Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

How to Remove Junk Thoughts — "The Junk Food of Your Mind"



It’s been long-known that if you put junk in, you get junk out… that includes the mind too… junk thoughts in, junk results out. And, we have the power to change that...when we meditate, even for short periods of time, the evidence shows we can control the mind ‘junk’ to improve our health, mental acuity, emotional balance and spiritual connection — a 4-part win!In this experiential interview, Leonard Perlmuttter, one of the Western world’s leading pioneers of meditation and founder of the American Meditation Institute will share with us his life-learnings, and wisdom including insights from his new book The Heart and Science of Yoga: The American Meditation Institute’s Empowering Self-Care Program for a Happy, Healthy, Joyful Life. During our time together, you’ll discover:     •    How the Bridge of Yoga can always lead you to your highest and greatest good     •    How to release pain and resolve inner conflicts    •    The right mantra for you — and why a mantra makes such a profound difference     •    Th