Encore: Ways to Befriend Your Fear & the Power of Knowing Purpose in Healing

    11/02/2017 Duration: 49min

    n this provocative episode of The Autoimmune Hour on Life Interruption Radio we welcome Dean Griffiths. Dean is known as 'The Soul Whisper' and in this episode; we celebrate the uniqueness of you and your healing path and explore how (and if) pain and fear can be messengers of change.Dean shares ways to “Know the wonder inside you. Release yourself to your inner world. (and) Celebrate your truth and make this the gift to the world.”Dean’s unique skills and talent as an intuitive coach whose passion in life is empowering women to live a life of purpose. He works with one simple rule. Your problem is not your problem, your attitude about your problem is your problem. Wow! He also shares with us how to:Talk to a symptom so you can understand what you really needHow to transform your relationship with pain and make it an ally in healingand so much more on transformation, responsibility and knowing your purposeVisit to learn more about Dean Griffiths.

  • Encore: Is it menopause or autoimmune?

    04/02/2017 Duration: 46min

    Maybe you’ve heard that dreaded “Well, women your age… fill in the symptom…” or “Don’t worry about it - it’s just menopause….”  And yet, in your gut, something is still telling you it isn’t quite right! Then listen in to Pat Duckworth, this week’s guest on The Autoimmune Hour. Pat is the Award-winning Author of Hot Women, Cool Solutions; How to control menopause symptoms using mind/body techniques. She is a Cognitive Hypnotherapist and she specializes in helping women who are experiencing menopause symptoms.  She joins Sharon Sayler on The Autoimmune Hour to discuss how do we know “what-is-what,” and Pat shares with us great, easy to use techniques to relieve common symptoms such as sleeplessness, anxiety and mood swings. Plus so much more......  #LifeInterrupted  #Autoimmune  ———More About Our GuestPat Duckworth is a naturally gifted, international speaker and is a sought-after for women’s groups. She has designed and delivered training and workshops on a wide range of well-being subjects. Most recently she

  • Is Your Body Talking To You?

    28/01/2017 Duration: 47min

    In this episode of The Autoimmune Hour on Life Interrupted Radio your host, Sharon Sayler looks at how our body can tell us what it needs - if we just listen…. What happens when we allow our body's energy systems to be re-set with healing methods such as Body Talk?We welcome Lyn Delmastro-Thomson, owner of Heart Fire Healing. Lyn has a masters in somatic psychology (mind-body approach) and a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner.  In this interview, Lyn shares that your body is designed to heal itself, and together we explore the ‘bigger picture' of health including: How stored trauma and trapped emotions affect usHow to breathe your way to feeling betterHow to talk to your body so it will answer youHow to reframe unpleasant memory or emotionPlus so much more. ———About Our GuestLyn Delmastro-Thomson, the owner of Heart Fire Healing, is passionate about helping her clients move beyond the challenges that stress, anxiety, and illness create for them. Not feeling your best physically, mentally, and emotionally can mak

  • How to Live Well in the Midst of Chronic Pain and Illness

    21/01/2017 Duration: 54min

    Sharon Sayler welcomes author Toni Bernhard to Life Interrupted Radio’s special Autoimmune Series for a fascinating interview from someone who is living well with a chronic illness while helping others to live well too regardless of their diagnosis.Looking back over her 14-years since her diagnosis, Toni will reveal what she has discovered about living life to its fullest and how you can uncover your whole new life.  Just some of what Sharon and Toni will share is:How thinking small leads to a bigger, fuller lifeHow to move out of your stories into possibilities and opportunitiesHow to practice mindfulness without the meditationHow to welcome the “blues” and painful emotions and what to do next….About ToniToni Bernhard is the author of three critically-acclaimed books, How to Be Sick, How to Wake Up, and the just-released How to Live Well with Chronic Pain and Illness.  She also writes for Psychology Today online where her popular blog is titled, “Turning Straw Into Gold.” You can learn more about Toni and he

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