More Mojo For Mums



Open and honest insight to how we can have less stress and more mojo as mums.


  • Have you gone back to the 50s?

    08/04/2020 Duration: 11min

    Speaking to friends and clients alike over the past couple of weeks it seems that many of you are not only isolating due to COVID-19 but you have actually travel back in time, to the 50s! Your partners are either heading out to work or heading upstairs to the spare bedroom and you are playing the role of housewife with full childcare, housework and meal prep. Oh yes throw homeschooling up for 4 different aged children and attempting to do your own job on top of that lot. In this episode I talk about a couple of ways to help create some balance at home and invite you to come and join the conversation in the More Mojo for Mums chat group. Join group here: --- Send in a voice message:

  • 5 Days, 5 Ways to Calm

    30/03/2020 Duration: 06min

    How’s everyone feeling about week two of lockdown? I am putting together this free mini course to share the techniques that I am finding indispensable at the moment. Join to learn simple ways to calm your mind and body. We start today. These powerful techniques, that range from 20 seconds to 20 minutes, will not only allow you to feel so much better in the moment but will bring your body out of stress response therefore building your resilience. Join group now: --- Send in a voice message:

  • We are being asked to step up

    18/03/2020 Duration: 24min

    I talk about the fear I have been feeling around coronavirus and ways to reframe that fear and come to see it as an invitation to step up, to rise.  Our grandmothers and great grandmothers were asked to step up and hold space for their families their husbands and sons went off to war. We are being asked to step up by sitting our arses on the couch and not stockpile loo rolls! Oooo the guilt that comes alongside the realisations when you start having these thoughts.  I talked about how one of my biggest fears is actually having the kids at home for months on end and how I will cope with that.  I share suggestions of ways to support yourself and reach out. My colleague Amy has set up this pop-up four week online community/course during this topsy-turvy period. If you are feeling overwhelmed and are looking for a way to both calm yourself and come together at this time then check it out. She has four amazing speakers coming in including Kate Northrup. --- Se

  • Why what you focus on grows

    09/03/2020 Duration: 16min

    I actually recorded this a few weeks back but have been deep into writing and editing my book for Embrace Fertility so I apologise for the gap in episodes. It has been an epic couple of months and I talk about the benefits of focusing on what we want and why this is beneficial. --- Send in a voice message:

  • You are the reason I left my kids for 3.5 days

    21/01/2020 Duration: 21min

    Yes you. You dipping into podcasts looking for…......... What are you looking for? The answer? A distraction? Connection? When it comes down to it we are all just looking for, no scrap that, desperately longing for connection. Connection with ourselves, our partners, our purpose. When we don’t have connection we are lost, stunted, diminished. When we have it we are in powered inspired uplifted. I made a conscious decision to leave my much longed for children for you. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Thoughts are not facts yet our thinking create our reality.

    13/01/2020 Duration: 16min

    Thoughts are not facts yet our thinking create our reality. In this episode I talk about how our reactions in the moment come from our past experiences and our predictions of the future. I give two examples of when my four-year-old was having a meltdown and my different responses. Email me at to say hi and let me know if you are finding this podcast helpful. I am open to suggestions on topics and guests. to join and get your reset button. --- Send in a voice message:

  • New year - new you?

    02/01/2020 Duration: 23min

    New Year new you? It’s really tempting to set ourselves loads of resolutions at this time of year. To want to change loads of things, in this podcast I talk about a different way of approaching the start of this new chapter in our lives. --- Send in a voice message:

  • 5 essential tips to stay sane and well (ish) on the run up to Christmas.

    11/12/2019 Duration: 16min

    Something slightly different for you this week Heather has done a podcast for us on staying sane Christmas. Heather came on the pod cast a few weeks back and offers some fantastic advice for the coming weeks. for your free Reset Button MP3.  --- Send in a voice message:

  • Feeling free/very drunk

    26/11/2019 Duration: 05min

    Ok so a very drunk recording made on my way from the hen do I was on on Saturday night to a club in Shoreditch. The hen do packed up at 11 and I decided there was absolutely no way I was going to bed while I had the whole of London at my fingertips. --- Send in a voice message:

  • How do you access your happy place?

    06/11/2019 Duration: 12min

    That feeling when you are calm, content, connected. How do you get there? How often do you consciously decide that is where you want to go. Woodland witterings and wonderings in wellingtons following the Hay House writers workshop I’ve just been to with the wonderful Julia Cameron of The Artist’s Way and morning pages game. --- Send in a voice message:

  • When was the last time you were truly alone?

    31/10/2019 Duration: 15min

    Following a conversation last night with a coaching client I’ve recorded a podcast talking about how important time alone can be to our well-being. I also talk about the balance between mum guilt and mum resentment and Fertility Awareness week. --- Send in a voice message:

  • How to make your fitness and wellbeing a priority (and why you should)

    22/10/2019 Duration: 39min

    Introducing Heather of ‘Health and Fitness for Mums’ this month’s guest on the More Mojo podcast. As mums we can easily find ourselves putting everyone else's needs before our own but Heather is here to help us change that. I asked Heather what the number one thing is that she would like to share it with other mums. Her answer “Essentially how to look after themselves better - doing more exercise, eating healthier all that stuff - it doesn't start with squats and kale, it starts with making space. It starts with letting go of all the superfluous things in their lives that aren't serving them. Learning to say no to societal pressure to have it all, and yes to their own intuition that knows that the true path to happiness is through a stronger relationship with themselves, their family and their community!” Yes ladies this is a good one. In this podcast we talk about mum guilt and what to do about it, why looking after your own health goes waaaay beyond being a better mum, how to get on board with the do

  • I am so proud of us

    08/10/2019 Duration: 21min

    I ran the first More Mojo For Mums one day retreat on Saturday and I am so proud of myself and the ladies who joined me. In this episode I share what we did on the day and why being intentional with your life while simultaneously embodying the simple statement ‘I am enough’ are key to stepping into a life that you love now. The next one day retreat will be on Saturday 18th of January and I’m offering an early bird discount on tickets for a More Mojo for Mums members until Sunday the 20th of October so join the mailing list for your discount code now at and check out for photos from Saturday and details of the one you should join us at! --- Send in a voice message:

  • How to supercharge your sleep in just 15 minutes

    22/09/2019 Duration: 21min

    As mums our biggest struggle is often sheer exhaustion. We all know that lack of sleep is hugely detrimental, not just to our health but to our quality of life. Not getting enough sleep can impact our metabolism and hormones which then has a knock-on effect to our moods, weight gain, memory and can lead to serious health issues. We know this yet, especially if you have young children, sleep can feel like a luxury rather than a necessity. Even once they do finally settle we may find ourselves staying up late as we are craving some much-needed alone time or find it different to settle ourselves as we prepare for the nightshift and regular wakings. So what if I told you that in just 15 minutes you can achieve the equivalent of a full hours deep sleep? Interested? I know I was when I first heard about this technique. View blog version of this podcast for references. I am so passionate about this technique that I am including an entire chapter on it in the More Mojo f

  • You deserve to go on retreat

    11/09/2019 Duration: 10min

    Does anyone else feel the need of a holiday to get over the holidays! Me wandering around in a dark forest getting very excited about the upcoming More Mojo for Mums one day retreat and talking about the nine different life areas and how neglecting just one area of your life can have a negative impact on all the other areas. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Worst mum ever!

    05/09/2019 Duration: 17min

    This week I talk about how nothing external to ourselves can influence how we feel. Not our circumstances, not what others say or do to us. The only thing that can influence our feelings is our thoughts about what is happening. This is why you can imagine you will feel a certain way and then when the time comes feel completely different in that moment. This is why two people can experience exactly the same scenario and feel completely different about it. I also talk about the whole host of thoughts and emotions I went through when I realised that I had not ordered Jasper’s school uniform in time for the start of term! Worst mum ever! --- Send in a voice message:

  • What shitty beliefs are fucking up your life?

    19/08/2019 Duration: 13min

    Short podcast following the 15 minute video I did in the More Mojo For Mums chat group on Facebook at the weekend. In the video I talk about the beliefs I had around being with my kids and hubby full on for an 11 day trip away. In this podcast I explain what a negative belief is and how it can impact the decisions we make and therefore the way we interact with our children and our partners. I talk about some of the other shitty beliefs I had around being a mum and how I’ve turned them around into more beneficial ones. Come and join the More Mojo for Mums chat group via to also receive your three-minute reset button MP3 and video pack or directly at --- Send in a voice message:

  • Breastfeeding support is not just for new mums

    09/08/2019 Duration: 43min

    Due to the fact that this is breastfeeding awareness week I’ve invited the lovely Erin Zohrehie to join me on the podcast. We discuss why breastfeeding support is so important, what support is available and how it is not just for new mums. Erin is an Infant Feeding Specialist and Postnatal Doula working in the greater Berkshire area. She helps new mothers ease into their new role by providing the support they need to initiate and establish breastfeeding. She is passionate about the postnatal period as it is a special and fleeting time. We asked you, the More Mojo For Mums members, to send in your questions and to share anything you would like to pass on to other breastfeeding mums (new, second time round or extended feeding). Please share this podcast with your friends who are breastfeeding or planning to. Support can be found at- La Leche League The Breastfeeding Network Association of Breastfeeding Mothers NC

  • Why setting intentions is so helpful

    28/07/2019 Duration: 09min

    We had a family weekend away in London and before leaving I set myself the following intentions and shared on Instagram and Facebook for accountability. This podcast is a brief look at how setting these intentions shaped my weekend. My intention for this weekend is to connect deeply with each member of my family on our trip to London. I intend to listen intently to my body and take the time to stop and top myself up whenever I am feeling anything less than happy. I give myself permission to take time away from my family as then the time spent together will be a lot more enjoyable. I intend to walk on Hampstead heath early on Sunday morning and if I’m feeling adventurous swim in the ladies pond. I intend to really listen to Luke and chat rather than spending ages on my phone. I intend to get down on Evie’s level and make eye contact with her and talk to her when she is overcome by big emotions. I intend to see things from Jasper’s point of view and encourage him rather than push him into new experie

  • Me at 80!

    20/07/2019 Duration: 07min

    I just shared a photograph on Instagram of what I might look like when I’m 80. I deliberately chose that photo as I imagine that I will still be wearing pink fluffy ear muffs and vibrant scarfs even in my later years. Instead of freaking myself out with the fact that time is ticking by I actually love this photograph. I look really like my Gran who I think is one of the most beautiful women in the world. It’s got me thinking about how my children and grandchildren will feel about me. The actions and choices we make every day layer up to become the essence of who we are. What we look like has absolutely no bearing on how the people we love see us. Are you living each day as you want to be remembered? I’ve also added mad me at 90 and me at 60 go check them out and share you own in the More Mojo for Mums chat group on Facebook. --- Send in a voice message:

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