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We are being asked to step up



I talk about the fear I have been feeling around coronavirus and ways to reframe that fear and come to see it as an invitation to step up, to rise.  Our grandmothers and great grandmothers were asked to step up and hold space for their families their husbands and sons went off to war. We are being asked to step up by sitting our arses on the couch and not stockpile loo rolls! Oooo the guilt that comes alongside the realisations when you start having these thoughts.  I talked about how one of my biggest fears is actually having the kids at home for months on end and how I will cope with that.  I share suggestions of ways to support yourself and reach out. My colleague Amy has set up this pop-up four week online community/course during this topsy-turvy period. If you are feeling overwhelmed and are looking for a way to both calm yourself and come together at this time then check it out. She has four amazing speakers coming in including Kate Northrup. --- Se